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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Was having a great day and then things just stopped going my way and then I go to the company bathroom and I say the serenity prayer. It helps to pray "let go and let God" too and my music.. that is helping.. jack johnson today.. as for you guys.. you guys help me so much. just getting on and reading posts, posting, knowing others are there. Thanking my HP for my program today.
We adopted a cat. She is blind. I named her Fay. I am worried my old cat will not take to her. I think this is part of my anxiety today.
Im so happy to be alive, its 50 degrees and sunny in February.. and I have sweet aroma of coffee being pulled through the breeze from my cracked window.. what do I have to be so worked up over?
I have my days, as you, my friends know.. more good than bad, though., with al-anon. Its just nothing is going my way and this is the trouble I had before al-anon.. control and my will be done and where did that ever get me? so I know I need to let go. let go. let go.. anyone have any tricks for that? I am usually very good at this. typing it out is helping.
Anyway I hope we can provide a safe home for Fay, the sweet kitty who runs into walls. I hope Dawn Gato does not eat her up. She is currently in a room and Dawn has access to the whole house, but not this room. I am letting her smell her. I am going to put Fay in a crate and let Dawn smell that maybe tonight. Soon I will allow them to be together in a room perhaps. She is very non threatening. The cat cant see and is very shy and timid. Hope for the best with this. My husband's heart is so big. He loves this little rag doll. shes so cute. I loved Dawn like this. She was a rag a muffin when I found her.. now shes spoiled rotten and plump! hahaha. Hopefully she will come around, anyone have any experience with new cats and old cats?
as for me. I know what I need to do. CHILL OUT. take this one minute at a time. Get my work done. do the best I can with what I got and let go of the rest. ESH would help me right now. Thanks, in advance. You guys have been good cyber friends to me and I so appreciate it.
No one can take away your peace of mind unless you let them.
Hey Michelle - four years ago I brought another cat into my home and my old cat STILL makes trouble for him, she hunts him down just to snarl at him like she is reminding him she was here first. There is nothing I can do to change it. A freeing thing understanding and living in the powerless awareness state. So many situations call for me to sit back, take a breath, discern the situation and whether I can do anything and then do something if I can, and let it go if I can't. Good luck with the baby!
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
I was concerned when I got my new kitten whom I found stranded in a palm in my back yard. My big old cat is very cantancerous (please I have no idea how to spell that word and its 630am here so I am not looking for a dictionary).... I was worried he would eat the kitten alive!!! He has never got along with any other animal. I have a huge scar from his fighting with a tiny dog, and the cat won!!!!
Well... guess who rules the house!!! Yep. the kitten. He is now nearly 2years old and is massive (both feral cats), He actually beats up my poor old boy but I tryto intervene as much as possible. My cats are indoor cats strictly so they don't get the opportunity to get away from each other.
My old boy has lost some weight cos he plays more, he is more loving because he cared for the kitten and they actually preen each other and sleep together.
LOL .. I'm the crazy cat lady we have another one outside. Thankfully I solved the kitten issue.
We do have one new member of the family and God love her she's driving the household crazy!! My cats are not happy about it however they are adjusting and she's learning what she can and can't do and what they will and won't allow. The old kitties are 15 years old and the new one is about 4 months. So you can imagine things are being chewed and scavenger deal. I'm sure it's because mama was semi wild.
Anyway, like anything else it's an adjustment!
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
I love your recovery! Thanks for making me smile today. I imagined you in a quiet place repeating Let Go and Let God, and it made me feel supported for the times I do that too. :)
hahahaha danni. so funny huh? The girl I share an office with thinks Ive gone mad. I was almost yelling at this stupid comp program we use and then... I said "okay. I am going to pray now." hahhhahhahahhaah and I put my head down at my desk and was quiet. I dont care what people think, i gotta keep my sanity about me.
Thanks all for the encouraging words about the cats. Right now I am keeping Fay in the spare bedroom and our bedroom to sleep so shes not all alone.. Dawn has her whole house and I let her out today to enjoy the beautiful air. I think it will take alot of time but eventually, hopefully Dawn will lighten up... shes just a baby and shes blind. poor doll.
Thanks again all. I need a good nights sleep and all will be well in my world again. Felt better after I took my nieces bowling. Get my mind off Fay and Dawn and my AH and everything.. all I worried about was hitting strikes and watching those beautiful girls play and be kids.
No one can take away your peace of mind unless you let them.