The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Last night I arrived at my meeting and as I sat down I asked HP to allow me to learn and to help me share something that might help others.
Before the program started the shoe incident came to my mind. Easter weekend on Easter Sunday I got my sdaughter bathed and curled her hair and then it was time to get dressed. She's 3 and LOVES "shiny" shoes. Her Easter shoes were not shiny, they did match her Easter dress. I pulled the shoes out and the melt down started and went on and on and on. I calmly explained that she doesn't have to like them but that she did have to wear them to church. Eventually (after some pretty impressive dramatic sobbing) she realized that she had to wear them and she dried her eyes and "helped" me take the dog outside.
HP gently reminded me of this in regards to letting go... I don't have to like situations. I can sob and wail and certainly feel my emotions. Then I have to get over it. Move on. Realize that HP is in control of the situation not me. There are going to be many times and situations in my life that I may not like. However the faster I can let go of it, the sooner I can move on to something that I enjoy.
The meeting started and we got to the program. The program last night was on... Letting Go...
Aww .. shiny shoes .. hugs, thanks for sharing funny how life lessons come in all packages and sizes :)
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo