The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I am gaining lots of awreness lately although I do not like what I am seeing I know my Hp would not bring it to me unless he thought I was ready to handle it.
I am realising how much I have given my power away. My head is a little clearer and I have really been focusing on my recovery. My ex ABF has been back out drinking for 2 months and I have detached.
I am responsible for myself today. I just wish I would have realsied this earlier I have spent so much time focusing on fixing others, trying to sort their problems when I had no power at all. Yet my will was so strong and I wanted what I wanted so much I totally neglected my self in persuit of this.
Ii too found that I had abandoned myself in an effort to care for others. When I examined my motives I discovered that I did so , expecting them in turn care for me. Certainly not unconditional love!!
I found that once I cared for myself, I could then share my peace, courage and wisdom with others without expectations. This is becasue i was first taking care of me
Don't you just love awareness?? LOL .. I had an in depth discussion with my sponsor about how much awareness sucks!!! It's good when that initial shock or shocking AHA moment comes and goes!
With the chaos gone comes clarity. Coming into power is such a great experience, knowing when you are giving it away a major blessing. At least for me I find I have stopped giving it away so readily.
Keep coming back Tracy you are doing great!!!
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo