The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
**Please note: I do not propose to endorse nor oppose any religious belief or religious value in my writings. Having researched and studied this subject of FAITH in somewhat depth, it is my belief based on this research that I could utilize any world religion to support and validate what I write. It is a common thread that runs through them all, regardless of their other differences or tenants of belief or spiritual value. I support the "take what you need and leave the rest saying we often hear, but I simply ask that as you read this, you do so with a open mind so you can gain the bigger lesson enclosed, which far outweighs the religious ideaology I may utilize as a sample or example. It is NEVER my desire to sell or bull dose my beliefs and values on any one else. It is my greatest desire to help others find and discover their own through these writings.
The Umbrella of Faith
Part III
by John F.
My faith was not always fortified and as solid as it is today in any spiritual enity... nor do I believe "faith" requires I attach it to an individual enity. Yes, I have grown alot over the years, and as a result I now understand more than I once did about FAITH. Not regilious faith, but the faith that sustains the human experience. Because I live in a predominately Christian society, I am often lead to teach others about FAITH, using their own scriptures.
"Thy faith has made thee whole"... those are the words of Jesus after a woman barely touched his garment, from behind him. He turned and looked into a very hugh crowd and asked... who was that?" When he sees her trembling and submitting herself (bowing) before him, he acknowledges her FAITH. He doesn't say "I have made thee whole". Instead, he points at the element of her FAITH.
A simple but deep seated belief can bring about results.
Many, upon finding out that their loved one was diagnosed with cancer, have went to the Holy Land of Isreal, and put dirt into a bottle, and brought it back, put it under the suffers pillow. They had a deep seated belief that this ritual, or practice could bring their loved one out of this place of medical despair. And nothing can medically explain the miracle that has taken place many times... the cancer goes into remission on someone who was in hospice to die comfortably... Was it the dirt that brought about this healing? Or even where it was from? No, I don't think so... I believe it was by the utter force of FAITH that a healing could take place. I believe the results would have been the same if they had brought back water instead of dirt... or they had gotten it from a different place, because it wasn't what they brought back or where it came from that brought about the healing. It was their demonstration of FAITH that brought about the healing process.
Elsewhere, in those same scriptures..."He (Jesus) replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." He does not claim you have to manifest anything other that the seedling of FAITH (true belief) to bring about miraculous things that otherwise do not budge to human will, but surrender under the power of FAITH.
Now, having put that out there... the same holds true for our FAITH in the recovery process. Do I have FAITH that I can be restored to sanity? Do I have FAITH that a program that has brought healing, peace and serenity to millions of others, can work for me too? Am I willing to seek out and acknowledge evidence in my personal experience each day that this is happening, and thereby fortify and validate my FAITH so it grows in its strength and substance and my recovery becomes thereby an unshakable rock?
What we become WILLING to place our belief (FAITH) in is what we will manifest in our life experiences. We might have to start off with just a little bit... "this mighthappen for me too if I do what they've done" is a seedling of faith... from there, it can grow and manifest into reality... if we acknowledge it and let it grow, day by day.
As a famous author of the 18th century once wrote... "What is uttered with belief from the lips, is what we create in our life experience. Life is not haphazard, it is designed by our faith as spoken from our mouths."
PS. If by chance there is seemingly a majority concensous that this, as written does not belong on the board, I will fully support its removal.
" And what did we gain? A new life, with purpose, meaning and constant progress, and all the contentment and fulfillment that comes from such growth."
the amount of faith I have acquired from Al-Anon is unimaginable. If others do not like this post I would understand too but I am glad I read it before it could be removed. What religion I practice is not relavent here... YOu used the Christian metaphors to explain anyones faith. I get that. Reading this post on faith gives me more faith. The fact that I could have a horrible morning and then pray for God to be beside me and feel as if he is is unbelievable. Its unexplainable. Its truly a miracle. The progress I have made in my recovery is truly a miracle. To that I thank my HP whom I prefer to call God. Faith grows like a garden. You have to water it , you have to weed it, you have to plan the seeds somewhere where the sun can touch it. I don't have a green thumb but I like the analogy here. My faith grows when I put in the work on myself and then when I step back and let it grow. Love this share. Thank you.
No one can take away your peace of mind unless you let them.
My Faith has been an ever deepening experience. Many years ago I had a childish belief in a Higher Power . I did believe in God and the power of Good in the Universe.
I truly believed that if I did what I was "supposed" to do , followed the rules, prayed then my life would be perfect!!!. All my prayers would be answered- and all my problems solved AS I WANTED
When my reality did not prove this to be a working Faith I was lost. This is when I found alanon and began to learn about true Faith and Trust and Surrender. In order to find my true place in this world I found this simple prayer worked wonders:
And the apostle said unto the Lord, increaseour faith."Luke 17:5 has been my ongoing prayer
-- Edited by hotrod on Thursday 15th of December 2011 05:23:23 PM
If asking me, please keep them coming, in as many parts as you are willing to offer! It is exactly this kind of information and encouragement that I need- my spirituality can't be strong enough quickly enough. Thank you, John!