The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Does anyone ever feel like "why should I have to do anything, I am not the one with the 'problem' here"? I just kicked my fiance out. We are new to this town, he has no friends here, nowhere to go. We did attend our first AA meeting on Monday night (after he drank Monday afternoon and then felt guilty and persuaded me to go with him).
He had ONE DAY of sobriety (tuesday) and it was blissful. I had the love of my life back. I actually mailed out the wedding invitations today. We talked at noon and he was sober, loving, caring. He promised he was getting sober for himself. Short lived, today he drank again, lied about it. I could tell when we talked on the phone at 3pm, it made me sick to my stomach. Literally. I had to leave work. Anyone who knows me knows I don't leave work.
I came home and lost it again. I begged him to leave, to get out of my house. He was mean, but did leave. He shouted that I would be calling him, begging him to come home. Funny, 10 mins later, he was calling me, begging to come home. I told him "no, go to a meeting or call some people that you met at the meeting."
I just feel like this is so much effort, is he really worth it? How does anyone else comprehend or justify staying with someone who is so verbally abusive when they are drinking? Aren't two people in a committed relationship supposed to help each other grow? Not one person working on themselves (Al-Anon!) and the other one always needing support?
I don't have much time online, he could return any time, although I did take his house key. Any insights or experiences would be helpful. I know, "get to a meeting" - I am not sure I am ready for that. I am not sure I just don't want to throw in the towel altogether.
You are not alone! Get to a meeting for you, get some phone numbers for you and call them! The book Getting Them Sober has helped me not do the things you say here. I am really better able to NOT REACT and REMAIN CALM when I use my new alanon tools. It is hard when they aren't getting better, but when we are getting better, its much easier. I have so much I want to say but I have to leave work now. I am sure others will respond with more. If you can get to any meeting today, go! I had to have someone in real time I could call and that someone turned into my sponsor... Take care of you! REmember to let go and let god and try to take the time to respond. Ask your HP to help you say and do things that help you through. Ask your HP to speak through you. Take care!
Let go and let God...Let it be... let it begin with me...
Whatever your choices are, stay in the relationship, throw in the towel. You still need to get healthy for you. The alcoholism/ any addiction affects us at a core level. Especially if we are the ones dealing with the situation sober. It doesn't matter if we take those things from childhood or we learn them in a primary relationship they are still there. So get healthy for you not for him. If he's going to drink he's going to drink the question then becomes what are you going to do about you? You can't control addiction, you didn't cause the addiction and you are not going to cure it. The 3 C's. Yup, .. meetings they really make a difference and we have to do the work for the program to work.
Hugs, P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
I don't like absolutes, but I would guesstimate that EVERYONE of us has gone through that feeling, at one time or another, during our respective recoveries....
The thing is - the recovery is for YOU.... Yes, this IS all worth is, as YOU are worth it.... If we don't choose recovery, and help ourselves learn from our own behaviors, we are way more likely to repeat those behaviors and choices.... The numbers are staggering, at how many people change from one addictive relationship to another, etc...
Your pain and disappointment are obvious, and you have every right to feel every feeling you are going through at the moment.... Despite what just happened, and despite whether or not you let him back into your life - you need the recovery for you...
Take care, and please keep coming back
"He is either gonna drink, or he won't.... what are YOU gonna do?"
"What you think of me is none of my business"
"If you knew the answer to what you are worrying about, would it REALLY change anything?"
Thank you all so much. I can barely see the keys through the tears as I type this. I have located a meeting near me at 8pm and plan to attend, whether he tries to come home or not.
Say what you mean, mean what you say, but don't say it mean.
If he returns is he allowed to stay? Are you sure you want him to leave?
By deciding what is best for you and calmly stating it prevents a lot of drama. With alcoholics, it's usually best to take a wait and see attitude before making any decisions. Watch their actions (for more then a day) to see if they are sincere or you're getting lip service. Learning to respond instead of react will help you make the decisions that are needed.
Yes, I think all of us have thought "why do I have to do all the recovering?" But none of us will say we are sorry we did. We can use Alanon tools not only with the alcoholics in our lives, but in many life situations. Not everyone chooses to stay in the relationship. Some choose to leave and continue to learn and grow so the same mistakes aren't made again. Either way, do it for you. He is the only one that can make decisions about what he wants to do. Outside pressure, screaming, yelling, begging or belittling and all the love in the world won't work. If it did none of us would be here. Most of us have tried all of the above :)
If we think that miracles are normal, we will expect them. And expecting a miracle is the surest way to get one.
There is nothing to stop you throwing in the towel. I imagine a great many of us who have separated from our alcoholics wish we had done so earlier in the process. I particularly wish I had not married mine. And once children come, the stakes get higher and the tragedies worse if the drinker is still drinking.
What I wish someone had told me is that only 5-30% of alcoholics who enter a program of recovery stay sober longterm. (The numbers are lower for those who don't start.) And I wish someone had asked me the question, "What would you decide if you knew he weren't going to change?" Because I staked everything on his changing.
The reason we need recovery whether or not we are still with them is that alcoholism sucks everyone in the vicinity into insanity. It is often as hard for us to give them up as it is for them to give up alcohol. We are addicted to them and to the chaos. Breaking up, getting back together, fights, promises, ultimatums, despair, more promises, periods of sobriety, delight, lapses, lies, chaos, more ultimatums, one or both people walking out in anger, reconcilations, more ultimatums, periods of sobriety, relapses, lying, suspicion, snooping, denials, revelations, fights, people stomping out...
It took a lot of recovery on my part before I could start putting a halt to my half of the equation. And when I changed, everything changed.
I hope you can take good care of yourself, learn all you can about alcoholism, and keep coming back. Hugs.
I did feel that way, yes. I wondered why I needed to go to meetings when I hadn't done anything wrong. I wasn't the one drinking and acting stupid.
However, after some time in the program, I discovered that I really did have a problem. My problem was that my own behavior was insane. I was trying to control something that was simply out of my control. Rather than accept the fact that I could not control his drinking and stop trying, I just got more and more "creative." I tried the same things over and over, expecting different results. This was insane. This was a problem. It was not until I got some help for me that I realized what an insane situation I was actually in.
I can relate to what you are struggling with. My perspective is changing since I started the program in January. We had a marital therapist once who suggested that I go to Alanon and I was so ticked off at him! I actually lied and said I was going just to get him off my back. I thought "this is so much work! Why do I have to keep cleaning up the messes? Why do I have to be the responsible one, yet again???" I don't remember the therapist suggesting that my AH go to AA which was and is bizarre to me. I stopped going to therapy soon after, hit my low-point at Christmas and have been going to regular meetings since.
Somewhere in there I got that I have so many bad habits that make me miserable. I don't know how many I had 14 years ago before I got married but not all of them can be attributed to this relationhship. I kept fantasizing about leaving (we have 2 kids too which has complicated things greatly for me.) But, I'm successful in my business, I had friends who told me weekly that I should leave the marriage and I couldn't bring myself to do it. My opinion is that we get conditioned to it but that's not the only explaination. I think that the way our brains work, we just can't put the Rubics Cube down. At least I couldn't--I want to try to talk for myself here. The longer I tried to make it make sense to him and the more I failed, the more entangled we get. I have come so close to losing myself and it feels like psychological torture when I look back on it.
Anyway, Alanon has made me look at and develop aspects of myself that have been dormant perhaps since adolescence. My husband hasn't caused the bulk of my pain--my reaction to it has! This has been a huge insight but it sounded odd to be at first. I've been doing this reactivity thing to myself my whole life in various ways.
Thankfully, I am learning to keep the focus on me and I know I will make sane decisions for my future. I threatened him etc with leaving for years, locked him out, threw away the booze, screamed and beat my chest but I was incapable of doing anything to get out of it because my mind was jsut a mess. Now I'm feeling calmer and clearer headed than I've felt in ages! Practicing the principles of the program has brought and order to my brain and my spirit.
If you go to Alanon, go for you! It's an amazing gift to give yourself and you won't be sorry if you keep coming back. Believe me, I was one big skeptic! :) I thought it was all nonsense!
Wow. I have been reading these message boards for 7 months...going to face to face meetings 3-4 times a week and reading these on nights I can't go. This is my first post. My AH of 8 years just walked out the front door w/o a word and I am assuming he is not coming back tonight. I am guessing he is drunk, although he has been attempting sobriety for over a year now...he has never made it more than one month (it has been torture). This is the first time he has done this and I am having zero reaction. I made myself dinner and watched a show happily because I have come to the point where I cannot stand his drama, lying,self-hatred, guilt, and sickness. I get glimpses of the man I married but primarily alcoholism is in my face constantly. I am relieved beyond words that he is not in the house at this very second. A year ago I would have been a total raging lunatic...that was before I started my own recovery!
I agree full-heartedly with Mattie--it is like you read my mind and spoke my words...if I had only known what I was getting into before marriage and kids. UGH! This isn't supposed to be MY life, right?? Ha! I asked my husband if he was honestly still in love with me tonight--the way we were when we got married and his (quite honest) reply was "I was drunk then..." Uh...OK....not the answer I was going for but it still speaks the truth!
I can say without a doubt that Al-Anon has saved my sanity. Since I have no idea if I will even have childcare from now on in the evenings, I thought I should post. I look forward to sharing and learning from everyone here. I am so grateful to Al-Anon and the friends and support I have. Tonight I repeat the three C's and Live and Let Live and I also pray for his safety...but first and foremost, my own sanity so I can care for our kids.
I also used to argue that this was HIS problem--why should I have to go to meetings. Now I look forward to meetings all day! To be with friends who understand me. It works if you work it and you are worth it!
Best wishes and peace to you, NS--you are not alone.
Yes, I felt that way years ago when I first came to Alanon. I gave Alanon a go for about 6 months and still felt that way. So, I stopped going.... only to return a few years ago.
I am hearing things much differently now. Although I wished I understood that it was not just my qualifier that brought me to the doors of Alanon much sooner, now is always a good time. I hadn't realized just how much living with the disease had affected me. I hadn't realized just how much Alanon could help. As I work the program, my coping tools broaden and become more skillful, and, my perspectives change.
I feel so blessed to have the fellowship- I can walk into any Alanon room and know that, even if all the faces are unfamiliar, everyone there understands. I listen and hear solutions, know there are healthy choices, and see miracles.
Now, I think, "who couldn't benefit from a 12 step program!"
Please do keep coming back- the program does work. Don't leave before you see the miracle.
I just wanted to thank you all for the sharing. I did attend my first f2f meeting last night. The Afiance came back, and I left the house for the meeting. I was sick to my stomach, had not eaten since noon, was lightheaded and had the worst headache ever, but I went. I was terrified, I HATE talking to new people, especially about myself. But I went in and listened to everything. At the end of it I just broke down and cried. To complete strangers. And it felt ok to do that. I told them about mailing the wedding invitations and coming to my first ever meeting all in the same day. These people were right there for me, holding my hand. They gave me their phone numbers and told me to come back next week. They said this program is for YOU, to help you be a better person and learn how to handle things. Not for the alcoholic in your life. That made sense to me.
Yet, I still felt resentment towards my AF that he is making me have to do this. Like if it werent for him I wouldnt be there. The f2f group told me that is BS, that we choose the same type of people over and over again and we always will unless we learn the steps and learn how to make good choices and handle ourselves and our emotions. They said the steps to al-anon are for everyone, that they apply to everyones lives, not just someone with an alcoholic in their lives. I see that is all true. I just need to get over myself and let my HP take over.
I do love this guy, he's a wonderful person, funny, smart, talented. He has a wonderful family and he would make a great husband and father. Sober. I have 3 months until the wedding to decide what to do. I am praying for guidance and understanding.
I want to thank you for your postings. Your experience is familiar to me, and somehow helped me to see some of my past experiences in a different light. I have had the same fears, anger, situations, and debates with myself. I married my AH after 5 months of dating (we had been friends for 5 years prior), at a time when he got into and promised to work a program - and quit about a month later. He stayed away from alcohol for the better part of that next year, and began again after my daughter was born over a year ago. He just finished an inpatient and outpatient program. I have found that recovery with the A is challenging as well. The manipulation, anger, abusive and resentful treatment does not just cease. It sometimes gets worse before better.
I know the feeling of "why do I have to do all of the work?" etc. I actually had done a great deal of work with my issues, a lot of alanon type of work - was feeling healthier than ever for some years, and then ended up with my AH. While I still brought issues to the table, these last 3 years with him have compounded them. The atmosphere did nothing to help me continue healing. However, I think the advice you received in your f2f meeting was great! It is true, we are challenged to take a look at and work through our emotional and relational patterns. We must focus on ourselves as much as possible. Someone in alanon once told me "sure, you can leave him, but you'll probably just find another alcoholic." This bothered me because I believe there is some truth to it, but only so far - the point is that we are free to grow, learn, and make different choices. Everyone is. You are not sentenced to A's for the rest of your life. More importantly, you are not sentenced to your anger, fears, pain, and resentments forever. It's up to you, and your higher power.
I can only imagine the difficulty in looking at the next 3 months. Try not to project if you can - SO MUCH can change in a day. Keep going to meetings and reading. When your heart and mind are working in tandem for your best interest, then you can "make a decision." You will be ok. Do what is right for you, or you'll never be able to do what's right for anyone else.
Many blessings,
"The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself."
This is a moving and informative post. Sorry you have to go through such an emotional roller coaster, but alanon is there for you to walk through it and wind up with more wisdom and confidence on the other side.
KLotus, Your words were inspiring, thank you. I love the last line especially. While I am working on myself, it is really nice to hear that things I am posting are helping others.
The reason we need recovery whether or not we are still with them is that alcoholism sucks everyone in the vicinity into insanity. It is often as hard for us to give them up as it is for them to give up alcohol. We are addicted to them and to the chaos. Breaking up, getting back together, fights, promises, ultimatums, despair, more promises, periods of sobriety, delight, lapses, lies, chaos, more ultimatums, one or both people walking out in anger, reconcilations, more ultimatums, periods of sobriety, relapses, lying, suspicion, snooping, denials, revelations, fights, people stomping out...
Hi Mattie!
Wow, so much of what you've said has hit home with me as well!
Something that strikes me: as I said in my post to NovSun, I know I bring issues to the table, and I've even become fairly well acquainted with what those issues are. We all keep saying that we are "sick," but there have been a number of times when that statement seems inappropriate (and I don't necessarily mean for me). Alcoholism does suck everyone around it into insanity. And although in alanon we are not meant to tell each other what to do regarding marriage decisions, is there any guidance out there about making this kind of decision for someone who is NOT actively or ragingly sick as a codependent? At some point, we may just feel stuck for "technical" reasons, and there may be a window of opportunity before getting sucked into the insanity again. Sometimes it seems like staying in that atmosphere is exactly what clouds thinking, that the only hope of remaining healthy might be to leave... How is there ever an escape from that? The "getting sucked in" can be so subtle, so manipulated, that even the healthiest of people wouldn't see it coming.
Just my thoughts - having a bit of a philosophical crisis :) :) Thanks again.
"The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself."