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I have been in Al-Anon for about 2 years and have decided to divorce my AH. I spent a great deal of time making sure my motives were seeking a divorce were honest and not out of frustration, spite, or control. We are still living in the same house and I have been fairly ok with everything, but for the past 2 days I have been experiencing a horrible amount of guilt.
AH told me today he is spiraling out of control and that he is worried about being lonely. He said that he might just give up and drink himself to death. My head realizes he is trying to manipulate me and work on my weaknesses. I still care about him as a person in my life, but I just cannot stay married to him.
Looking for a little ESH about dealing with the guilt. Thanks.
Aloha Spc...Guilt comes with enabling. Enablers have an innate sense of responsibility tied to a belief in power and control...that of course is for me as I have learned it over the years from others in Al-Anon and my former sponsors.
I hope you have a sponsor or someone special in the program you can talk about the subject of guilt with or even a home group that you can lead a meeting on guilt.
Learn the 3c's helped me to approach the door of honest responsibility in recovery. Looking at and searching for alternatives to the problem of alcoholism in my life and relationships including divorce, separation and others was supported by the Serenity Prayer. Since I was in recovery and only a part of that was to recover from making bad choices for the wrong reasons It was reasonable that I change the things I could for rational reasons. Being fearful wasn't a sign of being bad I learned or even less than. On another angle being fearful and remaining in the problem was evidence that I was still at the room of insanity. I learned I could be fearful and make change at the very same time and that if I really believed in the first part of the first step and accepted the unmanagability of my life and the lives around me than I was operating in the proper motive. I took it to my HP and my sponsor. My HP told me that I was not alone and that HP was with me all along...never left. My sponsor told me that if I could recognize the problems in my life that I had caused by poor choices that I must also accept that I was responsible to change them. Guilt became a feeling I had for making the wrong choice in the first place which hurt me and made my life less than productive.
Just part of how I experienced it. Al-Anon is a SYA program...know what that means?
Keep coming back. I am glad you found the door to your MIP home. Stick around cause this is a magical, miraculous family. (((((hugs)))))
I don't feel guilty very often at all. I guess I would think guilt comes from doing something wrong, hurting someone.
I would ask myself, what am I doing wrong?
You sound very strong in your position, you have given it a lot of though.
Of course they don't want us to go away, how will they find somewhere else comfy to use? Who will babysit them? Who will give them a reason to live?
I would invite you to read Getting Them Sober. or read it again. When we leave, for some it gets them so they may find out it is totally up to them to make the choices it takes to get well.
But we leave for ourselves. Guilt is a wasted emotion like worrying. You know you can do nothing for him.
Maybe change the word to concerned about him.
Jerry is right, the 3 c's are perfect. You didn't cause it, you cannot control it, nor can you cure it.
Keep coming, we can help you work it out, and or listen! love,debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
((spc)) I think Jerry and Debilyn offer great strength from their experiences..... I'm fairly new to alanon but I can offer this. I used to feel guilty ALL the time. I was always completely overwhelmed with guilt. I still, from time to time, find myself feeling guilty over things, and your posts is rather timely for me as I've been giving this much thought lately. I used to feel guilty all the time for being unable to do the things I knew I should be doing. I felt guilty for yelling, screaming, name calling, throwing things in rage of unbearable frustration, making bad decisions, preaching my godly wisdom, judging ect.. oh the list goes on and on. But, to sum it all up, a lot of the guilt was a result of me always "losing it"... losing my cool, flying off the handle, engaging, not focusing on me.... and why did I lost it all the time? Cause I was so focused on him, who, as we know I can't control, so I wasn't 'winning', I wasn't successful in my attempts to control, so I was always disappointed, always frustrated... so I lost it - then felt awful. Sometimes I lost it cause I was so scared he was going to die. Other times I lost it cause I was frustrated. I always felt guilty. Once I started changing the things I could... me, I started to feel a lot less guilt. I no longer felt guilty every day cause I no longer yelled at him every day. I no longer felt guilty all the time because I wasn't losing my crap about something he did or didn't do all the time. Now, if I lose it, usually in the form of impatience and smart ass comments, with my AH (which happens a lot less frequently), I recognize it and apologize promptly.
I still do sometimes feel guilt over things that have nothing to do with me - like my AH has a bad day or is anxious ect... - but I tell myself, no, nothing to do with me! let it go...try to anyway... I find it's getting easier and I'm able to now, pretty quickly, focus on something else other than my guilt over something that has nothing to do with me and that I can't control.
It sounds like you put a lot of thought into your decision. I've never been through a divorce, but I've heard others compare it to a death. And it is in a way, the end of something we once had such high expectations for, so I would imagine these feelings are quite common.
You won't feel like this forever... it will pass. I love those 3 simple words: it will pass.... or this too, shall pass. When I was going through the hardest times of my life, someone said that to me and it really resonated - because even in the moments of the utmost despair, on some level, I knew they were true... and when I was so unbearably sad and scared ect.. I kept telling myself: This will pass, you won't feel this way or being going through this forever...
Spc...The decision to divorce is hard. So was my decision to leave. It took four years of dissapointment and hurt.
But for me, moving out and getting some distance from the drinking and RX use , allowed me to keep loving my AH. I thank God for The Courage to Change. I'm not saying it's perfect. I have lonely days. But my rule is i will only see him when he is sober....and on those terms I get the man i married back- if only for dinner twice a week.
Love all the responses I wouuld like to add that when I did my 4 and 5 th Step I found that I had many feelings of guilt because I felt I was responsible for everyone else's feelings and I was not allowed to take care of mine.
I was not allowing myself to be human and have needs, wants and peace. I felt if I took care of others they in turn would take care of me!!! That was my mistake and defect.
I found I was responsible for my feelings and everyone else was responsible for theirs. Since I was powerless over others I could not fix them or their feelings. The only person I could help or fix was myself. How freeing . I understood that my guilt was unfounded and became entirely ready to have HP lift it.
In Step 7 I asked for HP to lift it. My sponsor had me put myself at the top of my amends list in the 8th step and in the 9th step I had to make amends to myself by taking care of myself, using alanon tools attending meetings and practicing It is a very powerful tool for recovery
I have carried around guilt and shame for a very long time. I am reading the book series"Getting Them Sober" by Toby Rice Drews, it has helped to dump it off bit by bit. In volume 2 there is a chapter on Irrational Guilt and in the first one it helped me to stop blaming myself for his drinking. Another couple books that have helped me get perspective is "Codependent No More" and "The Language of Letting Go" by Melody Beattie. I am going through a divorce currently and it is very hard emotionally and at times the guilt comes back, but I know deep down I will be better off free from this marriage. I can't sacrifice myself any further and I can't make him happy or healthy and can't totally dettach and live with him so this is my option and I have to face down the feelings that come with it. I know in my heart I have said and done all I could and to save myself and my kids a different legacy is what I choose now. I can no longer sacrifice myself for anyone and I know I don't owe anyone any part of my life any more. I am building myself back up with this recovery program, my sponsor and a counselor and I will not let myself fall into the old thinking that kept me feeling like life was a string of days to be merely survived. I hand my exAH to my God everytime I get caught up in trying to control or handle him. I hope something in this can be of help. Sending love and support!
God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
Thanks to everyone for the words. I think my guilt is coming from feeling that I am leaving him lonely or that he will hurt himself further. For me, I have been trying to keep going back to Step 1 and admitting I am powerless over his feelings of being alone and there is nothing I can do about that. Man, habits can be tough to break. I am always amazed about how many times I have to keep myself from focusing on his needs and instead of focusing on mine.
Wow I feel that way too, but that is what I am working on to stop being codependent and worry about myself and let him worry or not about himself. The other way didn't work and this way feels much more sane! Nice awareness!
God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
In my own life when I came to the divorce of my husband I also felt a ton of guilt. Slowly as I attended meetings and time passed, I realized most of it was actually grief I was feeling instead of guilt...... Grief for what was...grief for what I had wanted it to's the actual "death" of a marriage and that chapter in our lives. Takes a while to heal from that grief.
Right, you have to take care of your own needs & allow him the dignity & respect to take care of getting his own needs met too. It is healthy to meet your own needs- for us all. Once we begin caretaking and enabling of each other- we are slipping bigtime. Once I realized if I focus on them, I lose me and feed the disease. Focusing on me, where I can be powerful in living my life~ is all the control I have.
Yes it is manipulative bait- you are there now and have been up to now -and- he still has his own addiction- it is not about you. Your guilt feeds it, each time u feel it- pray to ur HP/god and willingly surrender it and allow yourself to feel it being handed over. HP/god will receive whatever we completely let go of. Then we get the opportunity to practice faith in action. Surrendering in this way is extremely powerful.
None of us change until we take control &responsibility to change for ourselves. Dont hold you or him hostage to the disease anymore. I came to program being motivated by my own anxiety and guilt- well, guilt comes after we do what we deem as "wrong". As adults, taking care of our own needs is a sign of health. If we dont- we get sick and resentful fast. It is the same w the A- they dont respect ppl they can take advantage of- no, they abuse us bc they loathe themselves and if we can love they who are so unlovable-- they think there must really be something wrong with us.
Taking care of and focusing on YOU will give you your life back- one day at a time. Welcome to alanon and MIP!
Light, Love, Peace, Blessings & Healing to Us All. God's Will Be Done. Amen.
Thanks for starting this thread. Everyone gave a lot of "food for thought."
This month marks 1 year of being divorced. As Irish54 wrote, divorce is like a death. I still find myself mourning for what we once had in the beginning of our relationship before he allowed alcoholism to take him from us. I also continue to mourn for what we hoped our future would be like. I know all this mourning will pass. It's a process. So when the feelings come, I don't fight them. I just feel them and try not to actually think while I'm doing so because thinking about it fuels the fire.
Guilt has always seemed to be my middle name. Reading this thread helped me to identify why that is to some extent. I've identified my guilt issue; now I'm striving to resolve it.
I hope you gained for your post as well.
You have to go through the darkness to truly know the light. Lama Surya Das
Resentment is like taking poison & waiting for the other person to die. Malachy McCourt
That was a nice post,which gave me great insight into what was confusing me so much. In other words ppl/Alc, have no respect for those they can use. No matter what I did there was always verbal abuse, then I would feel guily and do somemore and get more abuse. Thanks for breaking it down simple for me. Nat.