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Post Info TOPIC: Why am I surprised?

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Why am I surprised?

Why is it that every time this happens I'm surprised? Surprised how much it hurts, surprised how disipointed I am, surprised at how lonely I feel, how angry I feel, but most of all just how much it hurts?

Will it hurt this much every time?  Or do I become numb to it?

Why does his drinking kill me so much?  Is it because I know the outcome?  That I know he will become emotionally abusive?  He says he won't and to be fair sometimes he doesn't and sometimes I probably provoke him.  Is it because this is what I have come to expect?

I don't trust him.  I don't trust his promises, or his apologies.  I don't trust him that this time will be any different.

When he starts to drink, or even plan on drinking, it's like he forgets I even exsit.  He never invites me to go (and I prob wouldn't anyway), but it would be nice to be invited because to me, it means he would want me there.  I know some of you will say/think that he prob doesn't cause he know's how much his drinking upsets me, but he also knows how much it hurts me when he goes out without me EVERYTIME without even an invitation.  When I talk to him about this he says that he does want me to come but that he doesn't remember to ask.  To me this is exactly what it feels like, that he forgets about me.

I never ever forget he exsits.  He is the love of my life.  I wish I was the love of his.


You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage and with the best that you have to give.
Eleanor Roosevelt

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Dear Bargee,
Of course you don't trust him - nor should you - active alcoholics can't be trusted. Noone can compete with the bottle when it comes to alcoholism. It is an obsession and nothing can get in the way until/unless someone makes a commitment to recover. No amount of love for someone else can do it - (I certainly learned the hard way).

The good thing? You can feel better - and you will. Your sense of well being doesn't have to depend on what he does. Have you gone to any Alanon meetings? I'd encourage you to read Alanon literature - Courage to Change is fantastic and has helped me get through some bad times as well as provide me with a lot of solace when my mind goes to bad places. Another good book is 'Getting Them Sober."

If I remember correctly you're soon about to have a baby. All the more reason to do everything you can to focus on your well being. You need the strength for yourself and your child. You're not alone in this - lots of us have gone through this and the alanon program has helped us regain strength, peace, and sanity. Please keep coming back. Sending you much support!


~*Service Worker*~

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Hi Bargee, Have you read the book "Codependent No More" by Melody Beattie, it was a great read and your share made me think about some things I was dealing with and that book helped a lot. Another great book is "Getting Them Sober" by Toby Rice Drews ithas helped me to read Al-anon literature when I get down. I am sorry this disease is hurting you and I hope you have meetings you can attend. Sending you love and support!


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666

" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."

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It can and does get better. In my experience of living with active drinking, expectation = disappointment. I try to redirect my thinking from wondering about him to asking myself, "What can I do? What can I do? What can I do?". I am sorry you are in so much pain right now. Sending you lots of support and understanding! p.s. I sent you a private message answering some of the questions you asked. hugs.


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danni wrote:

It can and does get better. In my experience of living with active drinking, expectation = disappointment. I try to redirect my thinking from wondering about him to asking myself, "What can I do? What can I do? What can I do?". I am sorry you are in so much pain right now. Sending you lots of support and understanding! p.s. I sent you a private message answering some of the questions you asked. hugs.

 This is an exact definition of living with active drinking! The best thing is reading and reading and focusing on what you can do, what you can change, and taking care of you and being gentle with you. Hugs!!!


~*Service Worker*~

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I think he probably loves you as much as a self-centered actively drinking alcholic can love a person. None of this is about you. You keep assuming that he is functioning with a full deck and the same moral compass that you are. He isn't and when you accept that, you will feel a lot less pain.

Your self worth doesn't come from him Bargee. It comes from you. Right now, he is totally incapable of loving you back the way you want. It does NOT mean that you are unloveable. It mean HE IS INCAPABLE OF LOVING you the way you want. It is a crying shame that a person would turn themselves into an unloving, insensitive, walking zombie/drunk - but that is what he has done and you did not cause it, can't cure it, and can't control it.

So accepting all this about his is hugely difficult to do and your instinct is to wish wish wish and pray pray pray that he will change or that you wil morph into just what he needs to be the person you need him to be. That is misspent energy.

As far as him "forgetting you exist"...I know from my drinking days that the goal of my drinking was to get so hammered that I didn't feel anything. I knew my parnter didn't like me getting to that point. I am sure he knows his drinking hurts and upsets you. Guess what the only way he knows how to deal with others having hurt feelings about him is? What do you think his reaction is when he thinks "I can't do anything right for her." What do you think is his coping skill for tuning out all those feelings of failure and the fear of knowing he cannot stop what he is doing? THAT's RIGHT - The coping skill/reaction is to drink to forget it all. And when he sobers up again and starts feelings those things - he will drink to oblivion again. That is HIS pattern of dealing with emotions and stress and it's not about you. If you weren't in his life he would be drinking and doing it about all other things he faces on a daily basis. It is HIS destructive way of handling things - You don't have to sail on that sinking can hop on an Alanon lifeboat and paddle away a bit to not get sucked under. I know you love him, but don't think that love will make him healthy or change him into what you need.

Please tell yourself something good about yourself today. My therapist used to tell me when I was upset about others or the quality of my relationships: Take all the love that you want from that person and start giving it to yourself.



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Thanks guys. I don't even know how start changing my thinking. It seems like such a foriegn concept. Completely against everything I know and believe. I know it's probably the only way, but I just don't know if I can do it.
I looked up an Al Anon meeting in my area and they on Fridays. It was Friday here yesterday and by the time I found a meeting here it was already finished. Now I have to wait a whole week.

Husband came home last night (apparently it was going to be early!! What a joke that is) and even though I didn't say a word to him (pretended I was asleep) he still got shitty and half pie abusive. Saying things like he might as well not even come home cause I wasn't excited to see him and that I didn't even care that he had come home. When I finally said "It's 2 in the morning, you've woken me up, I'm still half asleep, he then proceeded to go on about how I wake him up and I don't care that he has work in a few hours when I wake him up etc etc. In other words I should have been out of bed jumping for joy that he was home and that everything else is my fault. The same old stupid shift the blame onto my shoulders. Then this morning he just wakes up and pretends as though nothing is wrong and to be fair there isn't. It's just me feeling so so sad. I just keep wishing that he would see this and hug me and tell me he loves me, but instead I just have to hide it from him because I know he will only get angry and everything will be my fault again cause I can't deal with it.

Can't wait till next Friday. I can't do this anymore. It's breaking my heart.


You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage and with the best that you have to give.
Eleanor Roosevelt

~*Service Worker*~

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Wow... I can hear so much of me in what you are saying
What has helped me the past few months is first.... Accepting my husband is an addict. Then.... QTIP. It was hard but it has worked for me. Quit Taking It Personally.

All those things you said, I have said to myself also. Just to be asked, to be thought about, to be the number one most important thing in his mind as he is in mine. To be the first love of his life etc.

When I QTIP'd it.. I realised he doesnt smoke pot or drink or fish or whatever BECAUSE of me, so that means he won't stop because of me either.

It was really diffiuclt to separate myself from him. To see him as ain individiual with his own life and choices and I with mine.... it was such an alien concept. AT first I felt like I had been dropped in a foreign country where no one spoke my language, I had no idea where I was.. and I did not have a guide book.... where was I.. what is going on here????

I have been here over 4 months and I am still on the first two steps. But I found a guide book here.

Also, what helped me was Tai Chi.. well, some of the Zen phylosophies, particularly the one about the 'nothing'. I am not very good at explaining it but basically it is the idea that it is the gap, the emptiness, the between, that makes things full.
I stood outside one day and was struggling in my mind. I looked at a beautiful Palm I have out there. I noticed how two leaves were the same colour, the same shape pointing in the same direction, perfectly aligned... with a perfect gap inbetween symmetrical and allowing the light to shine through.
It occured to me, that if there was not a space between these two fronds, on the one beautiful plant, that I woudl have lost that appreciation of the 'separation' and the beauty it represented and I would not have seen the sun shining through. If there was no gap, It would just be one big clump of leaf, they together made the one tree, but there was gaps and that is what made the tree what it is... I am not sure if I ma making any sense... but it helped me separate myself from my husband and yet love him all the more as together.... now that is zen hahahahahahaa.

I haven't found 'who I am' yet, and I have days that I struggle. My husband has been great with my boundaries lately, but I am waiting for the day that it happens that he smokes around me, or wants to. I can't rest on my laurels at this point.

I honestly do understand what you are saying. Still my husband does things that are soooo totally selfish it isn't funny. I get annoyed, currently I am giving myself a bit of time to be annoyed, I tell him what has annoyed me, and I move on. It woudl just be sooo nice to if we were number one on their mind, but ya know what.... even non addicted people can be selfish. I have accepted that my husband is an addict, he is also very selfish and can be very lazy at times. Then sometimes he can be the most loving person in the world. He isn't perfect and I had to take him off his pedestal I had him on.

I have also, for me, come to realise that my expectation of him to totallylove me and be thinking of me etc etc, is a form of emotional manipulation for me. I have to be very careful of that. for me it can be intpreted as control.

Keep coming here and reading and learning


Linda - a work in progress

~*Service Worker*~

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Hugs and welcome is there any possibility of finding a sooner meeting? There usually is an alanon hotline that you can call and there are usually more than one meeting. I do understand distance being an issue. I live small town it can be challenging to find meetings in the area. I hope you will just know you are not alone. The hardest step for me was the first into the doors of alanon and accepting that I was truly powerless over the disease of addiction.

The actions of an addict of any kind is not about the other person, it's about them. Part of the dance is to spin the story round and round and use deflection as a way to keep the other party off balance. Things like "you might be right" and disengaging in that moment have helped me in more than one area of my life. Everything was not personal, everything is not about me, although it felt that way after all how much more personal can it get when it comes to our spouses.

You aren't alone and even if you can't make a meeting that hotline is there for a reason just to talk and reason things out with another person and it helps soooo much to know that someone who has felt the same feelings I have is on the other end of the line.

It's just so very important to keep coming back!!!

Hugs P :)


Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo

~*Service Worker*~

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Hi again Bargee,
The hotline is under my signature if you need someone to talk to and please keep coming back, YOU are worth it! Sending you love and support!


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666

" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."

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Wow it's amazing to find so many people in one place that finally 'get me'. I'm finally starting to see that how I feel and react are completely normal. I've tried talking to my friends about this and that either think I am being controlling and don't want him to either go out, or have fun (which is so not the case) or that I am exaggerating, or they just tell me to leave him. It's been a hard road, but maybe now I'm finally in the right place.

Breakfree I can't use that number as I am in New Zealand, but I have found one in the phone book. Thank you though.


You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage and with the best that you have to give.
Eleanor Roosevelt

~*Service Worker*~

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"It's like he forgets I exist" is a really good way to put it, and it hurts because, like you, I never forget he exists. But, sadly, the substance is the love of his life and he may have wanted a life with me, he wanted the subtance more. I hear you Bargee

I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France

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Hey likemyheart, I think it's the thing that I struggle with the most. He is my whole world, and I don't mean that as in I am possesive or anything like that, I just mean it as in I love him so so much and he's so important to me and my life. I guess I want a relationship like my parents, there's is by no mean perfect, but they mean the world to each other and they love to spend time together and all that. And to be fair me and Husband are like that a lot of the time, and if he needs 'time out' or just wants to hang out with his mates and all that, I'm cool with that. I don't even know how to begin to explain how he 'forgets I exisit'. It's not something I can explain without making myself sound like I want him with me 100% of the time. It's more like he just doesn't even think of me or my feelings. Hmm still not right, but kinda closer. Anyway it sounds like you know what I mean anyway. I like the way you put it though "the substance is the love of his life and he may have wanted a life with me, but he wanted the substance more". Such a sad sad fact of life and the one I struggle with the most. My marriage was meant to be about me and him and yet I feel like the third wheel to a lquid. It is very dis-empowering and yeah I get what everyone is saying to me, but right now I can't change the way I feel. I'm glad you 'get' me likemyheart.


You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage and with the best that you have to give.
Eleanor Roosevelt

~*Service Worker*~

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Adding to the "its like I don't exist" thread - now that we are no longer married, he never calls unless he needs something - he gets mad if I don't call him or act like I"m concerned about things in his life but does he care about mine? no - my car's been out of commission, my income doesn't support me and I have to make a loan payment he is responsible for (but in my name, his motorcycle) because he isn't working (yet playing pool and going to the lodges every day), which forces me to charge things like gas and groceries on a credit card and severely limits my christmas cheer. But all he does when he calls is complain about HIS misery. He/they want you to care over the top for them and their life, but the caring doesn't go both ways - that's a really hard pill to swallow after a while - especially when you are looking at a negative balance getting higher every month while he's going on about events at the lodge, pool league/table runs, other things he's doing that cost money he's too broke to give for the bike payment.

I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
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