The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Hi! I started writing this yesterday, was unable to finish it until today. My 2 adult children are a/a's, I 've been in al-anon for 10+yrs. and I still struggle with the letting go part. Today I was thinking I could do it if I lived in a different city I could do it, then I wouldn't have to see or think of their irresponsible, unmotivated and self centered behavior. My son is on disability so he can't work, I went by my daughters house to give my son a ride, my daughter, her boyfriend, and her adult son was still laying around sleeping and watching t.v. at 2:30 p.m. living on food stamps and her 16 y.o. s.s. he recieves for a learning disability, I've a sponsor and use her with issures, yesterday I was praying the serenity prayer I asked God for acceptance and show me the things I can't change and things I can change and give me the courage to do it. I do have bounderies and use detachment to stay out of their business and when neccessary. I think I also have a fear of them not helping me when I may need them as I get older. I work my program as best as I can and pray to work it better, I know it will work when I work it....Hightlyfavored!
Just go a step at a time, one day at a time. And you'll find a rich, thankful life you never thought you could afford.--A Rogers
Great insight and post HF...It reminds me of my sponsor telling me I had to remove myself from all things alcohol and I did. I let go of my family and the Al-Anon Family Groups took their place. My Al-Anon Family is soooo much more loving, sane and serene and honest than my family of origin.
Thanks to my HP for my Sponsor and his support. You can do that also if you like. 10 years!! Girl you just gotta have some solid spirit. Keep coming back (((((hugs)))))