The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
There was a great reading in One Day at a Time in Al Anon today that really address how we react to hangovers. For those of you who know me, you know that the hangovers REALLY bother me, so I was glad to read this morning's passage. Just wanted to pass it along!
"In Al Anon we start by clearing out the debris of our own mistakes. We learn to recognize ow much we ourselves have contributed to the destruction of our home life.
This was no vacuum we were living in, with only the alcoholic doing all the damage. We reacted, too, and made things worse. We are asked, here in Al Anon, to reflect on our own conduct. Did we talk too much, too loudly and hysterically, when we should have kept silent? Did we oppress the unhappy drinker still further at hangover time with a black and sulking silence, when a few comforting words might have turned his thoughts toward looking for help?"
um...yes...that's me. There is a bit more, but my kids are invading :) This really spoke to me. I hope by sharing it, it may help another.