The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
((((MIP))))...LOL...yes it's real and I've gotta raise my hand that I have or own it also. I have a contract in my business which includes having to come in contact with a "mini" or "maxi" me depending on who's feeling more farty than the other. The "other" for me is a guy who is a "Chef" or kitchen manager or something around that who seems to have painted a target on my back and willing to take target practice anytime I'm within short distance. He wants to be in control of things and is running on fractured perceptions...he sees very little of what is real in front of him and mostly what his mind conjures up which may or may not happen no matter. I do property maintenance or grounds work and one of my clients is a local hotel. He wants to manage me along with the kitchen. I was picking up some tree trash I had cut down and loading it into my truck which didn't take more than a couple of minutes and he perceived that I was parking my truck in an area where a small tourist bus would be coming and wasn't there yet. I suggested that he move his personal vehicle out of a bus parking stall and that was beyond comprehension to him. He started on the I and My statements and that sounded so alcoholic I just stopped and changed my approach notifying him that he was not the "King" in town and he left. He left and went to management of the contract and they gave me the info this morning...that there was no problem at all and this Old Fart was a pain in the butt to many. I told them that I was concerned because I knew that old guys just love at times to grump at other old guys and being an old guy myself I didn't want to find myself practicing the syndrome. Anyway when I got on the site this morning he was behind a window peering at me for which I gave him a smile....because someone got his parking space and he had to park with the rest of the common folk....was that too syndrome of me? LOL
LOL .. Ohhh hugs Jerry. Hmm .. You could be the next Jerry on TV only it can be Grumpy Old Man In the Kitchen.
Your program speaks for itself .. what a great program it is. :)
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
lol lol haha haha snorted even hahahahaha you are a corker!!!! No one tells a tale like you do Jer.
Please write a book. May I ask do you ever keep your mouth closed and, "NOT SAY A THING??" lol lol
I love how you interact with people. Even the police and girls at the airport. I will NEVER let you forget this stuff.
See I am thinking, my response would be,"Ah you may be right.Or,"And your point is?" Never thought to say,"OH you must be the King of the parking lot...." lol
Its funny as you say this stuff you don't seem to think about the consequences till after. lol What is this saying? Is it testosterone or what????
You know testosterone seriously causes brain damage?
P.S. you have a sitcom, right here on mip...
"I Opened MY Mouth When" a serious study of grumpy man syndrome on how to deal with things if you don't think before you speak. Written by Jerry.
You have had so many years in both programs of recovery. I have no doubt that if you had a TV show it would be a hit because the truth is so much more stranger than fiction.
Funny things happen to us in this school on planet earth. I am so grateful that you speak your truth because having a sense of humor is seeing the lighter side of life. That to me is recovery!