The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
When I was a teenager I ended up in a children's home because my mother couldnt' take care of me as I had a serious illness. The children's home, a huge mansion in the middle of nowhere, was a mix of all kinds of children who basically had no one. We were all ages, all races, some of us handicapped, and the one thing we all had in common was we had no one. We got no gifts, no cards, no party, nothing and I knew it and was absolutely livid about it. Of course I didn't discuss it back then but I've carried the grudge all my life. On the ground floor were toddlers who were severely handicapped, they had all kinds of things wrong with them but basically their parents had got rid of them because they couldn't cope with a severely handicapped child and they didn't bother to go visit either. Most of them could not speak and many of them couldn't walk. They stayed in their wing the whole time, they didn't even make it to the grass outside. They didn't even get to feed or stroke the horse we had who gave us rides so gently and liked to eat carrots. Staff came in took care of them but no one came to visit them. At night they had a couple of nurses who spent the whole night in the office playing cards, eating cake and drinking tea. After all noone was checking to see if those kids were okay.
At Christmas for a special treat we were allowed in the wing with the special children because they had a big screen TV and it was a special honor for us to watch this TV. So there we were, the dozen of us, shifting around on stools and cushions supposedly watching TV with these small children who couldn't speak, some of them couldn't walk. We couldn't hear the TV because the children were squeaking and yelling as they never had any company and they were glad to see someone. The ones who couldn't walk were rattling their cribs because basically that was about all the human contact they had besides the basic stuff the staff did. The little toddlers were drooling all over us, squeaking and climbing up on top of us and there was no seeing any movie or even trying to follow the plot.
I was so so angry at that time. Where was my present, where was my Christmas what kind of a lucky thing was this to subject us to. None of us said anything because basically we wouldn't have been able to hear each other anyway the toddlers were going crazy making so much noise and the children in their cribs were rattling them so much they shook. Of course the staff were there telling us what a wonderful thing it was to watch a big screen television and how a generous company had donated it to the home. They had to say it loud above the racket. What a big big deal it was to watch this TV. I was absolutely livid and have been most of my life about this experience. What was lucky about watching that TV, how dare they, where was my present, party and most of all where was the love that I needed so badly back then.
I swore then that I would never have a big screen TV. I guess I thought that was pretty safe because I wasn't likely to be able to afford one. Nevertheless in everyone's life there comes a time when they come across them. In Costco when I saw the array of big screen TV's I was always angry and morose and sulking about what I didn't have and what a hard life I've had. Poor me, when was I going to get something to show that I'm worthwhile. When I went to other people's houses and saw their big screen TV's I got a lump in my throat and felt all that anger surging up in me. Most of the time I said nothing because no one was about to understand what it was to be given nothing and told it was something.
Just today after feeling so sorry for myself because its Christmas and I don't feel I have enough, I thought about those poor deprived children in that wing in a different way. They never made it out of that wing of the children's home or institutional care. They never went on any outings, no one ever came to see them to make sure they were okay. They never had a party in their entire lives. No one ever read them a bed time story, no one ever asked them what their favorite food was, no one ever even rubbed their feet when they felt bad. They had no one their entire lives and for a few short hours they got to sit with other children who held them and let them drool on them and acknowledged they were alive. For a few hours they had people around to look at the TV which otherwise never got turned on. Now when I see a big screen TV I"ll remember them and know we made them a merry christmas even if it was just once in their lives.
Maresie, I am so sorry for the horrors and the sorrows you have endured. And for everybody else who comes to the board, whether they post or not.
I think it is beautiful that you could turn your pain into joy that you were able to brighten the lives of those poor children.
When I first read that you had animals, I thought "Oh good for Maresie; she isn't alone--she has pets." And now I think how wonderful for your animals that they have you, because I know that out of your pain and neglect, somehow you are able to give them the love that you didn't get. I hope you give lots of it to yourself, as well, and that you can feel the love of your animals, and of your HP, and of all of us.
Blessings, Temple
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
What an important powerful message to bring during the Holiday Season. I am sad that you have had to endure such sadness and enriched because with the Help of your HP you have been able to overcome this severe pain and see a different picture. Your attitude is filled with Wisdom, Compassion and Love.
Thank you so very much for your poignant remembrance of painful times.
You have worked very hard to attain this spiritual awareness thanks for sharing it
-- Edited by hotrod on Thursday 15th of December 2011 08:11:42 PM
Oh my goodness, my heart breaks for all those children. And you know its still like that, worse in other countries. Of course there are children here in foster care, that don't get the love they need. So sad. I will remember this when I see big screen tvs now as well.
Geez mary just when I think I know you I realize I know nothing.
I wonder if you ever feel you have a foundation under you?
You know I want to invite you to somehow volunteer somewhere. I mean some kind of social thing, like volunteer in a special ed class, or something. You have so much to give. In giving we find happiness. I know you are busy I just wonder where you would shine and fill up that heart.
You deserve to be loved. I remember someone saying that to me. I was like,"really?"
Was this in England you were put in that place? I wonder if it is different now? I can see you setting up a whole program to bring into that place to help those kids. Get grants to support it!
It's not Christmas or birthdays or groundhogs day or whatever, you needed LOVE. People associate love with those days of gifts etc. and it makes it soooo much harder on ones who get nothing, and can give nothing.
You are a very special member here, never doubt that. Your growth has always been an inspiration to me. And here you are sharing a HUGE part of your heart. shaking head.
You my friend are amazing, I do love you. debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
How beautiful..I broke out into tears! I am so sorry that you have gone through such horrifying things. You shared a wonderful story for the Holiday season. I will carry this in my heart for a long time to come. I'm a social work major and you may have just helped me deicide what field to pursue when I am licensed- you are truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing Maresie!
Thankfully children are no longer warehoused in this way. II know the world has come a long long way since then.
Nevetheless there are some of us who get no one. As an abused child I hasd no one to advocate for me. I had no one to care because my parents were unable to. And of course I have been waiting for someone all my life.
No one came then and no one is coming now I have to do it myself.
I will never look at a big screen tv the same again, either.
Please remember, though, that YOU came to your rescue. I think that's what we learn to do in this program. Al-Anon teaches us to come to our own rescue and to give ourselves the love and acceptance that we need deep down inside. I learned to comfort the little girl in me that had felt abandoned many times in my life and didn't even realize it. I thought my life was so normal up to a point that I never put the pieces together until I came here and finally found out where all the fear came from.
It has been a wonderful thing watching you grow in this program. Your progress has been amazing to witness. I feel very special to be a part of it.
I am so proud or you.
"When you come to the edge of all you know you must believe in one of two things... there will be earth on which to stand or you will be given wings." ~Unknown