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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
At my home meeting tonight, one of the questions was, "How have you grown and matured?" Earlier in the day, while taking a walk at lunchime, it occurred to me that I haven't taken a Xanax (prescription for anxiety) in the past six months. My doctor prescribed it to "take the edge off" when I was dealing with the worsening of my AH's drinking problem.
I shared tonight that it's now become clear to me that the Xanax was just a bandage for a wound that never seemed to heal. I remembered that I always would take a pill on Sunday nights because that was the night when my AH would close the bar he owned. If I "numbed" myself, I wouldn't have to suffer anxiety over him driving home drunk and passing out in our bed because the Xanax would knock me out.
Now that I have Al-Anon in my life and have separated from my AH nine months ago, I don't need pills. I have my Al-Anon literature, my meetings, my sponsor and my HP to help work through my anxieties and worry (which have lessened these past months). And I'm getting better and better everyday. Serenity is a great state of mind. I'm okay with my feelings, I don't need to numb them.
Great post Green Eyes! I too was prescribed Xanex at one time by well meaning doctors, then later they took me off it because they said it was too addictive. Never mind they had at one time told me I could NEVER get addicted to it because I didnt' have an addictive personality. And I never did abuse it (only 1/2 of a .5 tablet) once a week or so... also just to take the edge off.
One day I asked myself if I couldn't just use some breathing techniques and some relaxing meditations to do the same thing. It worked. I have been off Xanex for going on two years now. Today Al-anon is also my drug of choice. Thanks for sharing!
-- Edited by Overcome on Wednesday 11th of January 2012 06:14:02 AM
I can Overcome all things through my HP who strengthens me.
Great share!! Hugs!! It works if you work it and you are totally working it!!
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
That is exactly why I grabbed a chair in AA, I could so relate to "using" something other than Higher power when under stress, and I didn't even drink at the time, in fact, I hadn't had a drink in 3 years when I walked into AA. But I just found a wonderful home for myself there. I relate to all the emotions. (Of course, I grew up in an alcoholic home, so that may have something to do with it too.)
Try reading the Big Book and see if you don't also. I was told to underline everything I could identify with... not so much with WHAT happened but what they were FEELING. To me, it's the same thinking dis-ease with the same Solution.... and I have gained enormous healing by understanding it that way.
-- Edited by glad lee on Wednesday 11th of January 2012 08:05:28 AM
The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.
I too like Glad lee love the big book and it really helped me accept me for me and I got tons of healing time in now, so I don't need xanax or klonopin or anti depressants anymore like I used are doing amazing work! keep on keeping on!
Let go and let God...Let it be... let it begin with me...
Many issues within a person can be healed with a little faith. I had severe situational anxiety and depression before al-anon and I was considering getting on medication when my husband first relapsed and my anxiety spiked. I think back now that my problem was that I had no faith. I was a wandering soul who wanted a reason to belong but had none so every issue, problem, dilemma was much bigger than it needed to be because this life was all I thought I had. Now I feel it has more to do with the spirit. I know for particular mental illnesses medication is absolutely necessary and I will not go into detail but I am in the mental health field. But many people are alcoholics, addicts, or in need of al-anon and so much would be helped if only they knew how to pray for God's will for them. It makes me sad but I cannot internalize that pain for them... I can only guide by example and live a serene life where I am in touch with my HP and willing to follow his guide. It brings a smile to my face to think of all the people around the globe that aa and al-anon is helping and thank my HP that I am one of them. As for the others I can have hope that some day their path may lead where it needs to and they will take the bait like I did. Now, these are my opinions, take what you like and leave the rest.
No one can take away your peace of mind unless you let them.
Good For You! I know Soooo Many that Struggle to Get off the Meds that are Perscribed to them that at one point for Stress & Discomfort, and Now Find them self in a Strangle Hold of How to get off them & still live a Happy, Managable Life...
I was Put on Lexapro for a while myself, and Yes when I 1st started them I could see a Differant balance in my life, but I Feared the Addiction and Got off them with in about 3 months... My Doctor put me on a Smaller Dose of another, and again within 3 months I Still Feared addictions... I have a VERY addictive Personality, but so Far I have been able to Conquer Quite a few of them since Al-Anon/ACOA came into my life...
I too Grew up in an alcoholic home, and My Afather was also a Coke addict on top of his Drinking Disease that took his life at 58... I honestly Thought that I too Just wanted to be NUMB... But Shortly after he past in Nov. 08 I Found & Fell in love with Al-Anon, and I Brought to my Life An Addiction I Love... This Family & My Home Group of Friends... They are My Drug of Choice now... And LIfe Has Sure Improved... Their Kindness, Love, Support & Daily ESH I Recieve from Here or Home always makes my Heart Sing & Helps me Stay Connected to my HP & My Life...
Thanks for Being Here & AGAIN... GOOD FOR YOU Keep Coming Back :)