The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I have been married 20 years. He has always drank, but never to this extent. He no longer works. I hate evenings and weekends because he sits at the bar all day and then comes home and just wants me to go to bed, even if it is 5 in the afternoon. He always says he is so tired. I am a nurse and I know it is because of the drinking. I am always angry and yelling at him. I don't know what it is like to be happy anymore. I took a job recently so I don't have to be at home in the evenings or on Saturdays. He has had a DUI, but that didn't stop him. I constantly have chest pain when I know he is at home. Anxiety is a way of life for me now. I need help!
Tired, welcome and hugs!! I hope you will consider going to the nearest alanon meeting and start taking care of you!! You are worth it and it does get better!! Read the older posts you are going to discover that while our stories differ the core issues are pretty much the same. keep coming back!! Hugs p ;)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Thank you for the reply. It is just so hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel. I did go on amazon and got a couple of books to read. I hope that will help me also.
Tired, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Like Pushka says - the details may differ, but the issues are the same for many of us. I think most of us came to this board in desperation. My first post was written in desperation because I felt my heart was breaking, and I needed an outlet for the pain. Just keep posting, keep coming here for support. And if you can (I know it is hard), take your attention off of him - just shut that down - and put your attention on yourself. What do you need? It sounds like you need to make an appt. with a Dr. to talk about the chest pain. I went through a period where I would get chest pains and have panic attacks when my AH husband was gone and I knew he was going to come back home drunk, and I eventually went to my Dr. and she put me on antidepressants, and that helped me just enough that I could think again. Just remember - there is a light inside of you, there is happiness inside of you, it is just hiding out right now. Know that it is there. This too shall pass. You will figure it out with time. And you can be happy again. Sending out a prayer for you and a cyber hug, -Iris
The things that helped me most when I got desperate was face to face Al-anon meetings, MIP posting and reading "Getting Them Sober" by Toby Rice Drews. Reading different Al-anon literature and meetings really help keep my head straight and in between coming here and posting helps. I am sending you love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
Welcome! The meetings helped me tremendously. I am able to work through these challenges with knowledge and support. It still is hard sometimes (hence my topic post tonight), but I am now drowning anymore, and believe me, I felt like I was. You are not alone, and there is help. Keep coming back! It does get better, and it does get easier. Sending you support and understanding.
Yup--you are in the right place and hopefully you can feel some peace in sharing and hearing others' experience, strength, and hope. A face to face meeting was my first step towards accepting that my life was *unmanageable* and it has been a road to recovery for ME ever since, no matter what my alcoholic husband chooses to do. Al-Anon saved my sanity. I hope you keep coming back and can get your hands on some literature. (hugs)