The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Both of which are pertinent to me in the last few days.. just wanted to share here too.
March 14 - Today I am optimistic about the experiences and people that come into my life. I will view all encounters as opportunites to expand my awareness. I am not threatened by people or by situations. Challenges only serve to stir up the gifts within me; they are for my highest good.
With this trust, this optimism, I cannot be victimised by any situation. I will only be energised. I bless my challenges, for they provide me with the opportunitees to exercise myself.
Optimism enables me to welcome the changes that occur in my life. When I anticipate change with dread and fear, I only block myself from going forward. Change gives me the gift of growth. I appreciate my fredeom to become myself and the challenges that enable me to actualise my potential.
March 15 - Knowledge has power only when it is used. Now that I possess all kinds of information about my life, how am I using it? Perhaps I have read many books and countless articles, or attended lectures concerning the source of my problems.
Am I putting this information to good use, or am I simply accumulating knowledge? If I am still experiencing inner discomfort or pain, perhaps this is a reminder that I must put some ideas into action.
Today I recognise that it is better to try one good idea than to accumulate a hundred and to not practice them. It is important for me to move from theory into personal experience. All the information is of no benefit to me until I take a risk and prove to myself that I can take the first step.
Within me is an ulimited potential to be all that I desire. I will begin to put into practice what I have learned.