The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
We in alanon use the 12 Steps of AA ourselves in order to recover from the deviating affects of living with alcoholism . We have lived in insanity for so long and tried to cope in a rational manner, that we have developed many destructive tools to live by.
Because we have tried to stop the alcoholic from drinking and being destructive in many avenues of life we have become very controlling without even knowing it
The First Step states "We admitted we were powerless over alcohol and our lives had become unmanageable"
We must think know and fell our powerless over alcohol Just as the alcoholic must admit defeat so must we. We cannot control another and when we admit this- we move on thru the Steps slowly sometimes painfully but with the promise that we will grow and change and have developed new constructive tools to live by.
I would suggest that you begin slowly , start attending meetings, listen, pick up literature practice some of the wonderful slogans:
Live One day at a Time, Do not project, Focus on Yourself. Keep it Simple, let Go and Let God. Obtaining a sponsor is invaluable and a wonderful gift to give yourself The sponsor is your guide and you will be on your way
I recently left my husband of 10 years because of his addictions. He's started going to AA meetings and is looking to get involved with NA as well. We're living apart at the moment but he says he doesn't want a divorce, that we still have a chance. I'm pretty conflicted about that so I thought that while he's getting into the AA world with people who understand him, I should find a place for people like me. There are local Al-Anon meetings in my town but I can't seem to get up the courage to make it to one yet, hopefully soon!
Youre doing the right thing.. for YOU!! and for him.. actually. Welcome to MIP and I know what its like to feel anxious about the real life meetings but no one is judging and.. they are so so so therapeutic. I love al-anon. I breathe, eat, sleep, pray al-anon.. it has absolutely saved my sanity, my grace.. and has given me serenity and peace. welcome and again, keep coming back!!!
No one can take away your peace of mind unless you let them.
Thanks, I worry all the time about whether I'm doing the right thing. Can you, or anyone else here, explain how the 12 steps are applied to people in Al-Anon?
Im too new to guide you in that direction, you would want an old timer to help you work on that but I do work my steps. Just last night I had to do steps 4-7 again, had to let go of some of my character defects, humbly ask my HP to remove them. I do 1-3 all the time, I am powerless over alcoholism, other people. places, things, the past, the car in front of me, my boss's weird choices, the weather etc etc etc .. There is a step board and each week they work on a step. Its very helpful. I hope you get some responses from maybe Betty, Jerry, glad lee, etc.. some of the people who really know their stuff. Stick around. This place is really a community, people care and are helpful. I feel I know some of the people on here and I have never met them. haha
No one can take away your peace of mind unless you let them.
um ya sit at a table usually. Then the person leading the meeting has people read the twelve steps and traditions. Then asks who would like to share after a topic is chosen.. on not.
People then share vent whatever for about 5 min. No one interrupts them or comments or asks them questions.
Anyone can share. no one has to.
They may have a basket for donations but newcomers are usually discouraged to at first. After meeting people yak some, some go for coffee or what ever. Some ask each other things etc. It is that simple.
There are meetings just for newcomers sometimes, sometimes ones just on steps. If there is more than one you can go to all or just one.There are open AA ones also.
No matter what they can help you in every aspect of your life.
I am so glad for you to be starting your journey. Its a wonderful wonderful thing this aa and al anon ala teen acoa. I am not kidding when I say it can help everyone and anyone even if they do not have an A they love!
hugs! debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
I hope you will take the risk and go to a meeting it is a great first step to making life so much better for you!! If nothing changes ... nothing changes!
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Vesu, welcome to MIP! This is a great place to learn about the disease of alcoholism/addiction. And even more important, to learn how to take care of ourselves, and to share with others who understand. I hope you do get to a meeting. I also hope you'll keep coming back here.
Aw you guys are great! Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm learning a lot just by reading all of the posts here and it definitely helps me feel like I'm not so alone in all this.
You have COme to the Right Place for Love & Understanding, & You may even Find Your Courage Here to Go to that 1st Meeting... I Landed Here Softly just over 3yrs ago, and many here have Helped Me & Supported Me to Want More for ME in My Life... My Life has taking a New Light, My Famiy has Grown by enormous Numbers, and Every Step is Worth Taking because I am WORTH IT :0) & Are You!
READ AWAY... & When your Done... Read Some more... i Never Really Understood Alcoholism & Addition till I Got here, Got the lit that they handed Me at my 1st Meeting, and I Got Busy...
The SLogans are Wonderful for Me, They are Quick Ways to keep me In My Business & Out of my Alcoholics/Addicts...
Go Easy on Yourself... And Know that This is A Sure Fire Way to Give Yourself the Life You Deserve Regardless of what is Down the road for you...
Welcome! It does take courage to walk into that first meeting, so I am sending you courage! I was literally shaking my first meeting. Little did I know it was a fantasitic beginning for the rest of my life...When you are ready, you will find yourself there. Glad you are here! It is recommended that you try at least six different meetings before deciding if it is right for you. I find each meeting has a different vibe and flavor, but the support and understanding is universal. Sending you support. Glad you are here!
I was told to ask myself just one question , Do you love him ? if I do then finding my own program would help me make an informed decission , there are no guarantees in either program to save a relationship but two people going in the same direction have a chance . remember that in the meeting room everyone is there for the same reason you are , they love an alcoholic . Take your Higher Power with you to the meetings he lovessssss meetings and your not alone .