The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Check this out.. someone from the AA board asked if I'd be willing to go to Ontario Canada to speak in Febuary at the AA Heritage Weekend Conference there. I'm completely flabergasted that any one would want to hear me! Especially in another darn country! The person that asked is going to be working out the details of transportation, etc.. so we'll know in a few days if it's a workable arrangement.
A man told his wife he wasn't going to drink and just wanted to see the new remodeling of a bar he once frequented during his drinking days. She wasn't real happy about his going there for any reason, but he assured her he could get in and out of it without taking a sip.
Around 2am he comes staggering into the house. She is furious, but not letting him have it just yet, she simply asked... "and? How was the remodelling job?" He took a seat, and replied, "honey they have gold everywhere in there now! It's the most magnicent bar you've ever seen! Gold floor, Golden topped tables, even a gold toilet!" He went on and on about all the gold.
The next day she couldn't take it any more, so she called the bar. Are your floors really gold?" The bartender replied, "no, not real gold, they are just tiled in gold color tiles." "What about the table tops? She asked. "No, again, we thought tiling them in gold color tiles would bring some color cordination to the place". She paused for a moment. "And the toilets?"
There was silence for a moment, then she heard the bartender whispering to someone... "Someone peed in your trombone and saxaphone last night, right? I think we have a lead on who did it!"
She hung up.
" And what did we gain? A new life, with purpose, meaning and constant progress, and all the contentment and fulfillment that comes from such growth."
hehey lol i came in here hoping to read on the subject .. Funny i just got a forum questionairre sent to us to answer questions on how we felt when the addict used Sex to keep us feeling confused and controlled .. I sat and stared at that forum with the funny little lightbulb saying to myself .. So, That's what he did ????!!!! too funny ..
Good luck on your talk .. Remember it's God who expresses himself through our group conscience .. You'll do Great !!!!