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Post Info TOPIC: My Abf opened up - now patience and pray?


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My Abf opened up - now patience and pray?

Hi there :) I've been seeking the wisdom of experience from members on the MIP AA board. Their shares i have really appreciated. Everyone's feedback has helped me so much. More than simple words can begin to express. Im determined to learn as much as I can from your and their experiences as it helps me grow in my own life but also in understanding my man's world - especially since he has been doing his best to keep me out of it. I have been working on preparedness for a WOW moment and I just had one! I wanted to share it here because if I had not come here and gone to AA, and being blessed by some amazing men brave enough to share their stories and hear my pleas, I might not have had the ability to pass on what was passed on to me. So in my journey through this new life, I'm sharing details of our talk and I hope you will give me some more insights. And as always, please don't feel afraid to criticize. I'm sharing to learn, so I can grow & not keep him sick. I do understand it's got to be up to him to do the work to get better and he has to want to. And man does he have a long way to go... But I don't want to e caught off guard and add to his disease. I met with my man!! He started off all defensive. The disease and denial were yelling at me. At sat there, indifferent (which was awesome because it was genuine) and let him have his tantrum. (this is the beginning of where all the help you've given me came in to play!) He said he wasn't an alcoholic or drug addict. How could I even say that? Are you crazy? He asked. (lol) Then he went on this rant trying to toss all this bs my way. It was like listening to a kid lying about his hand in the cookie jar. Kinda sad, but at least I could finally understand where and why he was acting that way. Most importantly, I remained secure and strong. I wasn't getting hurt. :) Finally he started to calm down once he realized I wasnt reacting. And I softly said "I was reacting to how you were treating me." He went off again. "I don't say anything to be warranting that kind of reaction from you!" he blasted. So I said "That's the point. You don't say ANYTHING. You ignore me and shut down. That passive-aggressive 'xxxx' doesn't make you nice. You weren't talking to me. You found out we made a baby and did nothing. Oh no. Wait. You did one thing. You found your way to AC to get drunk with the guys. But no time to call me or have a conversation with me. You claimed to love me, but you showed me I can go to hell. And you can sit here, barking at me, telling me I'm crazy and actually state you did nothing wrong? And you really think I'm NOT going to be pissed? Or that wasn't supposed to hurt me?" Finally, he said "I see. So the passive-aggressive is like me pushing your buttons and that's why you react that way?" I said "yes" then he said "oh. Because that's not like you." Anyway, we went on. And for the next hour he teetered between being defensive and starting to open up. So he started asking how he was behaving. I told him. Nicely but gave him facts and reaffirmed with things he knew he had to have told me in the past. That helped him to accept and validate what I shared with him. Then he said "Why do you love me this way? I mean, there so much 'xxxx'. And it's crazy! And it's all shit you don't need. You don't deserve any of this and... I mean, don't you get thats why I pushed you away? You don't need to be in the middle of this 'xxxx'. It's not good for you." so I said "you're right. And I don't want the 'xxxx'. I'm going to tell you...the same thing I told you the night in my backyard. Do you remember that?" he remembered some of it but not a lot that we said. So I reminded him "you begged me not to love you this way not when you were a mess. And I still feel the same way. I don't love the mess. But I do love you. You, that's burried under all that mess. You that'd here with me right now, whose trying. And I'm learning. I don't love the mess. I love you. In sickness and in health. That's why I keep faith... That you will get better so I can truly love you. Because I can't love you the way I want as long as you don't love yourself." and he agreed and said "that's what I don't get. Why? Why do you want to deal with this shit?" so I said "that's funny. The first counselor I went to asked me the same thing. "what did u say?" he asked dumbfounded. "I said look, if the guy got shot or in a terrible accident and it left him bound to a wheelchair, I wouldn't ditch his ass." he laughed and said "you're crazy" and I laughed and said "that's part of why u love me!" and he laughed then got serious again and said "yeah but, why? Just why?" so I said "because I love you. I mean it when I say in sickness and in health. Right now, where we are in your mess, sucks. I'm screwed. I'm in a no win situation. I want you and I want to be with you, but I can't have you until you can do what you need to get yourself back. And the only way I can really love you right now is to love you enough to let you go. And as long as you stay right where you are, I can't love you like I want to because you're not there." he said "I see." We got to the restaurant. He wasnt admitting outright that he was an alcoholic, but was indirectly. Then he said "I guess you're not going to let me order a beer when we go in." I said "dude you're a grown-ass 46 year old man. I'm not going to tell you what to do. You have an 83 yr old mother. I have a 13 year old. I don't want to parent you just like I don't want you trying to parent me." Then he started talking about how his mom and everyone else is always lecturing him and telling him what to do. We went in and he did order a beer. And I acted like it was soda. He was reluctant to drink it. Sipped it real slow. And was opening up more. We were joking around. And he brought it back up and asked why I didn't say anything about it. So I explained. I told him that I wasn't going to be his mother, I'm his lover and his friend and said "I want you to be an adult with me. An adult that can help me raise my son. And I want us to let the little kids in us go play! So no. I'm not about to parent you." He thanked me and said "I like that." As dinner went on, he asked me why I went to AA. So I told him how I started out wanting to understand him but how much *I* was getting out of it. That it wasn't at all what I expected in that I thought it was some sort of weird super religious cult. But that was way wrong and it's actually really cool and I was getting so much out of it and growing. Then he said "maybe you'll be the one to inspire me" and I lightly laughed it off saying "oh yeah" and he said "I know. It has to find me. Least that's what Bill W says, right?" I was floored! He knew I would be and made this face as if to say "I'm reading it" and pulled me close and kissed my head. We talked more. He asked me more questions about how he was mean, how was his behavior different, whatdid I mean when I said x, y, & z. It was good. :) Finally, as we were driving home, he said "see it's a vicious cycle. It never ends. And it just makes it all 'xxxx' up. And that's what I don't get. It just never stops. Don't u see that?" and I said "I know. As long as you stay where u are, that's all that will happen. The point of nothing changes if nothing changes." Then he said but you're really willing to deal with this with me? I said yep. And he said "you really love me?" and I said "yes" he said "i mean really love me? As is?" and I said "yes I love you - as is" and he said, in a very honest, gut-wrenching, manned-up admission: "I mean you love me, even though I'm an alcoholic and a 'xxxx' drug addict?" And I kissed him and said "I dispise the addictions especially because of what they do, but I DO love you." And he said again calmer and more accepting of hearing his own words "so even though I'm an alcoholic...and a... Drug addict, you love me... As is." I said "yes baby, I do." then he said "and you're ok with that?" so I said "I don't like the way those things make you behave. And be patient with me as I'm learning not to take it all personally. I'm not going to ever love your addictions, but I will support you as you grow and with the changes you want to make when you are ready." he said "I never thought you'd feel this way." I told him "look. Im not sure if you remember, but when we first started and you realized you were falling in love with me, you began pulling away." and he said sadly "yeah..." So I went on "do you think, maybe, that you were subconsciously sabotaging us because you thought I'd dump you if I learned the truth?" and he said "I'm glad you said that. I wasn't seeing it like that. I think thats right. I was... I have been afraid of losing you and I did think you would've dumped my ass if you knew. I guess I was pushing you away to avoid getting hurt." so I said "can we now stop hurting each other and just talk about things openly?" and he said "yeah. I like that. Promise me no more crazy?" and I said "yes. I promise. So no more hiding?" he said "no more" then he said "I'm really glad we talked. I'm really glad we talked about this. I feel a lot better." I said me too. Then we kissed :) and he walked me to the door and we kissed again. We were both happy & I knew he was leaving me with a little bit of hope. :) So how would you, those of you that have been through what he's going through, can I feel good about this???

-- Edited by canadianguy on Tuesday 13th of December 2011 03:08:03 PM


~*Service Worker*~

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Hugs KF,

Are you attending actual f2f meetings? There is a whole lot of information and I'm not sure I followed all of it .. I'm good for that lol. It makes a huge difference working through these situations with a sponsor and that's for me where my healing continued to take off.

It sounds like you guys really had a good heart to heart, if he gets it or not it really doesn't matter it matters more that you are healthy and you are moving in a positive direction for you. Having the expectation that there will be no more crazy or hanging your hopes on him, for me I have found that only leads to disappointment and resentments. If I hang my hope on my higher power IF I put that work into me regardless of what is going on in my own life. I just find that things change because I"m changing.

Sending love and support, keep coming back and keep sharing, hugs P :)


Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo


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Thanks Pushka! *big hugs* I am attending (not as often as I'd like due to my work schedule & kiddo) f2f meetings both in Al-anon and a couple open AA. It has truly helped me to grow out my ignorance. I feel better hearing how much people have gone through and where their heads were and weren't. The biggest part that attending AA helped me with was truly embracing and developing a genuine faith in God/my HP that I didn't fully have in an honest openness in my heart. Once I found that, fate stepped in and things have been going up! :) yey!! I guess I'm scared of the unknown and so badly wanted him to wake up. That's why what happened was a huge thing! Not because I think he'll run to AA and sober up overnight, but because he was finally able to be honest with me and more importantly, himself, that he is an alcoholic and it isn't who he defines himself as. He is stuck and he knows it. And I pray now that HP will lead him to wanting sobriety...


~*Service Worker*~

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Just because you can't get to meetings all the time doesn't mean you can't get a sponsor and work the steps, so keep in mind that option is available to you and it's a very valuable tool in recovery.

I missed my crystal ball on the day they were passed out .. lol. It's more important to me to focus on today because while the past is important to learn from, it's the now that shapes the future. As long as I'm doing what i need to do within my own program then I'm where I should be, which translates to I'm going to be ok no matter what and my kids are going to be ok no matter what as well. iTunes has speakers from both AA and Alanon the podcasts are all free, it's super easy to hook up through an iPod or computer. I have listen to those by the 10's especially while away.

Nothing changes nothing changes .. so it starts that simply.

Hugs P :)


Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo


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Thanks Pushka. Wouldn't have thought to look for podcasts! Lol @ crystal ball!! If I find one or a working magic wand I'll be sure to share them!! :) haha! It is like a gigantic weight lifted off me since he & I talked. I think you are right about having a Sponser in place. Would be nice to have someone to call when the ickeys creep up. So far, I've been doing a good job remembering that I can choose to spend time thinking about him and stay blah and get depressed or choose to turn my focus back on me and trust in HP to take care of him. I am much happier practicing the latter :) The hardest lesson I have been practicing honestly within myself is detaching and remembering not to take things personally. I believe that is what made our last talk so positive for us. I was finally able to let go of all that resentment and see my guy for who he is. And I'm so proud of him for opening himself up and letting him see that I get it and am capable of supporting him. That I'm not going to dump him because he is sick, but that I will not accept unacceptable behavior. I found myself at peace in a "live for today" understanding that is all new for me. This is awesome because it not only is from dealing with him, but so many of my life events that have caused me to understand how much of a gift each day is and shouldn't be wasted. Clearly, I'm rambling... Sorry lol I tend to blab ;). I guess I'm glad that there are people out there that have been or are where I am and I'm so grateful to be in such an extraoridinary group! :) *hugs & love* Nicole


~*Service Worker*~

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Great awareness! You know there is a step board here on MIP that I am loving. Sending you love and support!


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666

" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."


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Thanks Breakingfree! :) *hugs*

What is the Step Board???


~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 3972

There is information at the top of this forum by John in sticky notes that is titled Step Work Board, if you go click on that there is information.


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666

" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."


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Posts: 19

Sweet! I didn't know what that meant before. Doh! Lol :) I signed up. Says they're at Step 11... Will keep peekin in to start at beginning. Definitely looking forward to some structure! I appreciate the tip :)

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