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here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
So happy to have found this discussion board this morning. Won't go into all the details of how I found it but I do believe it was an answered prayer. I have done a lot of searching for information on the internet but I believe I've found what I'm looking for here.
My husband and I have been married for 25 years this past August. I knew that in the past year we were arguing all the time (which was unusual) but I didn't realize that his drinking had gotten so out of control. He "passed out" at work and the ambulance picked him up and I met him at the hospital. It was only after he began to have seizures that the doctor told me it was alcohol detox. My husband had not given him permission to share his medical information with me.
Since then, life has been hell. He has become more and more verbally abusive and finally became physically abusive 2 weeks ago. Everything is my fault and he is in full blown denial.
I had always worked part-time but went full-time when our second son started college. The stress of the change in routine and his jealousy of the men in my office were HUGE factors in his drinking or else they were his excuse. ?? Anyway, I left the job @ 1.5 years ago when I stupidly thought I could still fix things.
After the physical episode, he refused to leave the house so I moved in with my mom and dad and I'm going on a job interview Monday. He is in the house alone and drunk out of his mind. Somehow he still has his job but I can't believe that is going to last. Tonight I checked the online bank account and he hasn't made one payment for the month of February. When I called to ask him about it he said not to worry about it, that I don't live there anymore. I had to call for a police escort to go into the house tonight to get some clothes for my interview and to get the bills so that I can try to fix this. I had to go into his briefcase and pulled out a liter of Vodka which was half empty.
I am so mad, disappointed, and heartbroken. I just can't believe what has happened. He doesn't even seem like the same person. I have left because as my name says, I am worn out but I feel very guilty. I've tried to walk a fine line between leaving but letting him know that I'm here if he makes the needed changes but I'm not at all hopeful.
Would appreciate any comments!
"Just being there for someone can sometimes bring hope when all seems hopeless." - Dave G Llewellyn
(((WOMFI))) Welcome to MIP, so glad you found this place. I truly believe it is a place of miracles. I'm so sorry to hear what's happened and what you are going through. But I'm happy to hear you've gotten out and and taken steps to protect yourself from the physical abuse. ¨I am so mad, disappointed, and heartbroken.¨ I think everyone on this board can relate to those feelings. I've pretty much learned to get past the anger and disappointment, but I sometimes still feel the heartache. On the other hand, I am doing so much better for myself since I found this place. I hope you will read other posts and replies, there is a lot of wisdom and support here. You are not alone, please keep coming back.
Welcome! I am so glad you found us here. I hope you can also find your way to some face to face Al Anon meetings. The information and support there is so helpful in dealing with the pain and confusion of loving an alcoholic. I am sorry you are having to deal with so much hearbreak right now. One of the first things I learned at the meetings was a huge relief. I didn't cause it. I can't control it. I can't cure it. It is so common for us to take on the guilt and blame, and the meetings have helped me release myself from that burden. Again, so glad you are here. Keep coming back!
Wow, so sorry to hear about what you're going through! As your name says, 'you're mrs fix it' and maybe it's time to step back and stop fixing. The only reason I say this is because that's my problem, too. Right now I'm trying very hard to control myself from jumping in with 2 feet to 'fix' my husband's DUI. It is so hard, but with the tools of Al Anon I have learned that I can take a step back and let him be responsible(or not responsible) for himself. He's an adult and needs to be given the dignity to make his own choices, whether they be good or bad. As for the bills, if they were in my name, too, I'd probably be trying to pay them just because they'd affect MY credit and I want to keep that intact. I will be praying for you and I am so glad you are here!
Good experience, strength, and hope from others. Nothing I say is going to make this easier and you sound like you are making the right choices for you a day at a time. Of course Alanon will help because you will obtain support from people that know and have been where you are at (or close to it at least). There is comfort in developing your spirituality as well.
Aloha Mrs. Fix it and welcome to the board from this side of the planet. Actually I found out there is no way to fix the diseased person. Alcoholism is a compulsion of the mind and allergy of the body, mind, spirit, emotions, family, finances, everything. I had to learn as much as I could about what it was that was taking my wife and me and the family out without any consideration to how we were affected and felt about it. Alcoholism is a chemical dependency and it doesn't stop until those who are affected stop...both the drinker and those connected...This is your stop...showing up at MIP and listening to others who have been where you are at now and who have learned another way of responding in a diseased invironment. Your thoughts, feelings and reactions are NORMAL for where you are at they are temporary if you will to learn what we have. I learned most of what I live today from inside the face to face meetings of the Al-Anon Family Groups. I learned a ton and coming to understand means relaxation from the consequences of the disease...anxiety, fear, anger, guilt, shame and lots more. I also studied up on the chemical disease and the processes of it affects the mind, body, spirit and emotions. I learned about early stage alcoholism and late stage also...Sorry to say your husband sounds like he is entering late stage which presents itself with insanity, hospital visits, loss of personal management and control of the drinking and more. late stage is the near fatal stage of alcoholism which is a compulsion of the mind and allergy of the body which can never be cured and only arrested by total abstinence from alcohol (and mind and mood altering drugs). I had to learn all of this as I watched my wife compulsively move toward her death until she had her spiritual awakening and entered rehabilitation. By that time we had lost everything except each other and I was powerless and needed to recovery myself. I don't know if she is alive or dead today because we lost our marriage and still she was when we parted and she was more beautiful a woman than she was when we got together.
There is a Higher Power and I believe with you that your's got you here. Listen to the Experience Strength and Hope of this fellowship and follow thru on their suggestions based upon how it works for them and you can have the peace of mind and serenity that we often find whether he is drinking or not.
Welcome...sit down, read, listen, learn and practice, practice, practice...this is what I was told to do and I still do it.
Wow you sound like you are taking care of you which is great.
One thing vital to me was not to clean up his messes. As they just make more and there went all my efforts down the toilet.
I finally put things in my name only or his name only. They are very sick, and honestly we cannot trust or depend on them.
So you are going for your job interview!! Please update us how it went.
What is the most important thing is YOU. Deciding what you want, what you can do.
I relate. My ex AH was part of my life since I was 17. I am almost 59.
He is no one I would ever want to meet now. As the years go by, the alcohol destroys their whole body. It gets worse and worse. So this is all a natural progression. So hard to see I know.
I sure know. anyway I sure hope you do find some relief when you come here as we all understand.
If you want to find a meeting there are contacts on the end of my share here. lotsa hugs and strength your way,debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
II very much relate to your share. I have been going to face to face meetings and they have changed my life. I didn't leave my exah until I finally was scared of him physically. That was almost 2 years ago and life has been less dramatic ever since. I. Am sending you love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
Thank you all for your responses. They were all helpful in different ways and I appreciate the love behind them although we've never met - made me cry.
My day began at 3am this morning with an angry call from my husband and has been filled with trying to get the bill situation straightened out enough that I can begin to make phone calls on Monday. After all the stress I have been through today trying to clean up this mess he has made, he calls and accuses me of having a thing for the officer that brought me to the house last night. I didn't even answer or defend, just listened and he hung up after he spouted off. So hard!
A little good news: Went to a baby shower for my new neice. My interview is at noon on Monday and is with an attorney who does Family Law so she could be a wonderful source of info for me in how to proceed with this situation. One of my sons called me and asked me to go to an Al-Anon meeting with him. I am going to get the information and invite my other son to go too. Trying to take positive steps but feel depression creeping in at times. Worries me as I have suffered with it before as well as panic attacks.
Please keep all of us in your prayers. Still have a hope that we can work this out. We have always been such a good team. :( Am I crazy for having that hope????
-- Edited by WornOutMrsFixIt on Saturday 18th of February 2012 11:21:35 PM
"Just being there for someone can sometimes bring hope when all seems hopeless." - Dave G Llewellyn
Hi WOMFI. You have done well to find this place. The last few years this board has been a lifeline whilst my husband sunk lower and lower into the depths of alcoholism, finally losing his life to this horrible disease last August. The support I have received on this board and in the chatroom has been phenomenal and I will be eternally grateful.
You have also done well in leaving. I chose to stay but the last few years were hell for me and my adult children. It was not easy and in the end I'm glad I did stay (we would have been married 40 years last month) but I'm not sure I would recommend it! Cetainly, if he had been physically abusive I definitely would have got him out or removed myself but the verbal abuse I suffered was incredibly hurtful. In the end it is a very personal decision and no-one can tell you what you should do. I can though, fully recommend coming in here where there are people who understand what you are going through - most of us have walked in your shoes. And the support is both humbling and awesome.
Welcome and I'm glad you have found us. As for whether it's crazy to have that hope -- not at all. There are many, many paths to serenity and a joyful life, and sometimes (usually?) we end up on roads we didn't anticipate. So the path to the happy ending may be one that you didn't contemplate before, but there is a miracle in store. It looks different for each of us so no one can say how exactly yours will look. A year from now when you look back you will be able to see how different things are. That's what has happened to me and I think to most people who've been working their recovery, and so there is a miracle in store for you too. I had to take it on trust for a while, so please do not be discouraged. I hope you can find a good face-to-face meeting and soon a sponsor too. Keep coming back.
I love, love, love that your son asked you to go to a meeting with him, and no, you don't sound crazy. We take things one day at a time, without knowing what each new day will bring us--anything is possible. Please keep posting, and you and your family are in my prayers. Take care!
Update: I did attend my first "real" meeting tonight with my son. We plan to go back. Everyone was very nice and made us feel welcome. Also, I did get the job at the Attorney's office so I am now working two days a week there but I believe it will soon be three days a week which will ease my mind a little about our finances. My husband is still drinking although he denies it. He keeps asking me to come home and I tell him not until his drinking stops and he can be nice and respectful to me again. I do love and care for him but with every day that I am away from him, I realize that I will be okay without him if it comes to that.
"Just being there for someone can sometimes bring hope when all seems hopeless." - Dave G Llewellyn