The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Aloha all...the Easter Feaster is my home groups (AA) annual tradition breakfast potluck after the meeting. I draws a crowd and part of the crowd is made up of members who haven't seen each other for a least a year. The fallout came this morning as I was talking with one of my friends who attended the feaster and was ambushed by another one of my friends who decided that since she had not seen him for a while that he had relapsed and there for was not being truthful during the sobriety countdown. We form a circle starting from oldest timer to most recent member and when he got his place in the circle she challenged him violating the principles of the program. He got hooked right in the P&E room and I don't mean physical exercise gym. She nailed his Pride and Ego and he went into orbit and then for the next 2 hours worked this program for all it was worth. "This" program means our spiritual serenity recovery. He told me that if it had been much earlier in his recovery he might have drank from it and that is mute cause it wasn't an issue here.
He was telling me what his sponsor suggested he do and how he looked at the picture and fed it back to my friend. Pure Al-Anon!! and my friend ate it up. His sponsor is AA and was using philosophy mostly heard in the rooms of Al-Anon...big deal cause if it works.
We ended up laughing hard over the situation now that he was free of it and could see it for what it was...a test in the right place, by the right person, for growth reasons. We didn't have to talk drinking and using events we spoke of how the picture looked from different angles and perspectives including how he appears to his Higher Power. He spoke of forgiveness of her and then arrived at forgiveness of self. He spoke of balance seeing the event for exactly what it was...just a minor speed bump on the highway of his recovery.
I went to the morning meeting to check out one other of my friends who has just recently gone thru a rose bush jungle himself. (both of these guys are single fathers...tough but good at it). HP is in control all the way around...everyone was fine and happy and standing straight up with a pleasant smile on their faces. So ...passed a buncha hugs around and re-entered my life. It works when you work it. ((((hugs))))
Great Share. As I was reading I could feel my " P & E going thru the roof just reading that a member had confronted your friend in that manner.
I then thought about what you shared and realized that:
"Yes, I may still go from 0 -60 in 5 seconds flat - in my head---however the hateful reactive words and venom do not come spouting out of my mouth any more. That is definately alanon tools in action.
I love how you and your friend talked things over, reasoned things out and had a very intelligent discussion on what might have been a situation that got out of hand
Wow this this program avoids over reacting drama making at its finest again! I love it! I used to freak out and keep crisis going like no other, everything was a big deal and obsessed about the funniest things. I love your share!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo