The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Really this next week is a very anxious week, there are some big big things coming down the pipe. I'm reminding myself that I only have to be in today which is Friday. I plan on making sure to stay in this day. I dont' want to miss out on today, because I'm worried about something that is 3 days away .. lol. This weekend will be a little challenging and I can choose to be alone or I can choose to be with some friends .. right now I'm ok with the idea of being alone we'll see how the weekend unfolds. I do have a coffee date with myself and I will enjoy listening to some music and reading something. Again .. it's not today and I plan on making this the best today now.
Yesterday was an amazing day .. I think that I've discovered the flip side of Step 1. In admitting I am powerless over people, place, things and the past (that's a Pushka thing .. lol), the power I have found ... wow!! It is the power I used to give away. It is a feeling I can't really describe. I'm getting to know myself and honoring myself. The speaker last night said something to the effect that they saw themselves as the most important person in the room and they hoped everyone else felt that way about themselves. I laughed to myself and thought I get what they meant. Right now .. that power in me is kind of wild ... lol .. because it's been so long and maybe never that I really thought about myself as being important and not in an ego way in a self care way. It shows! I've hugged more, loved more, given more and I don't feel drained and empty. It's like I'm getting back so much more than I've given back and I'm putting the experiences in my "joy bank" as my wonderful sponsor calls it. At the same time it's making me a little bit on the onery side .. I'll own I like being a she-devil in a good way though .. lol. Ironically my headsets have a monkey devil on the side of them .. hmm .. starting to see a pattern already .. lol.
Ironically, I've had a former co-worker tell me how much they missed me. It was a really validating feeling. My last job, .. that was dysfunctional family without an end insight and I was in the middle of that job in the height of my own craziness. It was a horrific experience. I did learn so much about myself as I look back it was pretty ugly at the time. Just the people who have come up and hugged me out of the blue and people I see around it's just amazing and I realize how much I held others off. I'm no longer prepared to do that, I want to let others in not hold them out. Not everyone .. lol .. however I can allow people in or out instead of just keeping everyone out.
I can't remember who said it, I think it was here, however I love the analogy that they got pushed down a rabbit hole (of healing), I added this part, very honestly I feel like Alice. There are all these choices around me and nothing makes sense and yet it's not going to, addiction never makes sense. Yet all the characters still apply, Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum, the Queen of Hearts and so on. I still have choices in the midst of madness, there is the cookies that say eat me and the bottles (non alcoholic of course ) that say drink me. Either are pretty potent healing stuff and I go through a range of intense emotion. When I'm done with that particular rabbit hole I sit and go .. ookkk .. lol .. that was pretty big and pretty wild. Where's the next dang rabbit hole? lol .. then I think .. umm .. let's give it at least two days to settle in, the next rabbit hole will appear on its own and I am still reeling from this ride.
Anyway, sorry to babble .. I slept pretty good still struggling to stay asleep past 330am .. I did manage to get an extra hour and I feel ok. I need to remember I started out yesterday the same way .. AND .. I can adjust my attitude at any point in the game.
I know I need to do something for me today, and realign myself. I've got some butterflies and weak legs at the moment which means my 8,9,10 year old wants to come out and run the show. I've been pretty good at keeping her soothed and today is a day I need her to be soothed and keep things light and fun. I'm pitching in and out of obsessive thinking sooo .. lol .. I think I better get busy so I get better.
Thanks for listening, P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
OMGosh .. LOL .. so .. not even 630am and I've been hit on for the first time in YEARS!!! That has to be the funniest dang thing ever and it absolutely tells me how much I have shut out of my own personal power. Now that was a nice hit to the old ego, ... even this old dog has some life left. Men are the LAST thing on my mind at the moment! It was nice to be noticed and it was nice to know I still got it! I laughed all the way home .. lol!
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
You are amazing. I love your posts, and I learn so much from you. You are such a vital part of this community, and I am so glad you are here. hugs p.s. Love that you got hit on! :)
You are coming to life, Pushka. Its beautiful. I am a very visual creature. I love your explanation of the rabbit hole, wherever you heard it, its good.
No one can take away your peace of mind unless you let them.
I am almost positive it was here that someone used the term "rabbit hole" so whomever it is .. I thank you, because it gave me a new gateway to healing. The Alice thing was a natural segue from "rabbit hole" in my brain .. lol.
It's not been all roses either .. I certainly don't want to convey that oh this is so easy and I got this because it's been 6 days .. lol .. it's only been 6 days and yet I feel as if it has been 6 months at this point. The days have there moments and I have to hold onto the good parts. It would be way to easy to get sucked into the sad parts of it all. God is in control and I trust that no matter what the outcome is God will lead me to the best possible conclusion for the kids and I.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo