The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Last week I made it clear to my AH that I didn't trust him, and that I did not want to sign a loan or a purchase agreement to get the small house for my mom (so that he can pay himself, and get an asset). He could manipulate that situation any way he likes. However, he has brought it up a few times since then, including last night. I reiterated my feelings, was sure to not raise my voice, or even leave my seat on the couch (when I get up, or try to leave the room, it exaccerbates his anger). At some point I mentioned "what would happen if you were very angry with me, or if we decided to get divorced? I don't trust you to not manipulate things."
That resulted in him tossing divorce papers at me (he had kept them from last year, when I left while he was drinking and eventually he went to rehab). He told me to make a decision and get out by this weekend. He said "if I've done such irreparable damage, then get out if you're unhappy." The things is, I feel like to do my best to cope, and even find small joys - though living with him is literally draining the life out of me at times. The only thing I've said to him about splitting up, ever, is that we have our daughter to consider - so, if we need to make a decision TOGETHER to divorce, we need to be able to parent together. Of course, he just gets enraged.
Anyway, he insisted that, if I (not we) want to get a divorce, that I will have to leave the house, and he wants me to decide and leave by this weekend. He insists that our house isn't mine, and that I have to leave (we live in OH - state laws say it is both of ours). I can't leave - I don't have anywhere to go yet, and my daughter isn't even 2 years old - obviously I need to be where her needs are met as well.
He scares me. His manipulation scares me, and the way he lies and makes false statements scare me. I am so angry right now. He makes living in our home miserable, breaks my trust, and then tells me it is my fault for feeling miserable and feeling that I can't trust him.
I don't want to be married to him anymore, but I'm afraid (again) of what he'll do, or won't do, if I decide I want a divorce.
"The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself."
My AH threatened and threatened...then when we finally separated...his love for his kids (which is REAL) won out. With a police report of him being passed out in the road...he knew that if push came to shove, I would get primary custody. He couldn't argue against his own documented history.
A great resource is the local women's abuse advocacy group...they will know the laws in your state, and have resources for you to help you decide what is best to do...
It took me a LONG time to get up the courage to ask AH to leave...but one day I came home and he was passed out on the couch...that was the stick that broke the camel's back...and I said, it's over.
My kids no longer live in chaos and fighting..unpredictability...etc. Though I do still worry that he will drive drunk with them. (they see him on weekends).
Divorce is one of the hardest things I ever went through especially with 2 kids, 3 and 13, both his. But now I am thankful I faced my fears and did what I knew needed done. I left and rented a cute little place while the divorce was happening and stood up to my exAH when I had to. It all worked out fine. I used to feel guilty for leaving him, but my 13 year old blooming this whole last year more than ever is worth it and I am no longer miserable. I have grown a lot with Al-anon and am better off alone I did have to get assistance for awhile. You will know when and if its the right decision. I am sending you love and support.
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
I got such a powerful message this morning while watching a Joyce Meyer sermon that I think I should share with you. She gave so many examples of bible verses where God said do not fear , and fear means to flee. So don't flee, stand your ground. Your only job is to remain calm and God will fight your battles for you. I really needed this as I have been thinking lately how I can "flee" my situation.
(((Lotus))) So sorry you are going through this. They ARE masterful manipulators, aren't they?
One of the most helpful things that I did when I first started al-anon was to make very detailed 'escape plan'. I made one for short term- those times when I just couldn't take any more and had to get away for a few days. And I also made one for long term, in my case, that meant a divorce. It helped me in two.ways. One, I felt that I had some measure of control in a situation where it had always seemed that my AH was the one who controlled everything. It also helped me not to make a rash move in the middle of a stressful situation. Over the years, I've used my short-term plan on several occasions. Last fall, I had the occasion to bring out the long-term plan. My AH said he no longer had a drinking problem, I said that was fine, but that I still had a problem with it and wouldn't live with him if he weren't actively trying to quit. He refused and said he thought the only answer was divorce. I agreed and began going through the steps on my list. He was soon back-peddling and agreeing to quit drinking and receiving outside help to do it. He has since told me that, until that moment, he never really believed I would divorce him. Since this isnt the first time I've brought it up, I asked him what was different about this time. He said it was because I was so calm, not angry, not blaming, and because it wa very obvious that I had it well thought out. For me, the real difference was that I had set my boundaries, had a plan for whatever things went, and fully intended to stand by it. If I hadn't worked it all out before we talked, I know I would have been angry, crying, and, probably feeling guilty for SOMEthing before it was over. The question is often asked on this site, "He's going to drink, what are YOU going to do?". I think we each have to answer that for ourselves, but this is one of the ways I found helpful in coping with his outrageous behavior. As for making me feel as if everything was my fault, yep, I lived with that for years. The A's are SO good at that. Of course, most of them never make a decision, either, so how can they be to blame for anything? The tools of al-anon have made that so much easier for me to deal with. Still have that anger, though. I'm hoping to leave that behind someday, too.
(((Lotus))), sending positive thoughts your way today and always.
"The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time."
And another thing, that home that your husband is telling you to get put of, also belongs to your two year old. It doesn't make legal sense for the mother and child to leave. The man is mostly the one to find another place. On a side note, it really just sounds like he is just trying to scare you and bully you.
sending support your way. I can't say anything that has not already been said. BUt I am ready to make an action plan for in case of emergencies as never going back described. That is necessary, I think.
No one can take away your peace of mind unless you let them.
I too have a long term and short term plan in place. I live with an active A, I think it's necessary. Fortunately for me I have places (more then 1) to go that are close by. Do you have friends close by? If not perhaps there is a safe home close by?
If you live with a bully as much as you have to stand your ground there are other times you have to remove yourself from the situation.
I used to sit and write things down of what I was fearing.
What he might do here. What won't do there.
Then how that affects me and daughter.
NO you do not have to leave you are correct. I sure wouldn't. I remember one gal on here hung out until she got her own place figured out unbeknowest to him.
Am I safe is my child safe is huge.
Remember he is insane. If he is not on a strong healthy recovery program he is not in recovery. Its called white knuckling. Like clenching your teeth all the time.
Yes sadly the A can suck us dry. I can tell you the peace I felt was amazing when I did not have him to deal with at all was worth divorcing.
I saw you said afraid a lot. Is it that you are afraid of physical harm? Oh he will throw your stuff out the door? What is it you think he will do?
We cannot control that, but we must make sure we are safe.
I read Ann Rule, I tell ya its so important to keep our senses and trust our intuition. Be prepared. We are not mice sitting there shaking with a hungry cat looking at us. We are strong women and men who have the right to protect ourselves.
We are stronger than anyone else at the point of protecting and surviving. I never did get how some people just take it as they figure they are too weak anyway. Believe me you are not.
Please keep us on top of how you are doing!!! I am sorry this is not working out, however no child deserves to have a father who berates his babies mother. That to me is totally not right at all.
hugs hugs,debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
I am sending you so many hugs and so much support. You have already had great ESH. I understand how scary everything is right now. You shouldn't have to live as an emotional hostage that just because you don't want to go with your spouses ideas that he's going to leave you. You deserve to be treated so much better than that. (that's an opinion). Please take care of you and your child, give what you can (everything if you can) to your HP and wait to see what happens.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo