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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I am really trying to work my program and try not to allow someone elses upset with me take me off track. The upset is their's to deal with. Logically I know that but logic is not persevering right now. I have a very difficult time being on the other end of someone elses upset with me. I need help to not allow that feeling from them to be my FACT.
Hugs, you know the truth and that's what's important! Feelings aren't facts yet I know exactly what you are talking about. I have a very perfectionist attitude and get upset when someone else gets upset with me. It's ok to feel upset, it's how you recover from that that matters. One thing I always ask myself is: Did that person really mean what they said? And, do I really believe what they said? Just because someone said something doesn't mean it is true. Can you get to a meeting tonight? That always seems to set my mind straight when I feel I'm getting off track in my recovery. Sending you lots of support!
I so understand, .. for me remembering to QTIP it .. (Quit Taking It Personally) allows me freedom from owning what is not mine to begin with. Serenity Prayer is a biggie for me as well.
Hugs p :)
PS - I'm doing the whole when I hear from someone I'm up and when I don't I'm down dance, trying to find a way to balance it all out.
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
it's the wrongly or ridiculously accused that drives me mad... the other person thinking that I'm trying to dupe them or slip one by them or whatever... it's their insecurity but I have to live with it around me... I don't understand why he would want to be with me if he's constantly unhappy or wanting to try and prove I'm out to deceive or hurt... frustrating and maddening.