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here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
This is all new to me. My husband just checked into rehab 5 days ago. We have been married for 11 yrs., 12 yrs. this August. He has always been a drinker & so have I but I seemed to grow out of it over the yrs. His mother passed away 4 yrs ago & the drinking really seemed to get bad. I didn't understand at the time that he couldn't deal with his feelings & thats why he drank. I begged & pleaded with him to chill out. I saw it as him abandoning me & pushing me away because he was either drunk or passed out all the time. I went & had an affair that my husband found out about. We decided to work things out but the drinking just got worse. I saw him yesterday for visiting day, he looks amazing!! He has such a good attitude & is determined to make a life change. He wants to be there for me & our 4 children. I am nervous because I am suposed to take care of me & stop obsessing & being consumed by his addiction, but im not sure that i know how to do that. For so long thats all I worried about , even broke out in shingles about 2 months ago due to the stress. Stress & chaos is all i know. some advice please?
Welcome to alanon and MIP! The best way to get into alanon is to go and check out some local mtgs and listen and learn. They have pamphlets there and you can exchange phone numbers on the list (if you want to) and get some names of people to talk with. Reaching out is the first step, so congradulations.
I would say take your time when it comes to life altering decisions and allow yourself some time and space to see what works best for you. The first thing we must learn is to practice focusing on us and not them or what they are or are not doing. Focus on you to get your life back from the disease & what will allow you to feel better.
In alanon you will learn coping skills that will improve your life, it is a learning process that is all about you~ recovery is self discovery.
I sent you a PM that has a few links to a CAL (Conference Approved Literature -Al-anon) pamphlet, that may help. Welcome.
Light, Love, Peace, Blessings & Healing to Us All. God's Will Be Done. Amen.
Aloha NS...welcome to the board. It's good you found MIP because there is support and help here which you already started getting from Kitty. I relate to your post well and it reminds me how alcoholism was entrenched in my life and with my alcoholic and addict. I didn't know anything about alcoholism and the disease...nothing, zip, nada and so I was a detriment to her sobriety. This disease is a family controls and manipulates all the members of the family at different levels in different roles. It is important that when recovery in one share or another hits one member of the family that the other members start learning how to live without reacting to it or else recovery will hardly work in the family unit. I was a very slow learner regarding alcoholism and when my alcoholic spouse came home from an AA meeting one evening and asked if I thought she was alcoholic, knowing nothing about it, I said no and she went back out again. We lost everything of value in our relationship including the material stuff.
How it works....fine the hotline number for Al-Anon in the white pages of your local telephone book and call to get the meeting places and times where we get together. Then go as early as you can. Make sure you hit the literature table cause there is a lot of information available to you on your condition and part in alcoholism. Find a chair...there will be lots of empty ones you can use. Sit down listen, learn, and after the meeting talk to the other membership and listen to their ESH...Experience, Strengths and Hope which you can borrow from for yourself and then get phone numbers from the membership who are willing to stick by you and support your own recovery. Al-Anon is named the Family Group for those who have been affected by somebody elses drinking. I hope you get to a meeting shortly and keep coming back here. (((((hugs)))))
thank you both so much. It's so comforting to know that im not alone. I found an al-anon meeting right in my neighborhood. they meet every Sat. I'm gonna go to the next one this wkend. I'm very nervous but very optomistic at the same time. I am experiencing so many different feelings & emotions all at once it seems like. I'm looking forward to meeting peolpe who are experiencing the same things as I am. I feel like I have missed out on so much because I was so wrapped up in my husbands addiction, like tending to him when he was drunk, wondering where he passed out when he wasn't home, just trying to keep his dirty little secret from everybody. It's gonna be weird to not do thoose things anymore. Again thank you both sooo much! Good luck to you both.
Welcome to Miracles In Progress where you will meet an receive replies from others who have been effected by the disease of alcoholism. We are all different, with a different set of circumstances, yet all the same because of the toll the disease has taken on us and from us. We don't give advice only our experience, strength, and hope.......what worked for us.
It's a great first step coming to MIP. My ES&H to you would be to do what others including myself did when the disease had consumed our thoughts and actions. Find an Al-Anon face to face meeting in your area where you will find the help you need from other members like yourself who will understand you as perhaps no one else can. Listen to what they have to say, put all the focus on yourself, and like me an others your life will get better....One Day At A Time.
thank you both so much. It's so comforting to know that im not alone. I found an al-anon meeting right in my neighborhood. they meet every Sat. I'm gonna go to the next one this wkend. I'm very nervous but very optomistic at the same time. I am experiencing so many different feelings & emotions all at once it seems like. I'm looking forward to meeting peolpe who are experiencing the same things as I am. I feel like I have missed out on so much because I was so wrapped up in my husbands addiction, like tending to him when he was drunk, wondering where he passed out when he wasn't home, just trying to keep his dirty little secret from everybody. It's gonna be weird to not do thoose things anymore. Again thank you both sooo much! Good luck to you both.
Welcome to MIP and I am glad to hear you are attending face to face meetings! It sounds like you are on your way and I am sending you love and support!
God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666