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My mother is an alcoholic. She has had serveral relapses since first getting sober when I was 15. I am now 35, I am married, have three great kids. My mom lived with us for about 7 years and in Jan 2011 moved into her own apartment, my two youngest, ages 8 and 9, spend most weekends with her. Until last night. I got a call from my 9 year old, she was crying and terrified. Saying 'Mama, I want to come home, Mimi is acting wierd and she is scaring me' I got her to put my mom on the phone and as soon as she said 'Yes?' I knew. I am so angry right now. This is the second time she has gotten drunk while caring for my girls. The last time was when she lived with me and they were both under two. I told her then that if she ever did it again I was done. Now I have to explain to my young daughters why they arent allowed to be alone with Mimi anymore and everything I say seems to confuse them more. Anyone know of any books, online info I can use for kids this age?
Hello , Al-Anon prints an amazing book for pre teen kids , its called Whats Drunk Mama. it explains the disease in a way that helps kids realize whats going on .. it assures them this has nothing to do with them and teaches respect for the alcoholic . This book is out of print now but I understand ebay has several copies they cost about 4.00$ us . there is also a comic book type book available also printed by Al-Anon .. I am sorry your kids had to experiece that behavior but grateful your daughter had the courage to call you and ask to come home. Louise
thank you so much, those are the kinds of things I was looking for. I was so proud of my daughter last night and I have spoken to my mother this morning. She is going back to AA. So maybe there is still hope.
The book 'Marriage on the Rocks' by Janet Woititz has a great section on 'What Happenns to the Kids' and one on "How Your Children Can Be Helped". I found it very helpful in both understanding what my kids were feelin and how to deal with it.
Good luck, thinking of you!
"The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time."
When I first left my exAH I had my oldest in therapy and her counselor specialized in addiction and alcoholism and she explained so many things to my daughter so that she could understand the workings of the disease and what it does to the brain. I am glad you are being vigilent for your kids, I have the same boundary with my exAH for my kids. Sending you love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."