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Post Info TOPIC: I want to fix my marriage


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I want to fix my marriage

Let me start of by saying that I am very new to all of this. Im just starting in my recovery process and honestly just recently realized how screwed up my childhood actually was.  Ive never posted anything on any message board before and I just started really even looking at them.

I am in desperate need of some advice and help. My marriage is completely falling apart and I want to fix it. Ill start off by giving you some of my background. Im really trying to find someone who can really relate with me so Im just gonna put it all out there. I apologize if this is long winded but it takes a lot for me to open up and talk about these things so I just want to get it out while I have the courage and fortitude to do it.

 Ive been together with my wife for almost 15 years and married for over 11. I am 35 years old and my wife is 39. I have a 23 year old stepson and 16 month old daughter. I work as a restaurant manager and my wife is a stay at home mom. My stepson has moved out and back in again a few times and is back home now but works a lot and out of the house most of the time. Unfortunately me and him have a horrible relationship and I wish it were better. I contribute a lot of that to the fact that I came into the picture when he was 8 and I was only a mere 20 years old myself and just finally escaped from my own screwed up childhood and home myself. But thats all a story for another time.

Both of my parents were alcoholics and my dad used to, on occasion, be physically abusive to my mom as well. We were poor when I was growing up and my house was very old and falling apart as well as always being a mess because of my alcoholic parents. I was also the fat kid of my class. I had so many insecurities growing up and was always embarrassed of pretty much everything in my life. I was very smart in school when I was younger but then once I got my license I started to screw up. I became a pot head and would skip school a lot to go and get stoned and hang out with the wrong crowd. I started failing all my classes and ended up dropping out the next year. Of course my parents didnt even realize what was going on until I told them that I dropped out!

I met my wife on an internet dating site when I was just 20 years old. She lived 3 hours away from me so there was a lot of travel back and forth to see her. We moved very fast and moved in together within just a couple of months. Of course we moved into an apartment close to where she was living. I wanted to get away from the life I knew up until then. There were a lot of problems with our relationship in the beginning. She had problems of her own(of course), she was diagnosed as bi-polar. I know being codependent is a big side affect of being an Acoa. Maybe that was why I was attracted to her in the first place who knows. She got on medication for a while and did a lot of work on herself and made a lot of progress. None the less for a long time in the beginning of our relationship I was always helping and saving her. I probably didnt actually do any real helping or saving. When she would get upset and have one of her panic attacks I would just give her some pot to smoke to make the pain go away. The years went by and we moved forward with our lives and actually bought a house together. She had infertility problems and thought she could never get pregnant again. Then 13 years later she got pregnant and we had our daughter.

Back to my parents again for just a moment. My mom passed away 4 years ago. It was very hard on me and I felt guilty because I hadn't seen her in a few years. Probably because of how embarresed I was of the life I grew up in. My dad was in horrible shape and I talked him into moving by me which was about 20 hours away. He actually moved in with us for a little bit but that didn't work out well so found an apartment of his own. He began drinking very heavily. It actually seemed crazy to me because I always saw my mom as more of the alcoholic and I actually really looked up to my dad though now I realize I never should have. There were countless fights with my wife over my dad because I was always trying to "save" him and neglected my wife because of it. I've come to realize that she was right about that all along. I now never even speak to my father and thankfully have learned how to stand up to him and stopped trying to always save him. 

In my life I have kind of trained myself to hold stuff in and forget my problems. I become emotionally unavailable. I trained myself to forget about everything in my childhood so well that I think I actually did forget about it. I just recently brought it all out and told my wife about it all for the first time. Ive never told anybody before. I kind of never thought it was a big deal. Because of this, she doesnt trust me and thinks that I dont trust her. I told her that I trust her more than anyone else in this world. To be honest, this all came up because she got very depressed and hopeless with our marriage. I was very happy with life especially with the birth of my daughter but apparently my sex drive had begun to die off and stopped being affectionate with my wife. I didnt even realize.

Weve been in a really bad place now for the past 6 months or so since this all started. Ive tried to get some therapy but it didnt go very well. I think the therapist wasnt a good fit for me. She was actually my wifes therapist then we had a few sessions together and then just me. Im now trying self help books and websites like this to work on myself because I think that is the key to work on myself. This is the first time I have ever tried to open up and admit to anyone and even to myself that my life was as bad as it was growing up. A big problem that she has is when we talk and it goes to where I did things wrong and hurt her, I get quiet and shut down. I know that I do this. I can't help but feel like everything is my fault even when it's not. I'm trying to change that about myself with all my self discovery and healing but I know it's going to be a long road. Unfortunately, I don't have any more time. The biggest problem right now though is just how severe of a depression my wife is in right now. She even talks of just not wanting to live anymore. She feels that nobody loves her. I was always her rock and only tried to love her. Now that Im depressed myself and trying to help myself start to heal I just simply cant be the same as I used to be. Also... neither of us have any friends, nobody to talk and vent to. So we talk and vent to each other which is very unhealthy when it's about each other! I dont know what to do. I'm now lost myself. Sorry to go on for so long. Thank you to all that stayed and read all of this. I just hope someone has some sort of advice for me. 


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Hi Jay
Good to see you here.
I introduced myself on the other board.
Well done on your searching.. you will get some great ESH here too.

A work in progress, always learning

~*Service Worker*~

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Hugs, Jay. And welcome to MIP! This is an awesome place full of wisdom and support. I'm glad you found us. You wrote ¨I want to fix my marriage¨. Boy I can relate to that. So do I, but it's hard when only one half of the couple is participating in any recovery. I found myself feeling lost and being depressed trying to deal with the situation. Have you attended any alanon meetings? I hear they're very helpful. I have never been to one in real life as there are none around where I live. But online meetings (held here twice a day), alanon literature, and this board have literally saved my life. I'm sorry for the situation you're in, but I'm glad you reached out for help. I suggest reading other posts and replies here. There is much to be learned. Please keep coming back.


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(((Jay76)))  So glad that you are here and opening up.  We all have to reach out.  It's funny, I don't usually reply too much and I am not one to say go to face to face meetings... but I am saying that NOW!  Try some face to face meetings.  I don't know what I would do without my friends.  It does start feeling hopeless when you have no support.  So, I really value my friends and my church... and when I think I have worn them out, I come here and vent!  But, not just venting, learning how to change myself; learning here, learning from books and trying.  I pray, too.  You have that little girl -- what a precious motivation.  You can be a better role model for her than your parents were for you.  YES you can!!!  Keep looking, talking and reaching out!


~*Service Worker*~

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Dear Jay

Welcome to Miracles in Progress

It took great courage  to share from your heart.   Thank you. 

You have already received powerful suggestions so I will not burden you with more.

 I just wanted to say that this is a we fellowship and thanks for sharing the journey.




~*Service Worker*~

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I wanted to post because I have a long standing struggle with depression. Some days it's all I can do to get out of bed...and I know it's hard for others to understand..and see it as something voluntary, e.g., being lazy.

Judgment from others only makes me hate myself more. People "should" on me and it only makes the depression worse. "you should exercise" "you should eat right" etc.

For me, it would be more helpful, (because depression takes away my initiative) -- if someone said..."come for a walk with me" or "let's make a yummy fruit salad together"-- I also have a 10000 lux sad light that helps me too.

That being said, the only person you can "fix" is yourself. Melodie Beatties work (codependent no more) has been really helpful to me. Keep coming back here...there are lots of folks here who can relate and share helpful insight.

all best, and welcome again.





~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 1652

Thank you for your share, Jay.

One of the key points I learned in Al-Anon is that no one can be everything to anyone else. It's unrealistic. So to expect myself to be someone's "everything" or to expect them to be my "everything" is just a road to eventual disappointment and resentment.

I echo everyone else... I'd suggest you get to some Al-Anon meetings. Try at least six as close together as possible before you decide if the program is for you or not. I can say from personal experience that Al-Anon drastically changed my life for the better. With Al-Anon I have a huge support-group of friends from all different sorts of walks of life who've not only lived through and felt most of what I've lived through and felt, but who can also provide new perspectives for me.

There is hope, and you can learn to find contentment and even happiness, regardless of whether the people around you are happy or not. Every single person on this planet is solely responsible for their own happiness and it is no one else's job to make someone else happy. Period.

Keep coming back!


~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 3972

Welcome Jay I hope you are able to find meetings in your area and in time find a sonsor. I too am an adult child and the step work I am doing in this program is priceless! Keep coming back.


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666

" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."

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