The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
lol the pics are great .. they took me away too .. just coming here you are asking for help in a round about way for you .. keep asking and looking; we usually find what we are looking for .. you will find the serenity you are searching for ..
It's harder when we have our children to worry about and others as well but we need to remember to get ourselves in there too. There is the story of the person on the plane trying to put another's oxygen mask on before putting on their own .. well we know what happens, they suffocate and noone is helped .. if we don't get ourselves in there, we haven't much to give to others, therefore, we put our masks on first and then proceed to help ourselves and then others when we can .. alanon is where we find the oxygen .. we will always have more in here to bring to others ..
there is an online support group for alanon during your off hours when your daughter is sleepng or you are worried .. you can usually be with someone 24/7 .. is an online alanon site .. there are meetings, shares, and some Truly great and supportive long-time members .. there are also phone meetings if you can't get to one .. grab a notebook and write down some of the words of wisdom you have .. when you need the reminders most you can reread ..
wishing you much serenity .. i was and still am a single parent with not many sitters myself and an xab who may be threatening me for more visitation soon .. it's such a crazy mess but thanks be we have a place to come and share .. Sharing halves our sorrows and doubles our joys !
Keep coming back !!
-- Edited by MeTwo2 on Saturday 17th of March 2012 02:29:30 PM
I know I need sleep in a big way. I know I tend to take on too much responsibility. Awhile back I took on a fundraiser for my 13 year olds class to help fund them going to Washington DC. I am heading up the food commity that does the most and more frequent events. Today some kids from the class are coming to my house with my daughter to make 300 pancakes. My 3 year old woke up 2 nights in a row with respiratory distress (croup) and I had to take her in the second night because the nebulizer treatment and hot steamy shower didn't help like the first night. She is now on a steroid and doing better. Last night her fever got up to almost 104 and it was getting scary for me.
I am feeling all alone and frustrated at this point. I have little support here and am HALT. Always hungry and angry about other parents not stepping and helping me, lonely because I am living alone and single parenting which I choose, but it gets hard in times like these, Tired, because I like to sleep through the night. I have a big weekend ahead of me and am learning what my lessons to learn here are so this doesn't happen again. I know I can't plan the 1-2 times my lil one has croup, but the rest of my weekend is over doing for other people.
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
Feelings aren't facts my friend!! Things are going to going to get better. It sounds like you have a LOT going on and it sounds very overwhelming!!! This is all going to pass and you are doing a great job!!!!
I hope you can catch a little nap and be sure to ask for help if you need it!!!
Hugs, sending love and support, P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
At some point down the line you will be sitting with your beautiful healthy children surrounding you and all the work you do will seem so obviously worth it when you stand back and see the beautiful human beings that you raised. I know to a degree, you already have these moments, but it's hard when you are trudging along.
Thanks for being what the world needs more of probably more than anything else - Good mothers.
just got back from my Sat morning meeting where the topic was take it easy.
this has been one of the hardest things for me to learn and is still a daily battle. I grew up over responsible, controlling, a fixer people pleaser. I always give 110%.
Well my Hp has my car broken I can use parents but dont have free rain so I am in the house more, slowing down. I have changed jobs and now work from home twice a week. I sit aound more just chillin and my ;life has become so much more manageable. Maybe the other parents are to buzy takig care of their own needs. I do service, I help out were i can but today i am my main priority.
Change the things you can you may not be able to get other to help out more but its amazing when we get out the way who steps up..
Do you know of a kid who could come over and watch the kids or just be with them so you can rest in your room?
I do relate.Being a widow raising my two kids alone for 18 years was hard, but also very wonderful.I have to say I would have lost it with out my Mother who adored them.
Dear I learned a long time ago to do only what I could. When my husband died I was a mess for many years. fried. worked full time too while the kids were in school.
Keep it simple is real. Just raising your kids is plenty, playing games with them is enough maybe. I did not volunteer at all anymore after losing my guy. My focus was kids,home, vehicle.
All my life since I had toretire has been so simple. Well as simple as it can be in this world. That is in our control you know?
Plus with a sick kiddo that zaps ya big time. My gson got that croup and almost died, had to go to the hospital that thank you hp was only a few min away!You are not thinking clearly right now, I realized awhile back to not vent or talk when I am tired as it really is not how I feel. So now in the eve when I feel a little teary or strange, I remind me I am just tired.
Your feelings are very real, you are having a hard time. Facing it for me makes it so much better. Yes it will be ok, you will make sure of that. Everything is temporary. But its very ok to just allow yourself to feel what you do now.
Also things will always be ok. Meaning if you broke your leg, the show would go on! You can say I have a sick child so need someone to take my place.
I learned to delegate, some people need that as they are shy. Need to be invited to volunteer.
This is not good for you. As your friend, and having been there, I am saying honey let go, its ok, the world will not end if you cancel, and take care of you. We have to do that or we are not good for anyone.
The relief will astound you. hugs and wish I could come over and help! debilyn
I overdid it recently and got to the point of being absolutely exhausted. I also got to a certain point in a part time job where I have been working where I felt absolutely defeated in resentment.
I can relate a great deal. For me sometimes those times are about the only ones where I say enough. I have to let go.
Resentment is a double edged sword for me. On the one hand being a people pleaser it is sometimes the only time I can acknowledge I've stepped past my line. On the other hand I have to constantly challenge that not everyone around me has morals or any concept of being fair. Being accepting of that is incredibly difficult.
I'm so sorry you have had to deal with your child's illness. I am so glad that your child has a parent that is able to take care of them.
Just taking the time to identify that I am HALT sometimes help to manage better and get through the busy or rough patches until I can care for myself again. If you are able to ... take a moment to eat something you really really like (mine is vanilla pudding in a cup) and sit quiet for just a few seconds or a 20 minute nap if possible. It's like mini self care. Sending good thoughts and energy your way!
TThank you everyone for the support! .I love the critter pica Deb! I did get a nap today and asked for help and got it. Sending you all love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."