The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
thank you for sharing. I am an ACoA also and your share shined some light on my own behaviours. Am learning with each day. I am trying to detach from peoples reactions. It is not my business to mind other peoples business. Thanks again
-- Edited by lightblue2 on Saturday 4th of February 2012 03:29:17 AM
This is a copy of apost I put on the ACA board. I thought some people here may be able to offer some insight also
well.. I had to go see the psychologist again. I have to say, I was very nervous about the next appointment given the emotional toil of the last one. I was not looking forward to it.
I had been requested to think about the last session and pick some of the memories from it that I found hard to recall. Particularly... my Dads reaction to me at the loss of a gift. What I remembered was my feeling. I will explain that a little further, but I think I put it into a different post a while ago.
As a young child... I had feelings that were very very intense. The sheer gut wrenching anxiety if I felt like I had hurt someones feelings. Naturally over childish things as I was a child. If I allow myself to think of some of those times now as an adult I still feel the intense emotions of a child. I can't really put the feelings into words.. it is like my soul has been torn out because I have upset someone, or someone is angry or let down by my actions. I dont' get it often but it is more of a memory emotion. As an adult I have a similar emotion if I hear about or see an animal in pain.I get quite distraught.
I tried and tried to remember what my Dad must have done the day I felt that way about him. The day that I knew I had made my Dad upset and angry and I just hurt inside. I can't remember his reaction at all. I can't remember him yelling at me or being angry with me, but I remember the feeling I had.... this got me to thinking and I remember that very same emotion even younger. It was a feeling I had often as a child. Perhaps I could not remember a negative reaction from my father because there hadn't been one specifically. What I remember is my own emotional response.. REGARDLESS.. of the reaction of the adult involved. I pondered on this more.
I had a bit of an awakening in the morning of the appointment. The feeling that I had that day in my childhood.. and many prior and post that day.. was a deep feeling of responsibility for other peoples emotions/happiness/reaction. If I felt that a person was upset with me, by somethign I had done or not done... I was totally shattered. I took on that responsibility as a pre7 year old little girl.
When we are children we cannot differentiate between our world, where we end and another starts. I know I was treated badly by my elder sister. I know I was abandoned as a small child by everyone. Therefore, in my childs mind, I must have been responsible for that. Nothing has ever happened to prove that wrong. Not jobs or relationships.
Reading the ACA literature, it states our feeling of responsibility. I never identified with that much. NOw I do.
I shared this with my psychologist. She agreed. WE did a guided emotional exposure to an event I remember when I was 7ish. The total responsibility I took on for my mothers happiness. The total shattered feeling I had one day when I let her down. The psych agrees that itwas not an appropriate reaction of a 7 year old.
So.... how has this manifested to my life today.... In my conscious I do not identify as a people pleaser. I do what I want. If 'they' don't like it.. tough titties... hmmmm.. well... the psych and I thought together... if I really didn't believe I was responsible for others happiness.. why do I feel that I can change my partners drug habit by loving him more??? (I am working on that). Why did I stay with people who hurt me ... because deep down I thought that is all I was worth??? I had to make up for making them angry... I had to make up for being so stupid and annoying he had to hit me to shut me up. It was my fault..... If I get angry at myself first then the other person won't get angry or upset with me.. I will bash myself up before he gets the opportunity to...
Men I have been with have been like my father in that they have never met my expectations of perfection before I have upset them or annoyed them to the point of not loving me anymore. Then they have fallen off thier pedestal and the relationship falls apart.
Now... I think most of this was subconscious/schema level stuff. I did not have those exact thoughts (well maybe once or twice).
Today.. I feel like I have been hit over the head with a shovel. I was a hurt damaged small child who.. by the time I was 7.. so it was already done by then.. was damaged to the point of having a panic attack because I told my Mum an Easter hat parade was at 2pm instead of 10am. (long story)...
I think because I saw my Mum so badly hurt all the time.. I never wanted to be responsible for upsetting her in any way.
I never really thought about it at that level before. The psych showed me that what I was feeling was not just a silly child reaction.. it was not an average reaction.. but it was an average reaction for a child who had been through some abuse.
Recovery: I came to this board and I am thinking about Step One. I was never really too sure what to put in the 'powerless over' box apart from.. powerless over my Dads alcoholism and my sister abuse. I think I can put in .. I was powerless over the way adults felt. My 7 year old actions were not to be held responsible for shattering the feelings of my Mother (who by the way was not upset at all) and no matter what I did.. I was not responsible for the way my sister treated me. I was totally powerless over that. Nothing I did caused it or cured it.
I can identify with the people pleaser thing though my parents are not alcoholics. My mom is super critical and both parents are kind of stingy on affection. Along with 2 high achieving older sisters...that put me in a position to strive wayyyyy too hard to try and please my mom and dad and fight a battle that was mostly in my mind.
Being a people pleaser is both an asset and a defect. In the program we have to acknowledge when and how our defects are also assets and how they serve us. We then engage in trying to rid ourselves only of the ways in which those qualities hinder us.
My point is, part of the people pleasing is also being considerate and a caregiver. It makes you a loving person, a caring wife, and a good nurse. So... it is hard work to keep the caring part and drop the guilt...sounds like you are on your way though.