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Post Info TOPIC: SNOW!

~*Service Worker*~

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And lots of it. Last night word was out, school was closed today, yippee for the kids and what a snow it was - 8-24 inches depending on where you were and how good your yardstick measured. Spent the day shoveling one place and another, laughing with people as they passed, chatting about how much snow and weather and weather toys and... you know. Lots of grown boys out playing with their farm equipment clearing snow here and there, just having fun. City boys have a plow blade on a dump truck and they just scoop the snow to the side leaving your car behind a 4-5 foot berm. Walking home after last job I was bushed; knew that tomorrow I was gonna hafta shovel my own space to gain use of my car, got to my house and surprise! someone had snowblowed in front of my car, the side of my car and up to the stairs to my fence. Looking around I can see they also did my elderly neighbors path around her car - what a nice random act of kindness eh? Its one of the things I like about living in this small town; i seem to get back kindnesses when I least expect them or really need them. Really boosts your morale when it happens. I remember my daughter asking why i did nice things for others without looking for pay and the feeling today as I walked up and saw what someone else had done is exactly the reason why I do for others when I can - because it makes them feel this good. My back is gonna hurt tomorrow, and I'm hoping they keep the schools closed another day because this snow is the kind the kids can really enjoy playing in - good wet packing snow.

Betsy the wonder dog LOVES the snow - it invigorates her, she jump/plows through it like its in her genes. She's not so much help when shoveling - tries to bite every shovelful as I throw it, change directions and she plows over (scattering snow on newly shoveled walk, errrg) to get to where I'm throwing it. Every time we came in for a break she had dozens of snow balls hanging from the long hair underneath her and she spent time pulling them off and crushing the big ones.

While minding the store, looking out the window at the kids playing in the mounds left by city boys, I see one neighbor walking another down the street to the grocery store, she being of unsure foot, he being 6foot something tall, seeing her safely there and home again.

Another friend stops by to tell me he's on his way to check on an elderly lady he knows of, the power is out east of here and he wants to make sure she's ok.

Pictures of small town life and a good reason to live here.

I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France

~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 741

thanks for the images.
I saw snow once in my life and it was fun.
The scene you describe, for me, is like looking at a snow globe or a movie or something, it is quite bizarre to my experiences in the tropical North of Australia.
Its like something I would expect to see on a mid day Xmas movie hehehehehe.

I work with an American woman and she describes her place to me (little rock?) and I love the sound of that too.

Again, thanks for that share


Linda - a work in progress

~*Service Worker*~

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 This was wonderful and I wanted to read more!!! You are such a great story teller. That sure did take me away!

What kind of dog? Mine go nuts in it too. bums up in the air pushing their faces thru the snow. White Great Pyr and Black Newfyx, two giants jumping around, wrestling in it. My newf Bonnie lays in it with her legs in the air then Sauvey my Pyr bites her toes.

I want to move where you are. hugs,debilyn


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~*Service Worker*~

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Debilyn's right. I read this before I went to bed last night, and when I woke up I wanted to read more. So I read it again. Still good.
You are thankful and teaching your daughter to be the same.
well done


~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 1582

While I do love watching my dogs romp in the snow, I can't seem to ever really "LOVE" snow. I live in a climate where it never snows, and I can't handle temperatures below 70 degrees, LOL! We can drive about 2 hours and see snow and I can visit it for the day and then go home to my 70 degrees, LOL!

Glad you are enjoying your winter white beauty!

Struggling to find me......

~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 3972

So true and I love your description of it. We are still waiting for our first big snow in Northern, Wi go figure. Enjoy it!


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

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"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."

~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 1152

We got snow too. And cold! Love it if I'm dressed for it.


~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 3870

Aw!! I'm looking forward to the kids having one snow day and I don't think that is going to happen lol. It's still early and not a lot of snow to say the least. It sounds like you all had a wonderful time!! hugs p ;)


Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo

~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 1277

Ok, the snow is now ice and not so much fun! Heavier to shovel if it gets goopy enough to shovel, and colder. My toes are froze and that's just from walking in it! Deceptive pavement leaves me walking in baby slidy steps when necessary. No School for last three days, hurts the paycheck but boy am I glad the powers that be are wise enough to know when not to go. When I started the job I got lots of concern from people about having to drive in bad weather like this but so far, the school knows and protects its kids. well, and teachers, probably most of them couldn't have made it to work safely, lots of car mishaps. Cancellation of MY saturday class makes me happy too - I need the class but its just too far in this mess to risk going - again, smart enough people. Just went down and got propane for a heater I bought this winter, man I really like the direct hot heat that comes from it! Not a economical heater but sure is warm - and don't worry, its rated for indoor use.

Big trees across the street keep breaking, poor lady who owns that house is elderly, poor, but she has many helpers so I'm sure eventually it will be ok - she is an earth mother though and hates anything happening to her trees! (oh she ranted about the electric co. cutting branches last time). Animals all inside, huddled by the heaters - sorta wish I had an outdoor thermometer to know the temp but suffice to say, its just plain ice cold!

Think warm thoughts - weather like this makes us remember why we are glad we don't have it all the time!

I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France

~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 818

lovely post... but your follow up left me feeling cold hahhahaha. This is how my town is too, as the snow falls and things are so fun and then a few days later when its frigid everyone is hiding inside. Its so weird to think Linda has only seen snow once. WOW. I would miss it. I love the snow. You do have great story telling abilities. Its amazing how al-anon brings out the best in us, isnt it?



No one can take away your peace of mind unless you let them.

~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 1686

likemyheart: thanks for seeing the good in the snow! We are up here somewhat enjoying the snow but finding it difficult to get out sometimes. You sound so positive; could you send some of that my way!


Hoot Nanny
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