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In fact, the hardware store has never had bread. So, stop trying to buy some there. And when you do try to buy bread there, because you know you will forget and try again, don't be upset when they say they don't have any. They have told you repeatedly that they do not carry bread. Believe them.
No one is telling you that you have to leave the hardware store. In fact, you can stay as long as you like, browse the hammer aisle, look through the garden hoses, have some paint mixed. Just don't expect a shipment of bread. It isn't coming. If you want bread, you gotta go next door to the grocery store. Or better yet, bake some yourself.
(((VVT))) This saying is always a difficult one for me. Because here in Guatemala, the local hardware store DOES sell bread. But I get your point. ¨When will I learn?¨ You will learn when it is time for you to learn. And, oh yeah, baking one's own bread is a beautiful thing. I especially love the kneading, slamming the dough on the table part. Great for getting out one's frustrations, lol!
Oh myy .. lol .. VVT i'm so sorry you are at the hardware store looking for bread. I can swear if you did find it at the hardware store I personally wouldn't want it. At my hardware store it would have pieces of metal shards and wood chips in it!! I'd get it going this really isn't what I had in mind!!!
And you will learn .. just One Day At A Time. It will happen and you will surprise yourself when it does.
Hugs p :)
@pineapple I almost choked when I read your post that would be a little confusing to see bread at a hardware store and then be told you can't buy any there!!!
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
VVT LOL you have got the humor part down and learning what others have learned...sometimes when you screw up the best thing for that is to laugh your butt off and go bake some bread. Loved the share...need the share also. ((((hugs))))
(((VVT))) This saying is always a difficult one for me. Because here in Guatemala, the local hardware store DOES sell bread. But I get your point. ¨When will I learn?¨ You will learn when it is time for you to learn. And, oh yeah, baking one's own bread is a beautiful thing. I especially love the kneading, slamming the dough on the table part. Great for getting out one's frustrations, lol!
LOL that baking your own bread anology was in something I read this morning. I needed to start writing down where I'm reading from so I can actually reference it!!!! I remember and want to share but can't remember which book it was in. I thought that was a FABULOUS way to process anger, although normally I run to deal with it!!!
I'm not sure I get this saying. It seems to me like "Might as well recognize your spouse is a craphead and stop expecting better." I don't like people selling themselves short. I have learned to try and not encourage any of you folks here to leave your relationships before you are ready and in some cases, leaving isn't the answer at all. But most of the time, I would think along the lines of "I deserve some bread. I like bread. Other people get to have both hardware and bread. Why the heck am I in this hardware store at all?"
-- Edited by pinkchip on Thursday 22nd of December 2011 12:07:32 PM
LOL, pinkchip! Not everyone is ready when you are ready for them to not deal with unacceptable behavior or abuse any longer. It is great that we are here for each other with love and supportive shares. It takes time to build yourself up enough to realize sometimes what is best is to move on. I am not saying this is the best decision for everyone, but it is sad when you know you are selling yourself short because you don't think you deserve better. That is where I was at and I loved my AH so much I couldn't imagine living without him and now I couldn't imagine living with him. Life is simpler now, but being alone isn't for everyone. And some A's aren't scary bullies I have heard and are willing to work through things, mine wasn't and it got to be too much for me. I stopped going to the hardware store for bread, but baking my own sounds even better than buying it at the grocery, thanks for the idea and for this share! Sending you all love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
Not being able to get bread in the hardware store is ok with me . I know I can get hardware in the hardware store, when I need it.
This simple saying has revealed more to me about my expectation of others. I now know I had unrealistic expectations of the marriage partner and family. I could easily say I cannot get bread from the beauty parlor.
Alanon taught me that I can get certain support from some and certain support from others and it is OK. It does not mean anyone is a craphead.
I cannot isolate into a tiny relationship and shut myself off from the world It is important to go to the bakery for Bread, The Hardware store for hardware and the Beach for sand. All of these places offer me a portion of what I may need and that is OK because it is up to me to take care of my needs and one person cannot give me all the support I need.
-- Edited by hotrod on Thursday 22nd of December 2011 02:25:48 PM
pinkchip, I am asking myself what I am doing in the hardware store when I need bread. Please remember that I have just discovered that I am standing in a hardware store. And, now, I've figured out they don't have the bread I want. Then, I have to figure out what I want to do about it. It doesn't mean I accept unacceptable behavior. It means I take the time I need to figure out if and how to exit the store. (BTW, pinkchip, I am grateful for all you say. Please continue to question me. I need it and it helps me to sort out things I need to sort out.)
hotrod, thank you for putting it so eloquently. Yes, this is about going to the right person for the right thing: hardware stores are hardware stores--they have a purpose. But, they aren't always the best place to go for everything.