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We had an appointment with a counsellor at a treatment centre today. Unfortunately the counsellor made it clear that if I could not stay for the screening he would not see my son. It is recommended on their website that a family member would be present, however, it was more than a recommendation today. I had to go to work or I would have lost my job. We rescheduled for another appointment later in the week. Are counsellor usually hostile on introducing the people? is this part of the process? At no stage did he tell us his name or introduce himself. To be frank, I am quite happy to sit there at the rescheduled appointment as I have arranged the time off but I am nonplussed at hostile attitude instead of a professional one. I suppose beggars cant be choosers. My son is eighteen and another facility would not even consider dealing with me until they had spoken to him as it does need to be his choice. The lady at that centre meant business but was very professional and I can understand how they would want it to be the person's own choice. My son will not disclose anything if I am present, he has made this clear and to be frank I respect that.
I have had experience with several treatment centers when dealing with my sons alcoholism. I found that they were all very supportive of myself and my son.
I do agree your son''s care is the most important
Good Luck
-- Edited by hotrod on Wednesday 21st of March 2012 08:03:39 PM
I do not know anything about how individual treatment centers may work, but the hostility you felt does not sound like a good sign to me. It also sounds a bit disorganized that they wouldn't specify that you had to stay before you took your son in.
I can't remember if you have a meeting? People who live in your area would probably know more of the scuttlebutt about this particular treatment center. It is a shame that not all of them are good. Wishing you the best of luck.
I think its a lottery personally. I know from going to many AA meetings it is really up to the person. Some people are willing. The willingness may be in many stages.
I'm guessing that they want a family member there in case the person is so actively using that they cannot even give answers to simple questions. They may also want a family member there because of the tendency of addicts and alcoholics to lie, minimize, and deny. Not everyone goes to treatment totally willing. If I was headed to treatment, there are some things I might not want my mom to know, but on the whole, I think if I was really ready (which I was at the time I stopped drinking) I wouldn't even care at that point what my mom knew. I didn't care that she knew I was an alcoholic but I guess I didn't want her knowing the specifics.
Either way, all helping professionals should be courteous with you and that is a bad omen that you were treated like that. I would just move on. Some folks get burnt out from working with specific populations and substance abuse is one of those populations. Perhaps that counselor is one that needs a job transfer or to retire. Sorry you had that experience.