The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I know this book is conference approved so I'm pretty sure I can quote this one, it's from Delimna of the Alcoholic Marriage pg 81. It's in regards to step 4, this was a light bulb moment for me this morning so I wanted to share
"I have done my best and it isn't good enough. Now I know I need the help of a power greater than my own. I know that help is waiting only for my acceptance, waiting for me to say, "Not my will but thine be done." Once I have decided to turn my life and my will over to "God as I understand Him," I know I must empty my mind and my feelings of fear of what may happen, of the shame and embarrassment over the behavior of others. In everything I do, I will try to reflect the light and the wisdom that will come to me through my surrender to my higher power."
This week I have struggled with letting go of fear, which I've come to understand is the root cause of the anger I've also been working through. I used to believe that if I worked hard enough then I could do anything. Well partly true, if I work hard enough I can do anything, in regards to ME. I also thought this summer if I loved "enough". Again thinking it was up to me to work hard and do... I have to work but not the way I thought, it's working a program!!! I am continually learning how to hand it back over. Progress, not perfection. So thankful I am not HP!
There is a great quote I had on my desk it said something to the effect of Good Morning this is God, I do not need your assistance today. Leave all of your troubles with me and enjoy the ride. I'm paraphrasing however you get the point. lol.
Great awareness and I really do like that book it's such a good source of information.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo