The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
thanks to al anon today can work as part of a team. Pre recovery I was totally controlling and did not trust anyone but myself to organise stuff.
When studing years ago I can remember having to do a group presentation I took control delegated tasks took total control. the presentation was good but today I realsie I do not have all the answers. that I am not responsible for everything. Today i do my share and work along side other on an equal footing. I do this thanks to al anon service and the traditions. In group I have a job then step down and hand over to another. Today i am learning to do this at work and gradually in my home.
I do not look at the traditions enough but they are great guidline for work and homes relationships as well as in al anon.
Thanks for a great share on the Traditions and in particular Tradition 1. I agree these traditions, when implemented at the office and in my family caused a fantastic opening up of communication and exchange of ideas.
I thought about this tradition and why my family could never work toward Our common welfare in the manner we do at our meetings, I found that in my Family of Origin the Common Welfare depended on who yelled the loudest, who had the best argument for a topic, who was the "boss'
Everyone was required to believe the same thing, share the same values political and Al religious, like the same people, movies, music etc . Our common welfare demanded that.
In alanon our common welfare depends on our:
Respecting each ones right to speak, have an opinion, think solve their own problems The common welfare is supported by our agreement to respect each other as we recover from the effects of living with this disease.
Respecting each other in my FOO was a foreign word
I have heard the Steps keep us from killing ourselves and the Traditions keep us from killing each other.
Its so amazing how much I relate with al-anoners like no other poeple in the world. First off, Tracy, that was me. I had to do everything.. because I knew how to do it right. hahaha. and hotrod, my family was exactly that, it was like whoever could yell the loudest and be the most judgmental wins. Haha. I am happy I can laugh at it now. It is hard for me to go to my parents' house still, progress not perfection and one day at a time. I still get pulled into the arguments at times and I have to step outside, go to another room and pray and think "why? is this going to matter in a week?" and it is always "no." I am so grateful I have a new way of living where I can see each person as a soul on their own spiritual path and where it is okay to value everyone's opinioin no matter how loud or quiet they expressed it.. I don't have to agree and I don't have to prove to them that I am right. I don't have to scream to be heard. I don't even have to be heard by others at all.. because I know when I speak, my HP always hears me. Wonderful, thought provoking share. Thank you.
No one can take away your peace of mind unless you let them.