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I decided to go watch a movie with my exAH last night. I have't spent much time with him and we both love and miss each other. When I got to his house he was already well into his drinking night and well it went down hill from there. He was trying to make me confess how our marriage ending had very little to do with his drinking and to say it was because of all my issues. Needless to say it got worse from there.
I should have known better, but I was strong and realized argueing with a drunk is just crazy, so I told him I would communicate with him if he wanted when he was sober. He was trying to tell me about how my program should be worked because he read a little out of a AA book once and basically blamed me that he is rebelling from me and wouldn't stop drinking for me. The divorce is done and over so hmmmm. I told him I had to leave and couldn't hear anymore and felt the old emotional black cloud sitting on me and it was sad. I left and he called my cell on my way home to make me feel even worse, in which I told him I was an idiot for attempting to hang out with him and it wouldn't happen again. He screamed fine don't ever come back. I was sobbing on my way home. I know he is lost and depressed and I know I can't save him.
I know I get lonesome and want someone to hang out with, but I know I finally learned it can't be him. He is lost in the disease and I opened myself back up to suffer more because of it, which well wasn't my finest moment. Now today he is so 'xxxx' at me and wouldn't watch my 3 year old because he might just take off for a few days on his Harley after last night. Awesome, I just love it! (sarcasm) Okay I am done venting.
-- Edited by canadianguy on Sunday 7th of August 2011 12:29:40 AM
God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
So you learned a lot from this experience and it sounds like you did the best you could. Now you have a plan for what will happen when another opportunity comes up with your exAH. Take it easy on yourself.
Thanks for sharing this. As I enter separation in my marriage (on my third day) I keep going over hopeful scenarios of sobriety for my AH and I know deep down I am kidding myself. Al-Anon is at least keeping me in reality some of the time. Night time is SO hard after my kids are asleep. You sound like you are being hard on yourself though and really all you did was try to have a good night with someone care about. It sounds like a great idea really. He chose to make it otherwise. You didn't cause that chaos for sure. Be gentle with yourself.
After a scenario much like this in my own relationship, a friend said to me, "At least he never gives you cause to regret the decision you made." (The decision to separate.)
It also sounds like a blessing that he wouldn't watch your three-year-old. After my AH endangered our two-year-old when he was supposed to be watching, I learned what asking an alcoholic to watch a child can be like.
You sound as if you have so much clarity about what happened. So sorry this was so hard. Hugs.
So sorry that it didn't go well. I hope you went and did something for you today or had an opportunity to relax a little. Be easy on yourself.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Mattie--I just had that exact thought. If he continues on this path, then there will be no regrets. I should look at my separation as a win-win scenario for me (although an deeply emotionally painful one).
(((((Flop)))))...Been there...done that...finally stopped doing it all together with full belief in what the program had been teaching me. "Insanity was doing the same things over and over expecting different results". In order to get over and past the alcoholism I had to get over and past her one day at a time. I can't tell you how many separations I had with the alcoholic wife; 5 or 6 and nothing changed because I didn't until I did.
Of course she continued to use, drink and abuse her life...that is what she did until she didn't want to anymore and got sober and by that time I had gotten over my addiction.
"Act as if" is a good slogan for me to hold me into trust and faith...act as if it hasn't changed and won't.
Well hon you know me, I would not leave my dog with an A.
So you wanted to see him and watch a movie. It didn't go well you left came home and learned something from it.
You said it yourself, you needed to finally learn you cannot even just hang out with him.
I don't call this stuff slips. I don't get that at all! We learn the tools so we can use them!
You didn't clobber him or throw tea on him. You didn't bow down to him. I say good going. We learn when we do!!
You are now ready to believe it, you didn't before. I like that when I wanted to see my AH needed my AH then it hit me, your husband is not in that body anymore. And all my desire went away. It was an is like he is dead so there is absolutely NO chance with him at all. It freed me.
Hugs!! debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
You know Flop, it doesn't really sound like a slip to me, more like HP's reminding you why you don't want a life that revolves around the A's bs. The longer I am away from my ah the more clearly I see things and, the contact I DO have with him show me what I DON'T want to deal with for the rest of my life. Just my take - Happy Saturday Night!
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
Progress not perfection right? You've got everything you need within you my dear friend. People, places and things are bound to fail us. They are temporary, fleeting things. Only the unabiding love from a higher power can fill that God shaped hole.
Thank you everyone for all the love and support!!! I am greatful that my HP has lead me here and I am doing the work and I am worth it. I feel stronger everyday since and guess I did need to remind myself why I chose a different path. I have handed him back over nad all is well. Thanks MIP again you guys are awesome!
God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
Wow I had to come back and read this, some lessons are hard learned! I am staying strong and needed to be reminded again. I miss being called floppy, haha.
God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666