The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Well.. I took a day off work Friday for a spiritual day. Every sign I fell upon was my HP telling me that it is okay to live a little. As in I heard this tale of a man who asks a monk... "If I meditate for 6 hours a day how soon will I reach spiritual enlightenment?" The monk responds "ten years." The man says "what if I meditate ten hours a day, then how many years will it take?" The monk responds "twenty years." The man says "but that makes no sense, If I meditate more it will take longer?" And the monk says something along the lines of.. "God gave us life to live it" that there is a time and place to praise God and to meditate and to pray but the most spirutal enlightening experiences come from human interactions and living life. I read this on my spiritual day. I still enjoyed it. I went walking bundled up again, I read books, I watched youtube videos on spirituality and such. But this spoke to me. That my HP is with me in all the little moments, day by day. I do think my HP speaks to me best through people anyway.
So Friday evening my cousin and her husband came and spent the night here. We watched movies and played games. Saturday we went walking out in the snow covered town for something like two hours. It was very nice. They left mid afternoon and I went to a family party. After that I headed to meet my girlfriends for an evening together. Again I was faced with the choice.. go to a bar or go home. I went to the bar.. for about ten minutes. I remembered why I dont like going anymore. I left and came home.
This morning I woke up and discovered that my cousin and her husband had left my husband and I a gift. I have been crying all morning because they and my other cousin and husband went in on a gift for us. It was my favorite coffee, a scarf, a $150 gift card to the grocery store, $25 to a restaurant and $25 to another restaurant. I could not believe it. I called my cousins crying. I know to them $200 is not alot but to us this is like a miracle. My husband is still wearing the collar and cant work from his broken neck much so we still have no money really. I can go to the grocery store and actually buy more than just cereal and milk. It is amazing how kind and loving people can be.
Its only about ten degrees out but its really sunny. I am going to bundle up and go walking in the winter wonderland now. I will say prayers of gratitude for my family, my friends, my al-anon friends, and my MIP friends.
-- Edited by Michelle814 on Sunday 15th of January 2012 11:45:00 AM
No one can take away your peace of mind unless you let them.