The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I can't wait to get out of town today to go to a meeting. I am so bored but I figure it is because I am living one day at time. I am trying to fill the empty places w/ better thoughts & actions. Don't get me wrong; living one day at a time is a good thing. I just wish the days weren't so slow sometimes. I need to get out & do something.
My sister called last night. She is the one in recovery from drug addiction. Anyhow, she wanted to reach out to someone--I guess me because I am available & willing to listen. She feels left out of the family issues & there is lack of communication on the family's part since both of our parents' died in such a short time. What I am getting at is she needs support & doesn't feel like she is getting any right now. My family is grieving & living life the best they can including me of course. I live very far away from my immediate family so all I can do is keep in touch the best way I know how. She, on the other hand, is closer but still at enough of a distance that she can't drop everything & go see them. I wish I could help her. I really can't but can support her by calling, writing etc. I just want everything to be OK. I hope she can find some peace & work her program. She seems very lonely & somewhat depressed--I can relate. I am trying to focus on the positive. My life depends on not getting too inside myself that I can't see the outside. I am not going to be locked up anytime soon if I can help it. I have seen inside the walls before. I am a firm believer in staying on the outside. I hope I can feel better soon as I am getting depressed writing this. Any ideas in trying to feel better?
I need to work my program--the program of Alanon. That is why I am going to a meeting tonight even if it is a long way away. Maybe I can get a hug from my sponsor. That would be great!