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Post Info TOPIC: Advice Concerning Father's Secretive Substance Abuse


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Advice Concerning Father's Secretive Substance Abuse

Hello all,

I'm brand new to the board and don't know where to start with Al-Anon. I'm hoping someone can give me some guidance.

I'm a recent college graduate with divorced parents. I'm also an only child (son). My father has struggled with alcoholism for a long time, but managed to conceal it fairly well throughout my childhood. Since my parents divorce the drinking has grown and become more apparent. He is not agressive or violent when drunk, so it's very difficult to tell when he has been drinking. Two years ago he hit rock bottom and has told the family that he is sober. I visited him last year, and found that he was smoking pot. I was alarmed, but try not to be judgemental and figured it was none of my business.


Cut to this week. I've flown out to visit him for the month. He lives on the other side of the Country. I know no one in the area. I noticed a beer cup in his trash on my first day here. While we're at home he is constantly disappearing into the garage, or going on long unexplained errands without telling me. Sometimes I hear cans opening in the garage.  He never brings the cans into the house, and doesn't drink soda. During all this time he's gone I'm left alone. I can definitely tell he's been drinking, but cannot tell how much. Today he left at 8pm saying he was going to pick up milk. He did not return untill after 3 am, and left his phone off all night. I was both concerned for his safety, and upset that he was at a bar.

He is a kind, thoughtful guy, so this behavior is alarming. It hurts me that he would be so secretive, and that he would leave me alone for indeterminate lengths of time while he's getting drunk. We still get along very well, whether he's sober or drunk. Since we're so close this secrecy is especially upsetting.

I want to express my anger at his disregard for my feelings, but don't how to approach it. Though I am obviously upset by his drinking, and wish he would stop, I know I cannot make him change. I try to approach any touchy topic from a place of love, without judgement. I'm afraid that approaching the subject at all will put him on the defensive.

 Putting it in writing makes it sound crazy, but I'd like him to know that I won't judge him for drinking, and that I'd prefer if he did it openly. I obviously don't like his alcoholism, but would much rather spend my time with him than alone in his house. I hate having to pretend I don't know he's high or drunk, and hate watching him doing this elaborate act. Is this enabling?

Where should I start? Any advice is greatly appreciated! I'll be here for several more weeks, and I don't want to be tiptoeing around any longer.

-- Edited by nnn on Wednesday 11th of January 2012 05:47:16 AM


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Posts: 69

Hi nnn, welcome to MIP.

I'm sorry your Dad has relapsed, I'm afraid this is part and parcel of the disease.

That you love him is obvious in your post.

You are living with & seeing the effects of the disease first hand and the disease is currently in control.

You are allowed to tell your Dad your feelings but best to do it when he is sober. You are experiencing the loneliness, rejection & confusion we all feel when we are sidelined by the primary need of an drink.

Al-anon tools enable me to speak my words without blame or shame, by saying what I mean, meaning what I say and saying it with love.....then leaving picking at it like an itchy sore, no building of resentments.

Ive also learned not to take it personally, it's not about me, I didn't cause it, I can't control it & I can't cure it ( known in Al-anon as the 3C's) they are sick and unable to give of themselves to others, their first choice is the booze.

Ive found the more Ive educated myself on the disease, (& I believe it is a disease), the more meetings Ive gone to & by checking in here regularly, my anger hurt and confusion are giving way to more understanding and compassion.

You say you are there for a month, are there any Al-anon face to face meetings where you are. If so, please go along, don't be fearful, as you will be opening a door onto a wealth of ESH (experience, strength & hope) support & understanding.


Jadie x


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Hi and welcome! I'm so glad you found this site and are reaching out for help. Al Anon is a world wide organizagion. If you can find some Al Anon meetings in your area, I have found them VERY helpful in dealing with these feelings and the situation you described. You are not alone and will find instant support and community. I learned about alcoholism, how best to help myself, and how to not make the situation worse for my husband by "helping him". Alcoholism is a family disease and affects closest family members the most. What you described doesn't sound crazy. It sounds like a painful alcoholic situation, which can make US feel crazy. Sending you tremendous support! I know you are in pain, and help is available. Glad you are here. Keep coming back!


~*Service Worker*~

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WELCOME to our Family :)

And Thank You for Your Post...

I Lost My Afather to this Disease in Nov 08 and He was Very Open About his Drinking Just in Denial he had a Problem with it...

When I got Here, It was 2 months after He past & I Went to the Blaming of Myself of .... Well if "I" would have, could have, should have then he would still be here... I Wore that Armour for Quite a while, and I did speak to my father about his Drinking, & Everytime It was an Arguement that left us both at Not a good place... My Afather "At Times" was Just as you discribe yours, Kind, Loving, Caring, but when He was Brought to the Front of the Line & Called out on his Sickness he was very Defensive... but that was MY Father...Not to say it is or would be yours...

If I was Standing Were you are in a Strange Town, Strange Home, Knowing the only reason I am there is to get time with My Father, I may just say... Yea know... I came Here to spend time with you, Regardless of where that is... Couldn't Hurt... It doesn't have to be about his Drinking, It can be Open & Honest About your Life, Or Invite him to dinner So you can catch up...

I have learned that Tho My Feelings Are not always about ME! If I don't Tell someone How I Feel, How can I Expect them to Know! And I am Also in agreement if there is a Face to Face meeting in his local area, Can't hurt to check it out, and you may even find peace knowing that you are know where near alone in your Worries... Thats Why we are all here, but Your Health & Well Being is Just as Important as theirs... It took me a long time to Figure that one out, but since i Keep Coming back I am SLowly learning, I can't solve All the Problems, but I Can Live Happily without discontent of the ones I love, and that is a Wonderful Thing... That I Gained Here & At My F2F Meetings...

Keep Coming Back... Keep Sharing... You Will Find the Healing You Need... Just Keep the Faith In You ... Please Take what you like & Leave the Rest...

Friends in Recovery



Thee Only Journey I Control Is MY Own :)

Gratitude.... Is a God Honoring Attitude! :D

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