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My son had his 4th eye surgery yesterday (glaucoma) and it was deemed successful. However, the followup early this morning showed a little blood has entered the eye so hopefully, it won't continue or it could potentially be bad. I'm praying that his surgeries will stay successful and we'll know in 3-4 weeks. If his eye drains do not continue to work, he'll have to go through surgery again to put in artificial drains. Trying to stay hopeful and pray that that is not the next step for my sweet little 5-month old.
My AH was released from the hospital yesterday too from detoxing a third time. It's really hard on him right now that he is spending Christmas without his family and missed his son's surgery and I'll admit, I missed having my sober AH there for emotional support. However, I do believe he must get help for his drinking and his anger issues and it's not going to be a simple and/or quick fix. He's heard about some rehab's that will take him at little to no cost and since we're both not working at the moment. I hope they are just as good as those that do cost an arm and a leg. We'll see.
I do miss being in my own home and hope to get back there one day. Just have to see what steps my AH takes and how serious he is about staying committed to a sober life for his family. I really do miss that sober man! Even though he's hurt me and scared me pretty bad while drunk, I do have hope that he'll get the help he needs. If he doesn't, then I know I'll have to let him go. Hard to say that but I have to feel safe with him and I want my kids to do so as well. It's so hard when my 3 year old asks about her daddy and if he's still "sick" because that's the best way to explain it right now. She cries for her daddy and I keep telling her that one day we'll see him again. His sickness will take some time to get better and he wants to get better for her more than anything.
Another thing that's been hard on me is staying with my mom while all of this is going on with my AH. God love her. I love her more than anything. I really do. But since her brain aneurysm last January, she really is a different woman that I grew up knowing. It's hard saying that out loud and realizing that. It's even a miracle she's still alive, let alone still being able to do most of the things she did before her aneurysm. She has a hard time getting out what she wants to say sometimes but that isn't what bothers me. She's much more controlling now and if it's not her way, it's no way and she gets angry! I have to keep reminding myself this is a result of the aneurysm but sometimes I get so angry because I miss the mom that I had. It's so hard not get upset with her and I have to bite my tongue a lot because I know she can't help it. Sometimes I think it's because she is trying so hard to be normal, well, as she used to be, and having some kind of control comforts her maybe? I don't know but I'm praying everyday to keep the stress at bay and to have a better, not perfect, but better 2012. Despite everything I've dealt with this year, I'm excited to see what 2012 will bring. Bring it!
Merry Christmas Lost...Here's praying and hoping that your December 24th is the best Christmas Eve you've had in a long time. Don't do Christmas until it arrives. Put that little charmer and his sibling along with your alcoholic in HP's hands and go find an empty space there for yourself also.
It sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now for sure! I am sending out thoughts and prayers for your baby and for you as well! Sending you love and support on your journey!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
Just want to say that you are handling all this with a lot of bravery and a really positive attitude. This is a trying time but you're doing really well and you're being very strong for your kids. Wishing you and your children a happy and healthy holiday and a speedy recovery for your baby!
I'll definitely keep everyone posted. It helps to be here to get out my thoughts and frustrations. I could be wrong, but I have a good feeling that 2012 will be a good year. Here's to praying to the big guy to help guide it that way. I hope everyone had a great Christmas!! I'm so thankful for waht I have and my kids got so much that I was blown away by all the generosity. My 3 year old was over the moon today. Makes my heart smile. God bless you guys!! Hope you had a good day as I did!