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My divorce will be final in a number of weeks. I have lived on my own since July. And most recently I've filed felony theft charges on my husband. I didn't want any of this. It still isn't what I want. But I felt they were the only choices I had left.
Now I don't know what to do. He still has this idea that we can magically work everything out. I like the sound of it. But I've been waiting for that for 9 years and logic is starting to over-rule my heart.
Last night he said maybe we should just quit talking to each other and I thought my heart was being stabbed I cried myself so hard to sleep that my eyes were swollen this morning. So I'm not happy with the idea of him being gone forever.
On the same hand I don't think it's fair of us to be "together" when we are getting a divorced, he isn't allowed at my apartment, and I'm sending him to jail. I just can't be happy with the idea that I wait around for him to find himself. And after this many failed attempts the bigger problem would be for me to learn how to open up to him again with trust.
I'm trying to remind myself to slow down and breathe, that nothing has to be decided today....but how does one decide when it's time to let go?
Are there any other separated spouses out there that have found how to cope with the situation of loving someone who you're tired of waiting for...yet letting go seems impossible?
Thanks in advance for sharing any feedback with me.
Yesterday I tried to go to a face to face meeting, but the church was locked up and no one was around.
So, I drove up the road about 40 miles to the next meeting. But there wasn't one.
I thought- what in the heck is going on here?? How can they publish a meeting but no one is there? People need their meetings!!!
So I checked online at my regional Al Anon website to see if there were some changes to the meetings schedule.
Quickly it became apparent to me that I had been looking at the wrong day. :) I thought it was Tuesday, but no, it was Wednesday.
My point here is that I took all this as a reminder from HP about the importance of accepting reality. No matter how deeply I wanted to believe it was Tuesday, nothing would change the fact that is was not.
I'm with you- having a hard time letting go during my recent separation. I still love him. I am still concerned for his life. I still care about his family. But, the fact is, he has an addiction and his behaviors are not acceptable to me. I set a boundary- I cannot be in a relationship with an active addict...and unfortunately that boundary is not acceptable to him. It leaves me with this aching sadness that it impossible to explain to anyone who hasn't felt it.
Reality. Does it suck? Yes. Do I still bargain with myself, what if this, what if that? Yes. I also know the longer I hold onto the hope that he will "come around" and get into treatment and fall madly in love with me again and treat me right...the longer I hold onto hope that his family will call to check in on me and tell me I'm still their daughter...the longer I keep him in my head space, the longer I delay my own healing.
I wish I had some solid advice for you...but I don't. I just wanted you to know that accepting reality can really hurt, but I know that we must. I am powerless over his addiction, and so is my marriage. The only peace I can offer is to remember that his HP is sending him on his own journey...who are we to say that you letting go isn't exactly what he needs to experience for his greater good?
Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible be found in us. -from Pema Chödron's When Things Fall Apart
This was posted on this board last year (sorry that I didn't save the name of the author):
"Healthy relationships are thought to be described by the space between enmeshment and detachment.
On one end of the spectrum you can completely detach from someone, live your life and not give a hoot about them or their lives but I think most on here are familiar with the term "detachment with love".
To me detachment with love means I have feelings for the person, maybe even strong feelings but I don't let my feelings override the relationship or become a means to control someone's actions.
It allows them to live their life even if the choices they make cause problems for them, it is their problem to fix, not mine.
The actions of people closest do often affect us but it is what we chose to do with the way it affects us that matters."
There's no black and white "textbook" answer to when and how to move on. We're all so unique and our situations are equally unique (yet thankfully similar enough that we can come together and share our ESH with one-another.)
I know with my exAH it was rough. I know I did all I could to find a way to be happy with him as he was, but in the end I deemed that I couldn't take it any more. I tried what I could - Al-Anon, couple's therapy, individual therapy... I changed but he stayed the same. I changed and got healthier and realized more and more that I was responsible for my happiness and I could be the only person in my life to ensure my safety and well-being. AH was only looking out for himself and that was what I had to do for me, too.
When I requested the divorce I was of course, heartbroken. But I felt at peace at the same time because I knew my HP was there with me and would take care of me.
Yes, I did go through moments of panic that I'd "lose" him for good after the divorce. I think these feelings are natural. You spend a large chunk of your life with someone, even if the experience was miserable, of course there are going to be some attachments that run deep. My divorce with my exAH was amicable, so there was thankfully no vengeful nastiness to contend with. I remember my first evening after having moved out of the house I shared with my exAH that I just cried my eyes out. But it was a sort of bitter-sweet cry. I just kept picturing my HP holding me in his/her arms and comforting me.
For several months after our separation and the finalization of our divorce papers, I still went through a lot of ups and downs. I found keeping a daily gratitude list really helped me keep focused on positive things and not backslide into mourning what was lost. But yes, I still would wonder what he was up to, I even snooped his Facebook page occasionally and checked to see if he was still up to his sick behaviors that had played a part in our eventual divorce. But I found time itself tended to help me to heal. He and I didn't talk with each other a whole lot, either, and I did find that very helpful for my healing. My sick behaviors started to subside... I snooped and checked-up less and less until eventually I started to go long spans of time without really considering him and giving him much thought. It's not that I don't still care for the man. But I do know that I can still care about him but not have to be in continual contact with him in order for me to care about him.
This process, like everything else, just has to come one day at a time. One step forward and keep on walking. Continued participating in Al-Anon meetings, service work and staying in touch with my sponsor helped along with utilizing my Al-Anon tools and putting myself as a priority - finding what I enjoyed in life and making it a point to do those things that brought me joy.
(hugs) I promise, this too shall pass. Just allow it the time it needs.
I have been divorced since July and I was seperated for a year and a half before I filed, we were together 14 years. It is a process and takes time for your awareness to catch up to your reality. I held on very tightly to the old and miserably routine that was comfortable to me, chaos, crisis and misery. Now I wouldn't cling back onto it for anything. Give yourself time and be gentle with yourself, we all get there when we get there. This is your recovery and can take it at your pace. I used to ask my sponsor why didn't I learn all this before and she calmy replied because it wasn't time yet. Sending you love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
I found it very very hard to let go. I was in touch with my ex A for a long time after I left him. Initially I reinvested in rescuing him and it was devastating. I kept posting about it and getting feed back. I also reached out to other people. His Uncle specifically was very helpful to me. He used a metaphor of digging a hole. He said the ex A kept digging a hole and at some point you can't get out. I look at that as a key issue.
The ex A didnt stop his behavior. He still used drugs, he still drank. He still hung around with people who he had real issues with. He still blamed everyone.
What's more he felt absolutely entitled to all my time energy and money. I could no longer give that.
For some reason I could only use the metaphor of our pets to save myself. While I couldn't save myself I was loathe to see them suffer any more. So i stopped all contact at a certain point.
No one can tell you when it will feel right for you. But eventually the al anon tools do kick in.
((((Respect)))) you can be together and move on in maturity and be apart and move on with your own growth and maturity and accomplishments. HP was such a big part of the detach and move on portion of the lives of my alcoholic/addict wife and my own. Love her I did and didn't need her and the addictive behaviors which came with the disease. I came to understand that the disease grew and multiplied while we were together on a daily basis and I had to come to an understanding of what I was willing to have in my life and not. No one should live like that by accident or on purpose so we separated and after two years of growing my program I was ready to divorce or make another attempt at family. I was changing and she wasn't ready yet. That brought me to the decision to finalize. After we were final she sought recovery and got clean and sober while I had moved on further and was ready to come home to Hawaii. We met by accident one more time just before I left and we were in love and acceptance of how life had move for both of us. I loved her and had no reason to be married to her.
I did the best with what I had and it came out this way with no sadness, sorrow or regrets. I still love her unconditionally and HP used that relationship to help me find Al-Anon which I am still practicing 33 years total.
Do the best with what you have...keep close to your HP, Sponsor, Home Group and the program and trust. ((((hugs))))