The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
This website that I share with you today is not Al-Anon. I ran across this website during my initial separation with my now ex-husband (we are now reunited after divorcing). I recall sitting in my sparsely furnishes apartment, early in the morning with my favorite cup of tea, kicking back and viewing the beautiful videos with their inspring messages and soothing music and/or using the search field to find a calming message that pertains what was troubling me. It was such a comfort and continues to soothe my soul still.
It's not Al-Anon approved, of course. However, it does reinforce what the program teaches. It's another way to "get it."
Here's a link to one of several free videos that last about 4 minutes. When the video is through, their will be la link that will take you to the home page.
I hope many, or at least some of you, find it helpful. There are times when my mood cannot tolerate the messages; that is, I'm choosing to let my peace be disturbed - progress not perfection!
Thanks for sharing the site. I am once again stepping back into the rooms with regards to Al-Anon, after several years of "trying to deal" with my AH and his addiction. I feel as though I am finally ready to do the work and focus on myself and our newborn son (who will only be 4 months in a few weeks).
I moved out with my baby and in with my sister and her husband, while I begin to save and look for a place of our was done to begin making good choices. I am co-dependent and I know that although my AH says that he is working his program and ready to deal with the consequences of his actions, I feel as though I have finally had enough.
He recently received his paperwork for the DUI charges that he will have to face and even more astoundingly and hard to accept is the fact that each of the DUI's occured after I returned home from the hospital with our son. The pain and hurt that I feel in unbearable, but I know that in order for things to get better, they sometimes need to get worse.
I am unsure if my husband and I will remain married and that is not something I can focus on today, but the fact is that his actions have affected all of us. My family wants me to leave him, I want a trial seperation, but I don't want to be played like a fool once again.
You stated that you divorced, worked your program and are now finally trying to reunite...I would love some support or advice for taking charge and striking out on my own in order to get well...I want to be STRONGER. Maybe, one day we too can reunite.
First, I encourage you to post, introducing yourself to others. It will be a way for others to welcome you too, and possibly they could share a little of their ES&H (experience, strength & hope.)
Second, I strive so hard to not give advice. Everyone and every situation is different. Your answers to your challenges reside in you. I didn't want to admit that was true for me. I went around trying to find the answers by looking outside myself. Oh, and there were well-meaning people who were quite willing to draw me a road map. I followed a few and got more lost.
Cutting throught the chase here - I finally went to Al-Anon. Sat my buttocks down and listened and listened and listened some more. I quickly began to see that what I was told in 17 years of therapy and what I had read in countless books was true.
I'm still learning - always will.
Al-Anon has helped me in countless ways. One thing it did was to help me get close to and trust the God of my understanding. It has taught me to trust myself AND that I went crazy, in part, because I was a people pleaser. (one writer I love to read says that people pleasers are "approval whores.") Hope that doesn't offend you! There's more to this writer's perspective...leaving out a lot of details.
Any Who, please post to introduce yourself. You'll be so glad you did.
Also, if you haven't gone to Al-anon yet, I strongly encourage you to do so.
You have to go through the darkness to truly know the light. Lama Surya Das
Resentment is like taking poison & waiting for the other person to die. Malachy McCourt
Wow--I loved that. I need to watch that at the end of the work day, when i am overwhelmed with stress from the day and from what's ahead at home. Thanks for the share.