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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Beyond frustrated and I'm tearing ready to cry and go throw a tantrum out in my back yard. Another death to alcohol...another innocent victim run over and dragged beneath the van of a drunk until dead; not a native sun a student at our local college from Texas. I want to storm the legislature and scream at them for not seriously considering the legislative proposal and sitting on their asses smiling at themselves sound asleep. I want to warn them that they can be sued because they have had a solution for years that they have not acted on which might have saved these lives and I want to call the lawyers for the families and rat the legislature out. I'm enabling by not doing all I can to change the things I can even while they are enabling the situation to be what it is by not acting on the proposal.
I am positively depressed...anger turned inward...because I haven't woken any of them up enough to actually try to get it enacted rather than to just patronize it. "Very good, very comprehensive, I like this, I'm gonna take this with me into the next session and get this done"....My jaws are tight. I'm gonna cry and act out...I want to slap the sh*t out of my representative who the paper said was part of a loud drinking party last week that the police had to be called.
I need feed back...I need it bad...something to jack my hope up higher than where it is right now and right now I've place it in the hands of my HP and am crying "Pleeeeez get this done. It's the last thing I'll every ask from you. Promise...double promise. Don't you think it is good enough to get done. You're not another politician are you?"
I agree with everyone here with this condition just so royally SUCKS!! and to think that the major reason the won't change it is to not screw with the cash cow that cannot even pay the debt a tithe.
Jerry I understand your anger. The feeling of powerlessness. The feeling of wanting to scream and punch the wall. MY good friend in Miami is still in the hospital after two weeks from being hit head on by a hit run drunk driver at 8:30 AM. He's going to make it. All the details were held back for particular reasons. I spoke to him Friday in the hospital, he has two broke pelvics, two broken shoulders, and what I was unaware of, a broken neck. Minimum 12 weeks recouperation. The driver "only" had three prior convictions for DUI's. At best I am angry, at worst I am asking myself if I can ever forgive.
Jerry I know you have make it your mission as one man to do everything in your power and with the help of your Higher Power to see and make a change. The fact remains that it is not something that is first and foremost on the minds of the powers that be. I've thought and asked what will it take for a change to come. What could possibliity make not one state legisature but 50 state legisatures wake up to a problem that effects thousand of innocent men, women, and children each year. Forgive me, but nothing short of a major tragedy involving someone of national importance in my opinion would be a wake up call, God forbid.
Hp knows, HP sees, and HP is not powerless. I continue to ask him to find a solution. In my life I have never questioned my HP. And I'll not now. I only want his souution to come sooner rather than later.
Keep your fight and keep your faith Jerry. I along with thousand of others understand how and why you feel as you do. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired of continuing to be effected by this cunning, baffling, powerful, and senseless disease. If you want to drink don't drive. If your want to drive don't drink. I'm beyond enough already.
-- Edited by RLC on Monday 30th of May 2011 10:40:17 PM
Pray that HE will hear our cries....cries that the right people will see and do something once and for all about this horrific disease that is destroying man kind :(
(((((((((((((Jerry))))))))))))))))) I'm so sorry you are feeling like this right now. I hope you can find comfort in knowing it will pass. This disease is just plain horrifying. ((hugs)) Danielle
Wish I had some wise or profound words my friend... but I too, am kind of jaded at the "administration" behind alcohol..... Taking kids to a sporting event is tough, because people over-drink and are beligerent - but leagues don't want to clean it up, as it represents too much revenue....
I guess we just have to keep plugging away - put our heads down and our hearts into it, and continue to fight for what we believe....
You are a gem Jerry - that senseless tragedy you mentioned is NOT because of you - in fact, you have helped countless others so that there are less of those tragedies.
"He is either gonna drink, or he won't.... what are YOU gonna do?"
"What you think of me is none of my business"
"If you knew the answer to what you are worrying about, would it REALLY change anything?"
Jerry I learned this thru Al Anon and my higher power. Its my belief I own it,my experience.
Jesus had and has a message to get to everyone. He approached every kind of person on his path. He faced a lot of the same kind of people you are. His way was a bit different as he knew what his goal was, simply to share the message. He knew he could not talk anyone into anything, that was not his job.
He had surrendered his self, that what came would come and he would accept it. In many ways this is how we can look at a lot of things.All we can do is work hard, prepare and share the message, we do our best, the rest is not our responsibiity its in HP's hands to bring the result, whatever it is.
I know the situation is horrible, I know how passionate you are, however again its not up to you to do more. Surrender honey.
My moment was when I was facing being homeless. When I finally looked at I was doing my best, the anxiety was killing me, I thought ok if I am suppose to live in a tent or under a bridge I was. That Jehovah would bring the result.
Surrendering is so freeing, drop the rock. When we make ourselves crazy,it sucks the life out of us.
I hope you will look at the fact you have done your part. Be glad you have had the chance and still do to again and again to share the message.
Poverty,disease,lawlessness, tragedy etc. we can do our best to make changes, but again, we can only do our part and hp will do the rest in his time.
Now for me I KNOW that HP has a plan, that man cannot change so many things. In fact man thinks he has come so far, all this technology, yet there are still people, Many people who don't even have clean water, food, medicine!
Jer its honestly NOT in our hands to bring a result, you are doing your best with what you can do.Maybe what we need to do is thank HP for the blessing that we can be part of what we believe in our hearts to be right. Let go and Let God the creator.
I love ya Jer, you know that.Your passion is so impressive, sharing that may be your only part hon, debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
I agree with the frustration, but any moves to control alcohol seem to always backfire. Look at prohibition. Didn't work. I don't even think a tragedy on the scale of a celebrity would do it. Alcohol consumption is considered too normal. Look at Charlie Sheen - instead of his antics being a wake-up call to his fans about the negative repercussions of his disease, he's instead just ridiculed by the media.
I really like something I heard a long time ago. The more I fight a thing, the harder it fights back. I heard that if I want positive change in my life, I need to focus on the good stuff and not concentrate on preventing the bad. The more focus I give negative things, the bigger and more negative they get. I heard Mother Theresa would never attend an anti-war rally. She said invite her to a pro-peace rally, and she'd come.
Jerry, I have saved this quote from my grandsponsor who died in 2001. She was one heck of a lady with 46 years in the program when she went to the meeting in the sky.
"Any experience that you have had bless it and use the experience as stepping stones. When you bless, love and use everything that comes to you for your advantage and upliftment you bring positive loving supportive experiences into your life. It is a natural result. The program teaches us this. That love awakens you. And that love is what we are here for. To love each other, to be in each other, to be with each other. To live in spiritual community (with) unconditional loving and acceptance."
I wanted to write to love you right where you are today. The loss of life is so tragic. I believe in a green God that uses every person and experience to make a difference in this world. I do so hope that this young man that tragically lost his life will help turn the tide in government.
Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections St Francis de Sales
"I'm enabling by not doing all I can to change the things I can even while they are enabling the situation to be what it is by not acting on the proposal." -jerry
My best program "advice" is to: do what You can do, what you do have control over. If you have the passion (and it seems that you do) you do all you can. It takes impassioned people to continue to make noise and get attention for the cause. If you care, that is all that matters (and you are not alone) so honor yourself by doing every thing you can, this will get you back on program track and back with resepcting jerry on the inside. We resent ourselves and feel powerless when we dont do all we can. It will get better, when we take our positive action/s.
I know how important the outcome is to you, but try to release the outcome, that is in god's hands. What matters is what we are doing about. Practise faith that it will come to pass and it is in God's divine will for us.
Our disease is here affecting the world as an epidemic. We cannot change other's minds but we certainly can witness and share our story, keep doing that and contacting the representatives. Have you taken any of this cause to twitter or face book? My mom is an animal activist and she tweets about her animal rescue causes about 25 times a day - she is creating awareness and getting support - there are many avenues to do this with nowadays - keep trying different avenues and contacting more people. Maybe there could be a petition made up and a list of names who support it. Small ways we can help spread the word to get awareness to our cause. I am very sorry for the loss of life in this senseless tragedy. Get the focus back on you and what can you do right now to further the cause &/or to allow you to feel better. All things in god's timing, God's will be done!
Light, Love, Peace, Blessings & Healing to Us All. God's Will Be Done. Amen.
Does it help any to look at how far we've come? Not far enough yet but.... I'm often told of how much fun the wild days of beer gardens and late night partying was by people amazed they made it home ok. People whine about the tough DUII laws, "i only had a few beers, I didn't hurt anyone, didn't damage property and this is only my second DUI - why take away my license for 10 years and put me in jail?" Uh, because you didn't learn anything after the first DUI would be my guess. Unfortunately taking away someone's license doesn't mean they won't get in a car and drive without it.
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
I hear you ---DO NOT GIVE UP. No One thought that the cigarette companies could be defeated. I remember business meetings where the smoke was so thick I could not see the speaker. Bars, Movie theaters all permitted smoking
Just this week our Mayor signed another smoking ban ---This time in City Parks and beaches.
It took a long hard fight but the dangers of smoking have been recognized and actions taken.
Mahalo for all of the feedback...I'm "taking what I liked" which is all of it because of the mutual, unconditional love here and I am setting it out in front of my HP for review and feedback. I am in quiet, still, listening mode at the moment. I have emailed two of my local representatives and when I attempted to do the same with my contacts in the legislature in Honolulu the contact group disolved. It's okay time to give my head and heart a rest. I am hungover with grief and sadness and the frustration, although expected keeps me energized.
No I don't know how instumental I have been up until now other than to be a "horn blower" and I am leaving that measurement up to my HP. "Lord make me an instrument of thy peace..." I'm staying alert as best I can I've never ever liked watching and listening to the destruction from this chemical and other addictions.
There is till much to be grateful for and not fall asleep on. One of my biggest gratitudes is MIP and you members. Mahalo for your ESH and Support and ears. ((((hugs))))
Well, my friend, even if you haven't made the inroads and achieved the success with the authorities that you may have envisioned, rest assured that you have done tremendous work with all of us here at MIP.... You are a rare and beautiful gem, and your "work" on here has not gone unnoticed, and you have helped create many 'miracles in progress'....
"He is either gonna drink, or he won't.... what are YOU gonna do?"
"What you think of me is none of my business"
"If you knew the answer to what you are worrying about, would it REALLY change anything?"
To my beautiful friend ((Jerry)) thank you for your tireless work on behalf of all that is Good. I am so glad you have decided to rest.
I'm traveling this week. I've been thinking much about your original post and have been sending you love and light during my trip.
I relate to the frustration of powerlessness. This week, I am experiencing it with my family, my children and exAH.... frustrated that no matter what the devastating loss has been in our family... it doesn't seem to have opened anyones' eyes. Alcohol is still revered, new trends in cocktails, ugh.... the insanity... the lies... the destroyed relationships... no one gets it.
(prepare yourself, dear friend, i am all over the place..........)
I guess I am different since I moved away to another state, sometimes I just don't recognize my children anymore. My daughter is in the military, preparing to deploy later this year. My heart does not like war. She seems to be proud of it.... some of our conversations leave me utterly speechless. And I guess I never knew her political views before. My son appears to be "one of us"... he yelled at me over the phone last night when I simply asked when I might see him during my visit this week, he has not answered one of my calls this past week. I became full of fear and resentment at being yelled at and hearing the excuses, of course... went to bed feeling restless, irritable and discontent.... hating the dis-ease... hating war... hating politicians....hating the effing pillow I was sleeping on. I want my recovery to matter! I want all my inner work to matter! I want my peace to matter.... and suddenly, I knew I had none. Then, as you mention... anger turned inward.
In meditation this morning, I struggled a great deal with egoic thinking, couldn't rid myself of Self, could not get free. Stayed with it though. Eventually I heard the truth, I was reminded of my own lack of substantial being...... which reminded me of my equanimity... which reminded me to be compassionate.... which reminded me that there is "another" in me... aaah, the on-going battlefield of my mind.... my will vs. God's will (which must be EVERYTHING I have no control over.)
War has many faces. The war in my brain is like a microcosm of a macrocosm... it's all the same enemy. My hatred, my dis-ease is all the same poison, all feeding on itself. In clarity, my program can be summed up in one word, surrender.
I feel defeated this morning. This world is never going to be my salvation and I should know that. It's likely my HP has me right where I need to be this morning. I will be finding my chair at a noon meeting today.
I give praise and thanks to your Higher power, for all that is accomplished through you, my friend. Please stop being so hard on yourself. Please place your hands over your heart and send my love and gratitude there. Thank you for being here with me.
-- Edited by glad lee on Wednesday 1st of June 2011 11:03:26 AM
The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.
You mentioned 'horn blower' - reminds me of a couple of things my dad used to repeat as reminders for things that we were working on but seemingly caused only frustration and anger because it never came fast enough....
The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease
You Catch More Flies With Honey Than You Do With Vinegar
This too, shall pass my friend... what I have to offer is little especially in comparison to what others have already said.... but perhaps these two sayings can give you something - a new or different perspective...opposites attract? I don't know for sure... but in many different circumstances in my own harbingers - these two tiny reminders become neon signs in my mind when the going gets tough.
You are blessed, loved and offer so much to so many...
lacewing ~!~
...He compared his weathered hand to mine and said, ... GROWTH OF THE MIND AND HEART are the best offers you can Grandfather (Keeper of Stories), to me