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My husbands mom is suppose to be getting out of the hospital today. God love him because he just left to go and get her. It is 4pm I am expecting kids at 5 and I'm not done yet .. lol. Of course .. LOL .. she doesn't call to let him know she's getting out the poor guy just got out of work at 3pm got home at 330pm and gets a phone call oh come get me at 4pm. So much for us relaxing this afternoon that will have to come later.
This whole situation saddens me on so many levels. She's been in the hospital since Wednesday and I never heard from the other brothers not even a don't bother me with this kind of crap kind of deal. Or thanks for letting me know, I know that is way to much to expect out of them. They don't give in that way. It still floors me and I am reminded of the resentment I have had in the past. I'm trying not to go there however it is hard. The youngest brother came for about a day and a half kind of thing. I only sent one message to them both and that's going to be the end of it. This is a far departure on how I would have chosen to do things in the past.
How sad I am for her and yet I can't be close to her in that way because as soon as I make an oveture in that way next thing I know I'm sucked into the abyss of her neediness. She will not respect any kind of boundary and I find in the past my partner decides it's a good time to hide. So it's better for me to stay on the outside and be as supportive as I can without engaging the situation directly. I don't even ask many questions regarding it at this point. I figure if it's something bad at some point someone will say something.
I did my part of notification in the situation and what they have chosen to do with the information is NOT my issue.
Thank you for the continued support hugs, P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo