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I really, really, really, really (have I already said really?) hate facebook today. I have a love/ hate relationship with facebook. I'll be back to loving it soon enough. Especially when my crops on fronterville are ready .. lol. As unfair as it is for me to say this it's the truth .. I'm ok with facebook as long as my A is not on it .. lol. I know totally not fair and totally selfish on my part. Our marriage vows didn't include anything about me driving everywhere just like they didn't say only I got to have a facebook account. I'm so mad at myself .. grrr .. I have to recognize that what I'm feeling right this second is reminding me, humbling me, it's doing something and darn it .. it better be for a positive reason!!
He's active on Facebook and last year at this time proved to be a big issue. We went from knowing each others passwords him shutting everything down and playing huge games. Closing his account, opening his account, blocking me, unblocking me, adding his ex wife, it was soooo infantile. It was a kick in the butt for me. Once again he did me a favor. So I don't know .. I'm trying really hard to stay on my side of the street. I'm not stupid either. I've gotten so I've been able to say to myself, just because I don't say something doesn't mean I don't know. My silence is not a matter of stupidity, ignorance or blind faith. I know what my truth is and I know what (many, not all .. lol) of my issues are.
It's a test for when my A starts driving again I know it. Young jedi are you ready for the next test .. umm .. noooo .. I'm not. Please can we stay here for a bit? I was really liking how I was feeling without the empty pit in my stomach. I felt so good yesterday. I will feel good today. I am going to take control of that right now it may be forced in the beginning, it will happen!! Coffee .. coffee would be a good place to start. Then it's going to be a cleaning day I believe and I've got one kid meeting a teacher later so I will need to get ready for that too.
Oh wow I'm really going to have to watch my step over the next few weeks I thought I was further back from the edge than I am at the moment. It was a reminder how close to the edge I can walk and not even know it.
** Reminder to self .. you have to find a sponsor!! Goal of the week!!
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Awww sweetie... I hate facebook too, yet there I am on it, checking out status updates and such. The reason I have it is to keep in touch with my cousin's who live in Oklahoma (I am far away from them). I get to see their kids grow up on facebook and they get to see mine. I got to see Monday when my cousin had her baby, the instant photos uploaded there... my grandmother is on facebook too! Its nice because she can now see her great grandchildren and grandchildren every day if she wishes even though they are far away. My 14 year old is on facebook. I can see him when he is out visiting his dad in Ohio. I can "talk" to him there every day while he is away. That said I hate it too. :P Keep coming, and good luck on that sponsor search. You can ask someone to just temporarily sponsor you too, that may help. Even just to have someone to call... I know the phone is heavy, but once you have called, you will feel lifted...and light :)
Let go and let God...Let it be... let it begin with me...
My A used to be on it and when he was, his disfunction was transparent. He did much the same as your A. He left three times and each time he left, he activated his account again. When he returns he deactivates it. Much of his deciet was exposed via how he chose to use facebook.
My perceptions tell me that facebook is not the issue. The person using it is the issue. I hear often that people hate facebook and to me it is like hating a chair or a web browser. They don't have a life of their own. :)
I hate the disease that my A exposes through facebook but I enjoy using facebook. I love being able to share parts of myself like pictures etc to my friends at the same time. I love providing a peek at parts of my life in an instant for others.
My sponsor provides me with understanding and wisdom that I cannot get anywhere else. Yes, a sponsor is so valuable.
I hate Facebook too. I think it has led to lots of problems between people. My AH used it to get back in touch with people from HS that he had not seen in 35 years and then blocked me because he didn't like my music interests and posts about them. I caught him IM'ing a girl from HS and then she called him when she was having family issues. Turned out she was pretty psycho. It also led to months of him and his guy friends getting together to do nothing but drink. then the girls started showing up. I don't think he was messing around but he was having his ego stroked and I put my foot down and said no more, or I'm gone. He now is friends with our daughter but not me. I have read that FB is now being listed as a factor in many divorces. I can see why. Those people out there only see one side of a person and who can't be friends when only the good side is showing?
I too have a love/hate relationship with facehonk. It's a breeding groud for tit-for-tat childish B.S. and hurt feelings; It's what almost cost me my friendship with my soul sister (RA). Enough is enough when you've had enough.
Ugh. I understand this so much. Many of my close friends have had issues with spouses and facebook. I feel fortunate that my AH hates facebook/myspace and only checks his email because he has to for work. We've had issues with computer stuff in the past, and it's really hard to let it go. I have had to remind myself many times that today is today ... no need to feel hurt today because of junk that happened in the past. When I let myself feel hurt again and again by someone else's past behavior, that's ME hurting myself.
I too love/hate Facebook! If it's used positively with discrection it can be a wonderful way to keep in touch but some people seriously have no shame!! I'm so glad my AH doesn't use the computer at all,actually he calls it MY addicition,which couldn't be farther from the truth but it's a way for him to justify drinking,"You're always on the computer,so what's the difference if I have a beer".His brother is a drug addict and we watched him slowly go over the edge on Facebook,very sad :(
It's like that whole guns argument. Guns don't kill people - PEOPLE kill people.
That said, when I divorced my exAH, we were friends on Facebook, but after a while I had to remove him from my friends list because I was just sick and tired of reading his alcoholic rants. He also had an ex girlfriend on there whom he certainly didn't discourage from badmouthing me. (I blocked her, too, so I wouldn't have to continue to see her jabs.). It really did me no good to see all his ill behavior.
Facebook is a pretty darn friendly place for me to be now that I pruned the A out of my friends list and I no longer have to see his garbage.
I have been the idiot on facebook and seen many idiots on facebook, I have seen it hurt relationships and I have seen it help relationships....
I too have a love/hate relationship with facebook... and these days, it has a lot of hurt attached to it... so, on days like today, I will not spend much time on it, I will spend more time here.
" And what did we gain? A new life, with purpose, meaning and constant progress, and all the contentment and fulfillment that comes from such growth."
Well, said John and that's exactly what I chose to do yesterday. :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
I have removed myself from seeing people's status messages that would regularly bother me and so now I only see status messages that I want to see. I can always go looking for it, but rarely do since I don't like to be upset. Facebook can be fun and connect those from long distances, but I am aware it is people using it.
God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
I chose to delete my Facebook account because I hated seeing all the posts from my adult daughter talking about partying, drinking, raging, and also her boyfriend having a picture of my daughter in her bra. I was crazy and wrote to her about her postings and that picture. She wrote me back saying she was an adult and I should respect her for the person she was, not the Facebook persona she exhibited. It was then that I realized that I was obsessed with her life, and was trying to manipulate her decisions. As a teenager, she became addicted to Crack and Meth, got raped at 12, ended up in jail, went to acute care several times, ran away, and finally came home. She ended up in residential treatment for 30 days, got clean and stayed that way until she got a DUI at 18 and then again at 22. She is living with an ABF and is drinking more herself now. I have been to six Al-Anon meetings and have been doing a lot of reading, and praying to my HP. I am trying to work on myself and detach with love. I am not there yet. I really have a lot of anger about her ABF and really don't know how to talk to her. When I do, it is very superficial. I have realized in the past that when we talked, I always tried to get her to change to the way I thought she should be. She is really struggling financially, looks very unhealthy, stressed, etc. I have to keep telling myself that this is her life, not mine. I have definitely been a caretaker and find it very difficult to disengage. I go to f2f meetings every week. I act the part but don't feel like it's really me yet. However, I keep coming back and hopefully eventually, I will become a true person and not an actor.