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Has anyone ever read her book? I saw it on amazon and I was wondering what it was like. Also what about any other obscure alanon titles I may find there? I already have "As we understood..." which I love! Is the Dilema of the alcoholic marriage a good read?
Also any other great speakers to listen to would be good to hear, I have listened to Mary Pearl, Aileen R and one other I can't remember her name right now. My local alanon group sent me an email of 3 great stories... one lady (who has passed now) was from my area, but had started out in New York with Lois! She had 50 years in alanon... I have the email if anyone would like to read these three great stories from long time alanon-ers, private message me and I will email them to you :) Awesome! Love the positive stuff, I will keep coming ;)
Let go and let God...Let it be... let it begin with me...
My fav tapes are of course Mary pearl - whinnie eddie , sue drum and AA Ken D from san deago .. Sherri also AA from Texas so many more to list here .. my fav book is Dilema of the alcholic marriage there is a lot in there about communication which seems to be a problem for most of us How Al-Anon works has a little bit of everything in it , Discovering Choices is also awsome and of course our ODAT the book that keeps me on track on adaily basis .If you go to the Gopher tapes site you will find hundreds of tapes at a reasonable price ..
I have read "Lois Remembers". I thought it was very good. "Dilema" is a great book, and one I often lend out to newcomers. "As We Understood" is another goodie!
Rick J from Oakville, Ontario is an excellent Al-Anon speaker in addition to the ones already mentioned.
I love Kathy H from Ohio, I got to hear her speak at a two day conference here in town. There is a couple from TN I think, she was the alcoholic and he was the alanon person. I can't think of their names and Father Tom is another.
I'm reading a book called the Flight of Intimacy I know it's not an alanon book however I like what it says about the emotional intimacy stuff. Someone else mentioned the Dance of Anger and that's another book I really like. I don't know if anyone else has a Waldon Books in their area however ours is going out of business (Boarders bankruptcy) our store stuff is 30 - 40 % off at this point. It's a good sale on new books.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Cool I will look those speakers up :) And i think I will get Dilema and I also saw 12 Step and 12 traditions and Path's to recovery. ANyone read those? Use them? Also what was it, Blueprint for sucess or something about Step 4? Thanks all! Oh Pushka, I will look into those books as well :)
Let go and let God...Let it be... let it begin with me...
Cool I will look those speakers up :) And i think I will get Dilema and I also saw 12 Step and 12 traditions and Path's to recovery. ANyone read those? Use them? Also what was it, Blueprint for sucess or something about Step 4? Thanks all! Oh Pushka, I will look into those books as well :)
Path's to Recovery is a REALLY great book!! I'm working out that one currently, as well as From Survial to Recovery if you have any adult child of alcoholic stuff in your past. That's a really truth one for me.
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo