The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
and I haven't felt self hatred and disgust since I don't know when. My VA/AA counselor told me years ago that when my time was all done that if I found that I had progressed 1/4" (a quarter inch) in recovery then I should be satisfied and my self righteous self said...uh uh Bill, I'll be miles away from where I started.
I was born and raised in the disease of alcoholism and one of the things I use to let the sick people in my family do was beat on me...physically, emotionally, verbally and more and I would take it and respond like a martyred saint...withhold anger, withhold resentment, withhold resistance and don't fight back. Don't Defend!! My mother really wanted a priest from her son but that didn't work exactly...all the time...forever...when it should have and so I learned to let things like Alcoholics and Addicts run and walk, pee and crap all over me. Then I learned how to fight...the opposite of flight right? and I started feeling worse because of the shame and guilt that was trying to make itself felt in me. I could shut those two out using the resentments and justifications but in this program...working steps 4 thru 10 I came to face it all...damn the shame and guilt felt hideous until I learned to forgive myself and then one day at a time after one day at a time along comes Tuesday and then and inventory and Thursday. Wednesday I started doing the inventory very early in the morning cause I couldn't sleep and the air conditioner made it very very cold and the over head lights were on...bright very bright. The bed was hard and the covers stiff and small and my body was in pain; very strongly in several places.
Where was I at and how did I get there? How was where I was at connected to my past? What did I miss in my practice of the program? Where did I do well and what did I forget and what were the consequences. What could I change and not and what did I want to change and not and so I got a picture of what had happened and what was my part in it.
Tuesday afternoon I was heading over to the Army Surplus Store to go get a rain hat to keep the rain off my head as I worked one of my contracts out in the...rain. Explanation about me needed here now. I am not an American Citizen because I gave that away to be a citizen of the Nation I was born in and have always loved and consider myself a native son of...Hawaii. Along with the citizenship my truck is registered in my nation and I also have license plates that signify that however that is the twist or the burden (now) or sin or crime. I also keep my truck registered in the state (US) of Hawaii to relieve my wife of some of the fear of going against the US laws. Where I have been stopped and talked with and then let go in the past, Tuesday I met with a very sick cop who came from a different mold and in the process of attempting to assure that I get charges for every letter and period of the law he also decided that I needed to be beat and proceeded to try to carry that out on me until he got frustrated and then decided to "taze" me however once I mentioned that my heart is suspect under stress he went back to beating on me. I went to my truck and he followed and I sat there and let him robotically say "don't resist" over and over again as he hammered on my forearms trying to cause enough pain for me to submit...he didn't know that I was raised in alcoholism and what he was doing was barely noticible to me and also the part that I was letting him do it...who was more sick? Then of course the re-inforcement(s) showed up and I had to accept the consequences of additional physical abuse and sitting in the rain on the parking lot ground getting prepared to feel the pain after the adrenalin of the shock wore off. I accepted long, vicious, physical abuse and while I did that I was caring for him...speaking to him in my soft compassionate counseling, priestly voice and wanting him to go easy on himself. He wanted to break my forearms and his partner wanted to leave a message nailed to my left thigh along with a demonstration of what post concussive trauma was like and more. They can and do tighten handcuffs in fear and anger and I was surprised at the depth of the mark. License plates? turned into the justification for the beating...Interfering in a Government Operation...LOL and then the shorter version Resisting Arrest...I wouldn't go down and scream "Uncle" on or before cue. So off to jail and when they were ready over to Emergency because I asked and after the Supervisor thought about it long enough. I did the inventory within the jail and stayed there until preliminary court hearing the next afternoon. Just filled out the application for legal services of the Public Defender because of course the financial meltdown means I don't just write a check to a regular attorney.
Where is God in this whole thing...everywhere...allowing me to revisit my enabling past and feel self loating and self forgiveness and powerlessnes all at the same time. God laid next to me on that hard jail bed (that isn't a matress it's a tumbling mat) and stayed awake with me thru cold and light and tossing and turning...all of it. God will not allow my name on the martyr list because this isn't about poor me it's about the courage to change the things I can and accepting the consequences of that. It is about being loyal and true and persistent with what I believe in and my own identity. It is about me being me even when another nation says "we want you to be u.s.".
I have found a new example of a characteristic I found in earlier inventories and wondered if it was soooo wrong. Oppositional Defiant...I am that and now I have been beat by someone other than my alcoholic addict family who hates that characteristic because they wanted me to fold and do it their way. Wouldn't it be easier insinuates my spouse to just go along. She has her reasons...fear, fear of the financial cost, fear of the cops, fear of a whole buncha stuff. She also sets aside all feelings of compassion and empathy and acts like it has all been about hurt her. If I enable her also the chances of not getting beat up by the u.s. people grow and then every time I say "To thine ownself be true" I'll get a neauseous belch in my stomach. I heard a reminder while laying on the jail bed during the inventory of where I was at and how did I get there and it was settling in a crazy sort of way..."Render to Ceasar the things that are Ceasar's and to God the things that are God" and I stuck on okay what to you mean here? I know of anther old timers who did that and got killed for it or inspite of it.
Work was good today. I'm on the outside...with the rain and the beautiful stuff that the creator allows me to work in and around. I get to walk with the doves which my Higher Power Creator Father allows me the living metaphor for...Peace and as Al-Anon taught me...peace of mind and serenity...I felt that; yeah some of the Tuesday pain to and when I compare that to the beauty that surrounds awesome...the pain disappears and my work becomes a joy.
I have forgiven those sick men and have come toward letting it go and seeking my necessary restitution whatever that is. The u.s. plates are not on the truck yet. One is in the back window and the front one isn't replaced. I'm not willing at the moment because it would be like carving my heart out without anesthesia. They have my Hawaii Soverign Kingdom plates and only God knows what I want done with those. At the moment I don't feel "Free at last, Free at last...I have that sick feeling of fleeing mixed with rage and I need to fear that and I do with my HP holding me up standing me still. I need to stay away from my indigenous peoples stories and histories and beliefs to keep the fuel out of the fire and allow me only one visitor for the moment. He who created my spirit and set it in this sacred wahi pana. Thanks for listening...comments and experiences of course for how else can I learn and who else do I trust and love more than "the family". (((((hugs))))
I can hear a lot of thinking and program in your account along with a lot of memories of the old way of doing things, ways that you have escaped from but of course are always there in memory.
For me, it was a revelation when I heard that all-or-nothing, black-or-white views of things were usually not true. I wonder if that's the case here. It might be that something terrible happened -- sure seems like it! -- it might be that there was some mighty strong good program happening in there too. It might be that the license plates have to be one way, or it might be that they can be both ways. It might be that you were dumb, or it might be that you were really steadfast in your integrity -- might be that those are just two ways of seeing the same thing. It might be that you can be several different things at the same time.
Whatever you do, take care of yourself -- we don't want you in jail or out of commission or hurting -- we can't afford to lose you!
-- Edited by Mattie on Friday 11th of November 2011 05:21:12 AM
I am sooo sorry that this happened and amazed at how you are processing all this stuff. I don't even know what to say outside of please do take care of yourself. Sending you love, healing and support.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
For you to feel God's presence throughout this experience is an inspiration to me and should be an inspiration to us all. You're willingness to examine yourself throughout all of this is also inspirational. I'm sorry this happened to you but I'm so thankful you shared.
I don't know if I would be doing an inventory in jail. I probably would be sitting on my pity pot and saying why me? Your post is a sign of maturity, growth, and strength for which I aspire.
Your post brought tears to my eyes. I'm so sorry this is something you endured. Astoundingly evolved process of self awareness and working the program - and the importance of rapidly moving past the direction of a pity pot and on the 12 step productive road. Thank you so much for sharing.
Jerry I don't even know where to start, your post makes me feel compassion for you, but I am not yet there to feel comapssion for those sick people that abused you. Take care of yourself at this time. I would be a rageful and vengeful victim to be reckoned with after what you just described. You are a better Al-anoner than I for sure and steadfast in your program. I respect you and you do inspire me! Even sick people need to be held accountable in my opinion.
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
But even more than that by how wonderfully you and your Higher Power stayed in contact with each other through out.
I know HP is with me always....but often I forget to listen to His voice when I should be doing so the most.
So sorry this happened to you. So grateful that you shared it with us so that I may better see the way. "Render to Ceasar.....and to God.." Thank you for that reminder.
This is Why I Love you so... Your Program AMAZES Me, You are one of the strongest men I have ever had the Chance to get to know, and I Don't Mean Strength as in "Hulk" but Strength as In, I would have been a Flippin MESS... The Program You Work and the example you are Encourages Me, & Gives me Strength, & Even Faith More in Myself as too What I can do if Only I Allow HP the Reins and Allow my Creator to Carry me thru the Wind & the Rain... The Hurt & the Pain...
My Week has Not been a GREAT one.. Not any where near the Struggles you have had to Over Come Personally, Mine have all been Family related issues that i have been doin my Best to Accept, Are out of my Control.. & Tho I Love them I have to Allow & Accept where "MY" Place in all this is... And At times it Feels Very Lonely... Like that Hard Jail Bed, My Heart Aches for My Family That I Can Not Save from their Pain, I may Very Soon Loose the One Person that has Taught me so Much and I'm having a Really Hard time Accepting that I may wake up one morning And she will be Gone...
This Program and Beautiful Spirits LIke Yourself, is what Carry me thru these Tough times... I know that HP is Close at all times, and I have been Keeping him in my Daily Life, but at times I Slip Back to the Martyr... The Pity Pot, the Fear, Grief, the Hurt, and then I come Here... I Find You... And Many Others, that Carry their Program like they would thier Keys.. Or Wallets... I So Very Much Envy that in so many of you here...Not as Much Envy as Admire I Suppose...
Yesterday My Day Started Out Normal Per say... I Got up early & headed out the door to work, before my work day was in, I Got a Call that Sent Fear from my Head to my Toes, and I went straight into survival mode.. I sat at the Bed side of a Lady that i have loved for over 16 years, I looked at her Pain, how Frail and Scared she was, and I did my Best to Wear that for her... Just ease what I could to make her comfortable with all the Horrible things this poor Soul has been thru lately...And then the NEXT Call came..HP on Q...It was a Call from my Neice, who was due to have a baby at the END of the this Month around my Afathers Birthday, Well My New Great Nephew said he was Ready Now... Luckly in the same Hospital... HP was there, and Showing Me that Life Happens... And its Time again for Acceptance of that...So after My Family showed up and Took my Spot at the bedside, I then went to the Next Room... To Wait... :0) and at 3:01 this AM on 11-11-11 A New Bouncin Beautiful Baby Boy was Born, Healthy and Wonderful... Today... Im at Work... On MIP... Because I have Slept An hour in the last 24 hours, and welp tonight is full as well because my Al-Anon Convention Starts tonight At 4 and Runs till Sunday... and with the problems my family is having I feel if I don't GO to this Convention, even if Only in Spirts I may just Loose myself in it all...
My Problems have been on Goin for a while now, and its not just one side of my family but both... But When I Come here, and read a Story such as your own.. Your "TUESDAY" I Feel Humbled and Grateful that HP Has Blessed me with such a Kind Soul, Loving Soul, And True Brother that I can Look Up to & Learn From... You Amaze me Always...
I am Also with (((((((Hotrod))))))) Use that Lawyer...
So Many Sick People in the world, and I know at times they are Placed their to see how We Will Overcome their Abuse or Ignorance... But even this is just to over the top... That is the Fear, Something that could have made Logical Since and Been worked out, became something so much more.. SO Grateful you Kept HP By your Side... Your Strength has given me Strength... I Am Sending Healing, Loving Prayers your Way Brother...
Thank you For your Program...And Thank You For Sharing it with me/us
Jerry, sorry this happened to you! You don't sound Oppositional Defiant to me. You sound like you have a lot of principles and that is a good thing. You are very humble and I hardly ever hear you cite your strengths. A lot of people like to voice their beliefs really loud but only very few of them will stick to their guns like you.
I definitely do respect that. Take care.
P.S. I didn't even know there was a separatist movement in Hawaii. Shows how much I know.
Hold on the your values. Whether your values are right or wrong in the eyes of the law, no one, least of all you, should be subjected to being beat under these circumstances. If the law officer had a camera in his car then a (your) lawyer should ask to view it. There is no question in my mind that excessive force was used. Right is right and wrong is wrong, and this was absolutely unacceptable and wrong.
With HP's guidance do the next right thing for you and those who will follow.
-- Edited by RLC on Friday 11th of November 2011 05:23:31 PM