The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I am getting a divorce so I am usually angry or sad about the realtionship. I am lonesome, because I want to fastforward to a loving healthy relationship at times. I didn't get a good nights sleep and I am trying to lose weight so not eating much. So I am HUNGRY, ANGRY, LONELY AND TIRED. Not a good mix today since anyone of these can send me off. I am trying hard to have a good day with ym girls, but I am feeling overwhelmed and a bit on edge. My sponsor is away today at the hopsital and I had a noon meeting already. I know it's not the end of the world, but I am stressing about my jobs, this Summer's busy schedule and finances. This is what happens when I don't take good enough care of myself and I am again learning that if I don't, my mind starts thinking it's the end of the world!
God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
I feel you sweetie! I too am tired, was up all night yelling at my A... LOL...anyway, I hope that tonight is better and you get some rest...take care of you, get a bath or a good book to read, or watch a chic flick...wish I could come by and watch with ya! LOL... HUGS! Thanks for all your support here!
Let go and let God...Let it be... let it begin with me...
Aloha K...You're good to go. You have the awareness, acceptance and ready for action. Working the program results in it working for you. HALT was a good one for me when combined with one of my most favorite slogans..."When in doubt don't". Being in HALT always left me with doubts, confusion and delusion so I was taught go slow, don't make fast, large, reactionary decisions and of course first of all hang on to my HP's coat real tight. In HALT making decisions usually resulted in making this worse and doing things by my self when I wasn't in good condition. Meetings...check, membership contact or sponsorship contact...check, literature...check, HP...check, check, check.
What else have you become aware of? (((((hugs)))))
Dont jump ahead of yourself or the day -- going into the future (for me, even five minutes) will throw me off of being effective in right now, where I have the power to make changes. HALT tells us- when we identify any of these these things- that we address them. Drink extra water, eat healthy fruits and raw salads (it is cooling and purifiying in summer and weight loss)-- acknowledge and address what you are angry about. If it is the same old trap, of I cant control all that I want to -- step back and embrace powerlessness over everything else and do what you can. We have to learn to surrender what is not working, sometimes we just need to feel a lil low or go rest and take some better care of ourselves.
It also helps me when in any given day- when I do get overwhelemed-- to take the day in 15 min incriments and not jump ahead of my day but to take it a little slower.
With my adhd- I tend to habitually worry a lot- and it never helps me- sure it gives me something to do but it gets me nowhere but stressed out- all that does is kill me faster, so I know it doesnt work for me... I have to surrender and keep trying -then at some point in the day - I let it go and swtich gears so I can enjoy the people in my life. Living in a pressure cooker never helps and I dont have to solve every problem today. It is okay to take time off and spend time doing what will rejuvenate you.
Light, Love, Peace, Blessings & Healing to Us All. God's Will Be Done. Amen.
Your emotional tank is empty. I first ran across the idea of emotional tank while reading a book on how to really love your child; it explained that sometimes our kids misbehave because their tank is empty and finding out what is empty and filling it will yield favorable results. But sometimes OUR tank is empty too! Why else would God have created bubble-baths???
I consider my recent bus trip to the mall (posted earlier) a grand example of filling my emotional tank. You can eat - that fills the hungry, you can rest/sleep - to take care of the tireds; but what do you do to fill YOUR emotional tank? If it was me, I'd do something radically different with my girls - campout in the front room watching movies we haven't watched in ages, eating popcorn and ...... well, fill in the blanks. Of course my girls are both too old now, but you get the idea? (besides, I have Betsy the wonder dog's emotional tank to fill, easy as pie because it involves a walk/run, throw the ball and let her be goofy and, imagine that, my mood is lifted because darnitall its kinda fun to do...)
Last Friday I spent hours cleaning my kitchen - turned the old (i'm talking OLD) country music on (love the internet for the music choices) and just bustled, forgot about my woes and hey, i woke up to a cleaner kitchen (ok, so how ashamed could I be that I spent hours and only made a dent.... ) (do what you can and don't worry about the rest eh?)
If its indeed the end of the world, what better way to go out than by having a campout with the kids watching finding nemo???
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
Don't beat yourself up and be kind to yourself. take today at a time and enjoy the day. You still have a job, you have wonderful kids and hopefully its sunny outside. Life is good. :)