The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I just returned from my home group meeting tonight. We honor members' Alanon birthdays during our last meeting of the month, so today was the day I received my three year token.
As corny as it sounds, it really does seem like yesterday when I arrived at my first Alanon meeting. I had hit bottom. I was a crying blob. I learned at that meeting that I was what Alanon members called a "double qualifier." My AH and A daughter had both had DUIs and I was at my wit's end. I figured I'd go to the meeting, find out the "cure" for treating their alcohol abuse, get through the 12 steps in 12 weeks, and be on my way...
I soon learned that I was the one who needed help, and I was the only one that I had control of. I went to three different meetings before returning to my original group, and I've been going back to that same group ever since. I found a sponsor about a year into my program, and together, we began to work the steps. (by the way, I'm still on Step Four, no "express step program" for me!).
Now, three years in, I am on a much better path to healing and finding serenity. Both of my qualifiers are still drinking. But now I am living out on my own and am learning so much about myself. I have my bad days and I still get angry and have days of obsessing about the alcoholics in my life. But those days are getting fewer and far between. I am rebuilding my life, learning to detach, and learning to just live life one day at a time. I am placing my trust in my HP. I don't know what tomorrow may bring, but today, I am happier and at peace in my life. The drama is fading and I'm happy to have left Crazytown. I like my "new digs" in Serenityville.
Thanks for letting me share. It works if you work it!
I'm Very Grateful I Landed "Right Here" today... I Needed To Hear Your Growth today... I too have alot In Common with Your Story, and it So Happens Jan 2nd was My 3 yrs at Meetings as Well :)
I have been Struggling Lately, and I have Been in "PUSH" Mode... (Pray Until Something Happens), and I Suppose at times I find myself sittin on my Pity Pot or Putting On My "Control" Gloves (Or at least 'thinkin I am) and this Week has proved to be one of those weeks...When i am Focused this Passes Very Quickly, but lately my focus has been haywire...
So Thank You for Sharing Your Journey Here, because today... You Helped Me See what I Need to get back too... And Now I'm going to Keep "Push" N' but Now I'm Looking Forward to the "Something happens" part...
This Journey for Me has been a Roller Coaster, but I can see, its time to Jump off Once More & Detach from fear, and Move tords Acceptance..
That is really neat!! So glad to share this journey with u!! Hugs p ;)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Congradulations Green Eyes and Jozie!! 3 years of doing it one day at a time makes for some very serious ESH to live by and to give away to others who will come crawling up to the doors of Al-Anon too. Yowzers!! Please do keep coming back. (((((hugs)))))