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The material presented here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method to exchange information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal level.

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Post Info TOPIC: Request for help...

~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 834
Request for help...

Hello everyone,

As many of us already know, the economy is taking a toll on so many people, so hard that life as we once knew it has changed.  So it is with me.  

As I write this post I am struggling to just keep my head above water, but the water is rising very fast.  And I am reaching out for help.

At one time, the men in the Miracles In Progress Aftercare Recovery Homes were able to come into the homes without a dime, and within a week or so have a job, and their weekly rent paid and caught up on their arrears shortly thereafter.  Today, when I elect to give a man a hand, that is coming out of treatment, detox, jail, hospital, or from the streets, even putting forth his very best efforts it can take up to a month before a job is landed, and a week or two after that before a check is available to them.   Community resources to help these men have dried out as well, because the agencies that are allotted these type of funds are overwhelmed with the need to help families with children, the elderly, vets, and the disabled.   The alcoholic or addict is not a priority on their list. I will not debate whether this is right or wrong, it is what it is.  A good example of this is our detox center here.  Two years ago, it had 21 beds, and was shut down due to a lack of funding.  18 months later, it reopened with only 7 beds available. This is in a community with the highest DWI related accident record for the past 5 years in all of North Carolina, and with a population of 100,000 people.  7 detox center beds.  Agencies such as Vocational Rehabilation is floating vouchers... what this means is they will issues a voucher to help a man with a month of rent in a recovery home, but that isn't the same as getting a check.  It can take up to six months before those funds are available to them to make good on the voucher they issued, and... if the man is not currently living in the facility at the time the funds become available, even though you allotted him the month based on the voucher, you can't collect it.  The funds can only be used to assist with their "current housing".  Churches are doing all they can, but again, their funds are being funneled directly into the community resource agencies that distribute the funding based on priority and availability, not to the individual who is at the church asking for help.

This being the case, I have had to change how I was doing things, and start requiring that an individual have a means by which to pay at least the first week rent and a 100.00 deposit (195.00) before I could allow them into the homes.  And if they can't afford to pay their rent for 2 Fridays, with no evidence that it is forthcoming from some resource and I have to terminate them from the MIP houses.  Now I don't know about any one else, but for someone to ask me for 195.00 when I got out of treatment in 1989, they might as well be asking for a million dollars.  Nor did I have a dime after a trip through detox, or a hospital, or coming out of a jail in the years before.  

I never wanted this endeavor to be about a dollar, but my gawh, let a man get behind 4-6 weeks, (because you see him doing all he can), and when he finally gets a check... he moves into another recovery home because its cheaper for him to pay their first week and deposit then to pay his debt that he occurred while job seeking here at MIP for a month or so!  This use to not be an issue, but in todays economy it is, because the debt that is being incurred can easily get to a place where the newcomer cannot see any way to the other side of it.  It becomes overwhelming, so they put their running shoes on.  And I had housed them for that period of time without collecting a dime!  So, fault me if you will but I couldn't endure their debt any longer and had to shut down the generousity faucet, and start requiring that they be able to pay their rent or after 2 weeks, which is really two fridays which is actually 1 week span, they had to make other living arrangements.  I just couldn't keep enduring the expenses they were generating any longer.

I want to scream right now!  

Then on a personal note; I have had a pressure washing and painting business for the past 10 years.  Until a few years ago, I made some very serious money.  And I could provide several of the men coming into the homes with work.  However, when the economy crashed, so did new construction work, which accounted for approximately 60-70 % of the work I was getting.  Even the other 30-40%, the average home owner, was tightening their grip on what they would spend on their own homes because many didn't see doing improvements on a home when its market value was suddenly below what the bank was owed, or they were sitting and waiting to find out if they were on the forclosure list,  because they fell into the "substandard loan" bracket.  Not because they hadn't made the payments but because they did not actually qualify for the loan they got for the home 10-15 years before.  So, a home that started out being 700.00 - 900.00 per month suddenly saw a ridulous (balloned) increased of such proportions (some over double the original amount) that the average family couldn't make the payments on any more, and so by default it ended up on the forclosure list, based on "projected earnings".  In short the bank knew these folks would not be able to endure the increase, and then applied the appropriate loan qualifiers as to whether or not to keep carrying the loan of the home.  Just a year ago here, one out of 12 homes were being forclosed on.  So, this situation took a big bite out of the little 30-40% of work resources I had left after the new construction came to an end around here.

I have busted my ass over the years, working hard, helping people whenever I could, keeping things above water even when it meant plugging holes to keep the water out so they could stay afloat... 

and tomorrow my phone bill is due and I don't have any clue how I'm going to pay it.  This is my life line.  It is what I use for both the MIP recovery home intake interview calls, as well as my personal business calls.  It's the line that members of MIP use when there is a problem on one of the message boards, or with the chat rooms, or a problem needs to be addressed with a member.  It's also the phone I use to talk with my grandchildren each week. (In short, I have no other phone)

This week, I have over 1,000.00 due in utility bills between the two Miracles In Progress recovery homes and my own place, (yes, I pay three leases, three electric bills, three water bills, three cable bills, three of everything each month) and every thing is hitting me at once, and only have 400.00 to work with and less than 400.00 worth of work scheduled for the week thus far.

I want to scream! But I'm not going to... I am going to ask for help.  No amount will be accepted without a great amount of appreciation and gratitude returned.

Thats what I am doing now, asking for your help.  If you can afford to assist me with any funds to get through this rough spot, while I determine what method to utilize to bring things back to a place of true manageability for both myself personally and for the recovery houses, I would greatly appreciate it.  

If you want to help through paypal, using a credit card, my account there is

If you want to send it using Walmart's Money Gram, (which can be done online as well) send it to John Freifeld, Wilmington, NC (you must call me at 910-620-4554 with the referrence number in order for me to pick it up)

If you want to send it via the US Postal service, send it to 

John Freifeld - 2302 Boardwalk Ave - Wilmington, NC 28403

If you would personally like to talk to me before making a decision as to whether or not you want to help, which would be fully understandable... please do, my phone number is 910-620-4554.

I just ask that you seek your own heart and keep in mind this isn't only helping one person, it helps many as a by product.

I am asking for your help, because it is truly needed.








" And what did we gain?  A new life, with purpose, meaning and constant progress, and all the contentment and fulfillment that comes from such growth."

(Al-Anon's Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions,Step 3. pg 21)



~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 17196

Hi John 

 I hear you and the check is on the way.  Maybe we could sponser some of the men in the house on a monthly basis.    I have done that with children in foreign countires and it works well.

Good Luck




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Posts: 381

Dear John, it has been done (paypal). 

Only a small token to thank you for your service of love.  If everyone pulls together and contributes just a little we can pull this out of the water.

I agree, John, now is the time to regroup the wagons.  As, always NECESSITY IS THE MOTHER OF INVENTION.

Imagine the wealth of brainpower and resources that collectively exist among the users of this board.

Yours truly, Otiesmile


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Posts: 119

Thank you for explaining the situation John.

Somehow I made it through the last couple of years financialy. Somehow my HP gives me enough to make it by, if often at the last minute. I help my children and others as much as I can and it keeps comming. If my HP gets me by and I ignore his children then I would expect he should ignore me. Faith tells me that I will get it back.

Please find my small donation in Paypal. Interesting name Pay Pal.


~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 1483


I'm sending you funds tomorrow that will arive Tuesday UPS. As you stated it's hard for you to ask for help. But the fact is you are asking for help for others who are struggling with this disease that effects us all. These men have nothing but the clothes on their back as you stated in prior posts. But they have something else more important than the clothes on their back, they have a desire to stay sober, and they deserve that opportunity.

You do so much good for others not only with the MIP Aftercare Recovery Homes, but the MIP web site that has helped thousand of members world wide all at you own expense. I understand where you are and the feeling of the weight of the world on your shoulders. I agree wholeheartedly with Hotrod about sponsoring some of the men on a monthly basis not just a one time gift. I'm on that bandwagon.



~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 1221

I will pray for your situation. I have no extra money, as I am a single mom. I hope HP sees you through. :)



Let go and let God...Let it be... let it begin with me... 


Veteran Member

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I agree with RLc and Hotrod, I also could sponsor one of these men on a monthly basis. I hope it works out for you.


~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 13696



Thanks for the leadership John...Humility in action.  Reaching out to others and asking "HELP" is how it worked for me.  I didn't always get what I needed...sometimes I got more than I expected and in the process I learned gratitude.  Wish I could do more.

((((hugs)))) smile

PS...we've been doing yardsales and shopsales to get that "extra".

-- Edited by Jerry F on Monday 13th of June 2011 01:06:35 PM


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Posts: 330

This is quite disturbing to me.  I received an email almost the same as this one almost exactly, when I first joined and almost left the site.

This kind of post asking for money is completely against our Al-anon traditions. The other issue is that I am not seeing trust in HP to care for this situation.  

On this site we share our esh with others all the time, and share about trusting our HP, then we see something like this?

Principles above personalities is also something I am not seeing here.  :(

John I do wish you the best with your financial situation.  I will keep you and your situation in my prayers.



~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 834

Hi Clep,

Now, I didn't ask for help from a "Al-Anon group", I asked for help from all registered members of Miracles In Progress.  I asked because I was taught many years ago, (entered recovery in 1983, and have been continuously in recovery since 1989.. 21 years now.) that asking for help when in need was healthy and humbling.  That I didn't have to always try to do things by myself.  I didn't have to carry the weight on my shoulders alone any more.  I was also taught that I needed to stop simply being a consumer and start being a contributor in the dance of life.  And I was also taught that people can't read my mind, if my lips (hands in this case) don't say it don't expect people to know it.

Now, I am going to say two things and one of them might sound pretty blunt, but it needs to be said.  People tend to try to beat me up with the traditions from time to time, and yet they are not adhering to them themselves.  This site cost money, every month, money is spent to cover the expenses of this site.  Since 1998 (13 years) when this site was established, I personally paid its cost 95% of the time without any help from any of the members.  Only when I rise my hand and say I need some help (with whatever I need the help with or for) has it been rendered at all.  And sadly, the ones quickest to use the word "traditions" are those that have not so much as submitted a dime to "be fully self supporting, declining outside contributions" (Tradition 7) or offered a dime to compensate the "special service worker(s)" that sits in the back ground, maintaining the site, building it, getting it listed on the first page of search engine results, (so it is easily found and user friendly) catering to it, catering to its various groups or its individual MIP members who send over 300 emails per month.  (Tradition 8) Instead, they tend to operate on the belief that because I am a 12 step program member, I can be taken advantage of and the work I do is not worthy of any voluntarily submitted compensation.  (  In short, living by spiritual principles we are not suppose to accept from another member, what we would have to pay for through a non member source, for special services, and simply abuse and take advantage of a members kindness.

Now, I will tell a bit of a story that brings God into the picture, because He is always in it. When I ask for help, I trust God to take care of the rest. To move those whose heart is open and whose own situation will not be jeapardized by helping with what they can. 

There was once a man stuck on a mountain.  It was extremely cold, and he endured a severe snow blizzard, and was almost  taken over by an avalanche more than once.  He was stuck on the mountain for three days.  On day four he was able to get off the mountain and onto safe ground again.  He told a friend his story of how he was stuck for 3 days, scared and sure he was going to die on the mountain.  The friend said, "God must have sent some angels to you!"  The man replied, "Nah, it was just a couple of eskimos that got me off it."  

God uses people.  In the world are many, many eskimos, some that don't even get any snow where they live..  they are Gods angels.  Any one can pray, but if they are not going to rise their hand and ask for help, and humble themselves enough to let go of their ego and pride, especially when it stands to adversely effects the lives of others,  It is then that they are spiritually disconnected.  Not when they reach out in despair.

When I asked for help, I was absolutely trusting God to do what He does and send who He will.  And He has...

A big thank you goes out to the eskimos that climbed the mountain and brought me to safe ground again.



" And what did we gain?  A new life, with purpose, meaning and constant progress, and all the contentment and fulfillment that comes from such growth."

(Al-Anon's Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions,Step 3. pg 21)



~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 3653

We used to adhere to the steps and traditions as best we could in this medium. Over the years I have seen that change slowly.

Now I see a picking and choosing which to follow and which not. I brought this up before recently.That if we don't have some kind of guide what are we?

If this group is  doing it's best to follow the traditions, and steps of  Al Anon then the registered members are wanting to follow Al Anon.

MIP members feel we are the best and closest to Al Anon we can be on the internet. We are Al Anon members in our hearts, not just members of MIP. The site itself uses the title Al Anon! We come here needing a safe place, the traditions and steps were developed for this purpose, they give us a guide, a recovery plan.

So if this is ok, then when we need money help, any of us can come and send requests for money from the AA mip, The NA and Al Anon MIP, to their personal emails and on the boards.

We can post anything we want from any book.

We can talk about our own religion as if it is the one.

We can gossip etc.

But we know that won't work! We need a like minded guide, which we have with Al Anon.

When I first came here we were always asking about the treasury. I for one would be more than happy to pay directly to the phone company or whatever is needed to keep MIP going. BUT only directly to the source. But we have NO idea how to do that!

I know that the owner and director of most groups, companies and non profits have a board and ONE person, the treasurer and/ or book keeper who pays out all monies.

Keeps the owner and or director safe.

Also most ventures like yours has a person to write grants to get help, get donations from companies in your area, united way, church organizations. The men helped surely would be enriched by developing ways to bring money into the center.

I would think it would be better served to call attention to  your venture and needs, to your own community, people would like to help you I am sure.

As far as being overwhelmed it is up to us to develop team work, and devide up responsibilities to others. Do you have a board?

I had an animal sanctuary, I took in so many animals for people who developed disease or died or lost their home, or family. Most did not donate a penny.

All of us knew we had to be able to keep up our ventures on our own if we had to. Because of the economy, we all found ourselves on our own.

We all have our passions in what we want to accomplish,sometimes we have to face it is too much for us.

The words thank you for bringing "ME" to safe ground again. Isn't it more an "US," the people helped by this venture?

It upsets me to lose members and newbies over this. I know I would be put off if I came here and people were asking for money. Whether worthy or not!

This is my experience alone, not giving advice, not condemning. Take what you want, leave the rest.

Said with love,debilyn



Putting HP first, always  <(*@*)>

"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."            Or call: 1-888-4alanon

~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 1277

When someone asks for help, it is our choice to help or not. There is nothing wrong in asking for help. Likewise, there is nothing wrong in choosing whether to help or not. A long time ago I realized that my method of giving back to others (tithing) felt better (more true to ME) if my giving was in deeds rather than money. I have given of myself, my talents, to better my fellow man, that is what I choose to do because I have more of ME to give; and I truly believe that the physical me doing for others (goodness is that needed), is many times more valuable than the monetary value I could offer. (I would MUCH rather give of myself - the rewards are much deeper). I am sorry John, I am broke. I haven't any money to offer - I can only hope that God wants your causes continue.

I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France

~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 834

Likemyheart, without a doubt you definitely sound like one of Gods many eskimos (angels). You may be broke, but you are surely not poor... you are rich, extremely wealthy in spirit, and that is worth far more than what many possess, no matter how much money they have.  Keep up the good work you do, in the way you do it... and God will place some eskimos in your path should the time come that you need them.  

A woman in a meeting tonight said.."Life is like a K&W cafateria, you can go through the food line and pick and choose what you want and dont' want, but remember when you get to the end of the line you are standing at the register, and have to pay for your choices."  

I liked that analogy.  




" And what did we gain?  A new life, with purpose, meaning and constant progress, and all the contentment and fulfillment that comes from such growth."

(Al-Anon's Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions,Step 3. pg 21)



~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 1230

Is there a particular website for paypal? I do recall using this method of payment on some items purchased in the past.


You have to go through the darkness to truly know the light.  Lama Surya Das

Resentment is like taking poison & waiting for the other person to die.  Malachy McCourt

~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 834

the PayPal website is at

To submit a donation use the forum email address

Thank you so, so much!



" And what did we gain?  A new life, with purpose, meaning and constant progress, and all the contentment and fulfillment that comes from such growth."

(Al-Anon's Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions,Step 3. pg 21)



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I donot have a problem at all contributing to this web site to keep it going.  There are many free websites and I would not know how each one runs, or if they are making money from the free site such as Facebook does.  I do not know how this site runs or if you make money off of it or not.

That does not make me unwilling to contribute to a service I use.  I have not seen an area to contribute to the site.   

When I speak of the site, I do not mean a person.  I do mean the web site itself.

The traditions are not being used to skirt accountability here.   There are being recognized as a foundation to live by.  

I personally couldn't imagine going on a web site and asking multiple people for money regardless of the reason.  When I hand something over to HP, I try hard not to take it back right afterwards.



~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 3653

I meant  money sent to a phone company or somewhere, not to mip.

It's like I was with many other sanctuaries that helped each other with a high vet bill for a certain animal who needed surgery.We were told which vet and the name of the animal.

We helped one gal put up a fence in Mexico as the feral pigs were getting to the pots faster than she could spay them. So we all sent money to the lumbar company.

When we donate to the community after school program it is send directly to the treasurer.

As you used the mip addy to get money off paypal it could go anywhere. NOT saying you would, but to keep things right we NEED a specific somewhere to send it.

Like if you had mip thru a certain phone or if we as a group wanted to have a line designated just for mip Al Anon, that would be GREAT. We could then send money directly to that bill. Maybe someone on the board could figure this out? I am extremely frugal and money poor, but I could send five bucks a month and if ten or twenty did that or more that would be great.

I have no idea what it costs but I bet with something solid set up we would have a credit after each month.

You do so much that maybe you would want someone on the board or something to set it up. Be one less concern.

When you have time maybe you could post or maybe pm tom to let us know wh at it all entails?oops raising my hand for tom! (c:

thank you for your consideration.

We are a group and I am SURE all of us would love to help you with this!! We love and appreciate this site you made!!



Putting HP first, always  <(*@*)>

"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."            Or call: 1-888-4alanon

~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 834

Thank each and everyone for your donations, sharing of your thoughts, suggestions, advise and warm words.  

I would like to take just a moment to express myself simply for the point of clarification and understanding.   Some of what I share here, might disturb a few, and others will fully understand and agree.  Regardless, of the position others take, mine is not up for negotiation or compromise.  I stopped negotiating and compromising my morals and values many, many years ago.

1.  This is not Al-Anon.  You may align yourself with Al-Anon, but this is Miracles In Progress 12 Step Recovery Forums.  This site was established in 1998 by me as a forum for any 12 step members who wanted to utilize it as another tool in their recovery tool box.  It is a privilege that has been afforded to the members of the 12 step community, not a right.  In my position, Miracles In Progress is the whole embodiment of what I personally have invested myself in for many years.  Miracles In Progress, which is my baby so to speak, is not limited to a few message boards, chatrooms, web pages, ect.  It is also inclusive of the Miracles In Progress Aftercare Recovery Homes.  

2. There is no distinction at the forum level as to which group or 12 step organization each person aligns themself with.  Be it you are a member of Al-Anon, AA, or any other 12 step program, here at, or in the recovery homes each person or collectively as a whole across all the groups you are defined as "Miracles In Progress".  Which group or organization you align yourself with, has nothing to do with or "Miracles In Progress" as an enity.  There is not any affliation or association between the two enities, other than one provides space, and the other utilizes it.  Much the same as a church that a variety of f2f 12 step meetings are held in.  

4.  No where in my request for help did I target or single out any particiular group or individual for the request that was made.  It is stated clearly that each MIP member should "seek their own heart" as to whether they want to help or not, and no where in the request is so much as a suggestion, no less threat that the online web site portion of MIP would be jeapardized or threatened in the absence of any donations. 

Since this site was established in 1998, I have been a very consistent contributor. I won't toot my own horn, the numbers below reflect what I have personally put into MIP work wise and financially, to support this as a safe haven for people in recovery.  I have and do continue to make my own contribution.  

5  Do any of the contributions go to the sites actual expenses?  When a basket is passed, and the collected funds pay the rent to a church, is the church required to account to the 12 step group or any individual of that group, how those funds are utilized?  No, the group is paying their way for the space they are utilizing.  That is the issue, not how the rent gets spent once out of the groups hands.  I will only go as far as saying it would be considered reimbursement for what I have given to it over the years without any help or compensation.

I will never hold out that the site is being jeapardized because of a lack of donations, it won't be.  I personally will not let it be, as evidenced by the 13 years it has consistently been here in cyberspace, and how well established it is, easily found, and user friendly.  It's been over 20 years since I took any of my belongings to a pawn shop, but when it comes to MIP... I would take whatever I needed to there, to keep the doors open here.  Thats just me. 

6.  As a 12 step member and by the design of the spiritual principles which are principles which we should practice "in all of our affairs", each individual should be fully self supporting, declining outside contributions...  I did not ask for any funds from any other organization outside of Miracles In Progress.  Yet, here is a resource that cost money, be it the web hosting, domain name, the message board, chat room or even the webmaster who creates and caters to the site (myself), and in the 13 years that I have hosted this portion of MIP, a dedicated area for Al-Anon members, not more than 1.25% percent of its almost 8000 members have adherd to this spiritual principle in the past 13 years.  

7. I look out for the common welfare of Miracles In Progress as a whole.  I hold no individual or group with which they align themselves with to any higher or lower level of standards.  Here, each person and each group meet on equal ground.  While, I myself am a 12 step member, and surely qualify for more than one 12 step organization, at the forum level, I am merely one of many members (approximately 25,000) of Miracles In Progress.

8. Yes, I have placed myself in a place of tremendously high responsibility with Miracles In Progress.  As a whole enity, MIP (not just a web site) has a great amount of expenses attached to it.  And it continues to expand.. example, I am also the founder of the Miracles In Progress H.O.P.E motorcycle club.  It was established 3 years ago, and has 37 members.  Requirement for membership is that its members be aligned with a 12 step organization, (same as MIP 12 Step Recovery Forums, and MIP Aftercare Recovery Homes.  The H.O.P.E stands for "Helping Other People Everyday".  We work towards doing a random act of kindness for the needy each month.  Last month, we painted an elderly man and womans older home, replaced a portion of its roof, and groomed its yard.   This included bringing the funds together to make this possible as well.  Month before last, we anonymously provided an unemployed family with 4 children, (all under 12 years old) with a 300.00 gift certificate for a grocery store, and several misc. gift certificates for entertainment, movies, an arcade center, a water park, paddle boats on a river, and a roller skating rink.  Any yes, the members of H.O.P.E also were asked to donate some funds to the MIP as a whole this past week.  

Funds that are generated, are utilized for a wide range of needs.  Example, a member of MIP 12 step forums informed me of a elder in their group here at MIP who was struggling with the decision to pay their electric bill or their medications.  They are not able to attend f2f meetings due to both their age (78), as well as the lack of any meetings in their location, and their own inability to drive any longer.  I spoke with this elder member, who has been an MIP member for almost 7 years now, and made the decision to pay their electric bill and internet provider.  Another member of almost 10 years died, and after all those years with us here at MIP, I paid for a foral service to deliver a wreath to the funeral pallor on behalf of all members of MIP as a show of condolence.  I also provide newcomers to the MIP recovery homes with a voucher of 25.00 to Salvation Army or Goodwill's second hand stores, for clothing when they show up with nothing but what is on their backs. As for helping someone within this particular Al-Anon group; I will withhold their identity, but simply say that she has 3 children and couldn't get her car passed state inspection because it needed brakes all the way around and she works part time, gets food stamps, and her ex ah won't help at all.  I made the decision to cover the cost of the car getting brakes and inspected so she has a means to transport her kids as needed, and continue to get back and forth to work.  These are just a few examples of what Miracles In Progress is about.  It's about helping people, giving a hand when it is needed and justified, and not simply being consumers in the dance of life, but contributors to the lives of others.

9.  Now, MIP as a whole is standing at the turning point, which means I am standing at that same turning point.  I am faced with some orginizational decisions.  Do I put a board of trustees together, and go for a 501(c)3 status, or do I get it listed as a "Inc", independent corporation?  Do I open the door to outside contributors, at the public, corporate or government level?  (I  personally am not in favor of this proposition).  Do I get each area of MIP licensed separately and independently, or license "Miracles In Progress" and put the various areas under that one license as subsidaries?  How would I cover the expense of a business attorney, a CPA, and a tax attorney to help me make these decisions and see them through the process?  I am in the process of contacting a few professionals and seeing what I need to do and how I need to do it.

10.  Now, let's be reasonable here for a moment.  Let's say, hypothetically that each registered member submitted a one ($1) dollar donation each month, as a demonstration of willingness to adhere to the 7th tradition, as a principle by which they are willing to now live their own lives.  Do the math.  If only 50% of the members in this particular portion made that monthly  $1 donation, if only as a demonstration of good faith personally, how much would be generated each month?  

I will answer that question.  More than can be justified.  I can easily say and believe that if this were the case, no one would have gotten an email from me or seen any such post asking for help this week from me.  There would be no need for it.  However, I don't push the Tradition line down your throats, in order to get monthly funds.  Instead, when I need help financially, I put it out there, (which is usually once, maybe twice a year) and I simply ask that those with the financial resources to "seek your own heart".  There is not any requirement or threat attached to the request.

11.  Lastly, and in closing I think it is important that I address personal accountability.   My life today, as a result of working and living the 12 steps and traditions as spiritual prinicples to live by, is a open book.  I am more than glad and willing to share with those who make a donation, a full record of what has been recieved by all members of Miracles In Progress collectively, and how it has been utilized or what it is targeted for.  However, I would surely refrain from and outright refuse such disclosure to any one who hasn't submitted a dime.  In that case it is none of their business or concern, for they haven't made any investment in anything to be accounted for to them.

I truly do realize and understand that my story of woe, and hardship can be matched by most people.  I didn't put it out here as a "one up on ya" challenge.  Quite frankly, I spoke of only the immediate need, not what just sits over my head in the background.  That has no bearing on what is needed to just keep my nose above water and be able to actually breath, instead of suck air.  Secondly, what I am asking for, is not simply to meet on own needs but to be able to give that man in a MIP recovery home who would be put out tomorrow for not being able to pay some rent a better chance, then my own economics could allow.  Or let the man who is reaching out for help, to not dail a disconnected phone number.

If these motive(s) are disturbing to your senses, I hope you will stick around long enough to get past yourself and start becoming a contributor, instead of simply a consumer in the dance of life, and when you have done all you can, given all you've got, and you finally reach out for help, you get beat up by those who don't think outside the box... then you will one day feel the way I do today.  Then and only then might you fully understand what is being said here.

To those who reached back to me, with a donation or simply warm words of support and encouragement, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  A little bit can go a long way.

As someone said to me last night on the phone.. "it's amazing that all these people trust you enough to keep this site up and going, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, but would so much as question if you can be trusted with a dollar each month that they voluntarily donate on their own accord without having to be asked for it.  Or question if you would be a good steward to the gift that is donated."

My reply was simply, "They don't know how much I like to sleep at night, live within my skin comfortably each day, and look at myself in a mirror either."



" And what did we gain?  A new life, with purpose, meaning and constant progress, and all the contentment and fulfillment that comes from such growth."

(Al-Anon's Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions,Step 3. pg 21)



~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 17196

Well Said John!!!!

  What ever decision that you make ,I know it will be one based on Principles above Personalities.

Thanks for all your dedication and hard work





~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 1483


I couldn't agree more with Hotrod or could I have said it better.



~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 1594

Thank you John for your well rounded response that took a lot of time and effort. Thank you for your service work. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed.

Gratefully Yours,


~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 1382

Hello John,

My profile says i have been here since December of 2005, in truth I was here long before that first lurking, then with a different name for 3 or 4 posts and wandered back to my life only to return without memory of my original nickname to MIP a few months later. My reason for pointing that out is because I remember somewhere in the beginning reading a post of yours that spoke of setting up an account with one of the bookstores so that if I accessed the book store through this site a small percentage of the sales came back to help support it. I read that post, could feel the excitement, hope and promise of ... well, a miracle in progress I guess. I wanted to click that button so bad to be a part of something that had a little shred of good in it but I couldn't financially and promised myself I would someday. Well it is years later and even though I only use the AlAnon message board, my visual aid equipment conflicts with the chat and meeting area and I am pretty sure I will never live in an MIP recovery home, I consider every component of MIP to be my family and I am no longer digging in the couch cushions for a dollar in change to put in the basket at a meeting but I still have not clicked that button. I am sorry I forgot. Thank you for following the call to create MIP, the devotion to keeping it going and courage to make hard decisions.




Status: Offline
Posts: 15

THis is only my second day to this site but i see all the love and support you all share. I am in financial ruins myself but i hope some day to be half the man you are john and do so much good! As a nurse i try to above and beyond any way i can for my patients. I will pray that the hp answers prayers and you get the help for finances you soo much deserve. As a new comer i was not disturbed by this post for help at all. But empowered totry and do good deeds in anyway i can to help those who struggle with addictions and their families.

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