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This is my first post although I have been on here looking at a lot of other posts to help get me through this. OK AH and I (married 6 years together 10) are now separated. I feel like I don't need to explain all the abuse, manipulation, blame, etc that I have been through with his alcoholism because we all know what it is like. I finally got to the point of leaving when my children (10, 4, 3) were crying and begging me to leave and not stay in the house with him because of his verbal and physical abuse toward them, especially my 10 year old his step son. And actually my counselor and my husbands from his brief stint in rehab and my sons psychologist say that my son and I suffer from PTSD because of the level of the emotional, verbal and physical (object throwing and breaking) abuse. So anyway I left and went and stayed at my parents house which wound up being a burden on them. So after discussing with AH that it was best if he leave well he eventually left and went to his parents house after being arrested for physical control (passed out in an intersection). Because of his profession he had been able to get away with it for a long time. So we separate after his arrest and he goes to rehab and was doing sooo well! I actually had hope! Bad idea on my part. Following his 5 weeks of outpatient rehab which actually was maybe 4 after he cancelled some sessions he gradually slipped back into old patterns of thinking. He is now at the point of getting an apartment and telling me he doesn't know if he wants to be a father or husband. And even had the nerve to tell me when I was asking him about our plans for our marriage now that he is getting an apartment that he doesnt know what he wants and that I can hang out for a year and see how it goes. I am thinking that he is just on a chase for the alcohol because he was not permitted to drink at his parents although he recently relapsed that I know of for sure after about 3 months of being "dry". (S/N my son (10) just saw me typing this and said my AH is like this !!) And I also recently caught him attempting to hit on a friend of his. This is a man who although I know he is an alcoholic I stayed in the marriage because I knew 1. He would never leave his family and 2. He would never cheat on me. Which he has now done both.
Given all this info as of recent here is where I stand in my recovery. I am glad that I finally posted on this board. I am working on my codependence by having no contact period. Even the kids will not be around him because as my counselor said "he left the family". But even more important it is not safe for my kids to be in his presence especially now that he has his own apartment where he can drink as much as he wants and not have to answer to anyone. So basically he is worthless to me nothing but bad qualities. I now know that I deserve much more than just those two qualities in a spouse!!! I feel that I am attractive, I am an RN and an excellent mother. But the abuse from him had my self esteem to about zero. I am still working on my self esteem so that I may get the strength to file for divorce. I have been going to counseling and f2f alanon when I can which is very rare because I am now a single mom of 3 kids! I am trying to fight the constant motion of wondering about him and what he is doing, what is he going to do. Why is he this and why is he that? Who cares? I have A's in my family but they are not manipulative and abusive like my AH. They care about their family and do not seem as self-centered as he does. I am really struggling to not be angry at him! I know it is a disease but it is very hard to not be angry!!! I am just looking for advice to be able to stop "the tapes" and move on with my life. I want a relationship with a healthy person who can love me like I do them. Not an emotionally unavailable, self-centered, abusive drunk. Sorry this is so long! ESH please!!
Oh sweetie, hang in there! It sounds like you have had a horrible time, but it also sounds like you are resolute. You are safe from him now, and perhaps can begin to find peace. I am a relative newbie to this site, and have found that just sharing - whatever it is that is going on - really helps. I think it is great that you see a counselor. I also see a counselor, and that helps a lot - he helps me sort out whether I am being reasonable, fair, etc., because AH's are very good at turning tables, and making it seem like we are the problem. I am sending out a little prayer for you, just know that you are not alone! there are lots of us out here that have gone through similar things. Keep posting! -iris
Like any wound to our bodies, it takes time to get where we feel comfortable in our own skin again.
Those things you want to stop are up to you to work on to stop. I honestly made myself stop and change what I was thinking, to seeing wild irises. I know it sounds weird but it worked.
If I felt horrible I said the serenity prayer over and over.
Abuse hurts us so deeply, in so many ways. I hope you and kids cont. to get help with that. There are domestic violence groups that may be able to help you via phone and offer book ideas.
Glad you opened up here.That is not always easy at first.
you are right it just don't not matter what he does. Of course you are going to wonder, you guys have been together many years. it become familiar so of course ya feel off balance. I mean if we lose a pet we mourn their loss too.
Someday how you live willl be your norm.
I took my kids on day trips,nothing expensive,lots of hikes and walks, to get ice cream, go driving, found interesting places to visit. Was great.
I got us rafts,not a huge expense but they lasted for years. We could just packem up and some food and water and head out.
The more things you guys do together the better you will heal. We gardened, did the chores together then went and played. Got movies, had popcorn....they always had friends over too. I taught so was home when they were.
The AH has to find his own way. Myself I quit asking questions as their brains are mush anyway., They are so controlled by whatever drug they take. In other words they are insane.
Anger and all that does no good. Really for me I felt sorry for him for having such a horrible disease. I was able to hate the disease not him.
Keep coming, we mean it when we say that! love,debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
I just wanted to send you love and support during this difficult time. It does get better and it is a day at a time process. Please keep coming back and keep focusing on your recovery too. For my kids, .. my recovery benefits them as well. They are so much more relaxed even during a tremendous amount of chaos, they feel safe. My Q is not violent and not drinking, however .. there is the attitudes of a non program present. It creates it's own stresses of lack of trust and inconsistency.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
(((emmy))) Welcome to MIP! I'm so glad you found us. Yes, alcoholism is a disease, and YES, it's hard sometimes not to be angry. But it does get better with time and practice. When I feel myself starting to obsess over my A, I say the serenity pray. Over and over if need be. Another thing that helps me is to do something physical-work in my garden, walk the dogs, etc. That's great that you're going to counseling and alanon when you can. I hope you will continue to come here too. There's lots of wisdom, love, and support here. There are also online meetings twice a day. Thank you for sharing your story.