The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Twinge of fear: Checking my phone messages, a neighbor reported possibly seeing my ex RA's car idling out in front of my house. Considering the 100 yrd. stay away order in place, that is not good. I'm feeling kind of afraid, but not a lot.
Gratitude: My neighbors are really cool! So glad they're looking out for me. And I'm grateful to have this board as you guys have REALLY bolstered me through this breakup process w/the RA.
Humor: This holiday season, whenever I've felt oogy, I've gone onto youtube and looked up "Slayer christmas lights 2001". No I do not like Slayer. However, the sight of a house EPICALLY lit up in time to "South of Heaven ", with a Snowman singing the lyrics, has never ceased to crack me up! What did I do when I heard about my ex's possible check-in? Yes, I watched Frosty the Slayer.
I'm not sure if this is a shining example of working a good alanon program, but uh, whatever works, right! ;)
May all of you find peace and serentiy in whatever way works for you. xo
Mele Kalikimaka (Merry Christmas) to you also rara. I don't do weird too much any more...program has brought me back to conservative kinda sorta. Frosty the Slayer creeps my imagination like having my alcoholic/addict back on a Wednesday Night suggesting "Lets go dance"...Dance was her metaphor for getting chemically twisted...I'm sticking with something more quiet. (((((hugs)))))