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Hello, I found this site by accident. I was writing in my journal on the daily strength website and was trying to find an al anon quote that I remembered but do not have any of my books with me where I am staying.
Anyway, glad to have found this message board and want to say hello to everyone.
Also, was wondering if anyone can help me with the quote I was looking for.
Something about getting busy and getting out of the alcoholics way?
Hello and welcome, I have just been googling for you and all I could come up, with, was?
When I got busy, I got better!
I also personally like when I stopped looking at my alcoholic under the microscope, and started consontrating on me, I have favourites of the moment and in vogue for me right now is? when you point the finger there is always three pointing back at you, I always have to do it though and count the ones pointing back at me because I forget how many lol, all I know is there is always more pointing back than my one pointing forwards.
There is another from the ODAAT daily reader that inpart says, "I say I would do anything to help my alcoholic (wife) except get off of her back." I know the one you are looking for also; also ODAAT, and it might be under the subject of Slogans - "Letting go and Letting God." ((((hugs))))
Thank you for the Welcomes...and the answers. All greatly appreciated. @tommyecat...I think you maybe right. I do have that book at home. Anyway, I am getting out of his way...I am going back to school at 42. I was going to local al anon meetings here for a year. It's kind of a rural area and there are not a lot of meeting choices in my town. Also, my alcoholic boyfriend found this very threatening and thought I was going to "find myself a sober man". lol I was fearful about going to school thinking it would only be another fight but it turns out he's been really great about it and telling me how proud he is. Again, thanks to all. T.
Hi and welcome here :) The book Getting Them Sober has a lot of stuff like this you ask about here. When we get busy we get better, and that gives them the chance to feel their own stuff and start getting better. I try and practice every day, getting out of the way so HP can work on me and HIM... Take care of you! Thats awesome about classes :)
Let go and let God...Let it be... let it begin with me...